In the article, we will consider popular medicines for the treatment of adenoma in men. This disease negatively affects not only the patient's sexual life, but also his physical and psychological he alth, as well as relationships with other people and family members.
Choosing the right treatment for this pathology, specialists prescribe drugs of various groups. A clear therapeutic effect can be achieved due to the fact that pharmaceutical drugs work with each other in parallel, that is, in combination. Only a qualified doctor can choose the right medicines for adenoma. With such a diagnosis, self-medication will be ineffective and may even cause an aggravation of the development of the disease.

When is drug therapy needed for this pathology?
At the first symptoms of the disease, you need to take action. In the early stages of developmentdiseases, effective drugs for adenoma are prescribed, which will help slow down the pathological process and normalize the state of the inflamed tissue. When an adenoma is in an advanced form, drug treatment will only alleviate its manifestations. For a full recovery, radical methods will be needed. If the drugs have been chosen correctly, the patient's quality of life will be greatly improved. To select the appropriate medication for a newly installed prostate adenoma in a man, a specialist should take into account several factors:
- susceptibility of the patient's body to various substances;
- age category;
- features of the disease.
Popular drugs
It is difficult to say unequivocally which drugs for adenoma in men will be the most effective and best, because they will act differently on the body of a particular patient. That is why it is very important to choose therapeutic methods in such a way that they take into account the individual characteristics of each person.
In the treatment of prostate adenoma, the use of several drugs is necessary. They can be issued in the following forms:
- microclysters;
- pills;
- rectal suppositories.
The most effective drugs in the treatment of prostate adenoma, most experts consider drugs that have pathogenetic characteristics. They have gone through a lot of clinical research. Many patients were satisfied with the effectiveness of these drugs. ATtheir number includes:
- Alpha-receptor blockers - allow you to quickly eliminate spasmodic pain in the muscle tissue of the urethra. Their use makes the process of removing urine less problematic.
- 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. Thanks to them, the enzyme that provokes the accumulation of dihydrotestosterone is inhibited. The latter becomes the causative agent of active cell reproduction in the prostate gland.
You will also need additional drugs for prostate adenoma, intended to combat the manifestations of the disease. In this case, we are talking about drugs such as:
- immunomodulators;
- vitamin complexes;
- painkillers;
- antispasmodics;
- anti-inflammatory;
- decongestants.

When a treatment plan is drawn up with medications, the doctor should definitely pay attention to the presence of problems in the patient in the activities of other systems and organs. It is especially important to pay attention to this factor when monitoring pathology in an elderly person. The prescribed drugs should not have a strongly pronounced negative effect on other internal organs. Otherwise, such therapy will bring many serious complications.
Medicated treatment
Pharmacy medicines for adenoma are included in various pharmacological groups. Acting simultaneously, they perfectly eliminate the obvious manifestations of the disease. If prostate adenoma has been identifiedin a timely manner, then it is possible to get rid of the disease through the use of drugs. In these patients, surgery is not recommended. It is resorted to only in situations where drug treatment does not allow a positive result to be obtained, or the disease has developed into a complicated form. To understand the situation, one should get acquainted with disturbing symptoms and examine the patient's prostate gland.
Alpha blockers
The tablets included in this group are intended to alleviate the pathological symptoms that bother the patient with prostate adenoma. They help to relax the muscles of the urinary tract and bladder. Thanks to this, spasms and sharp pains in the affected area stop. The urination process becomes more normal. Alpha blockers help fix it. However, they cannot solve the problem that caused such discomfort. Thus, these drugs are not intended for the treatment of the prostate gland. The use of alpha-blockers is prohibited in men who have been diagnosed with hypotension, as they can lower blood pressure. In addition, such drugs are not prescribed in the presence of an acute disturbance in the activity of the organs responsible for the urinary process. This condition can occur with a significant increase in the prostate gland. It makes sense to use alpha blockers if there is little hyperplasia. Usually, specialists prescribe the following medicines: Setegis, Omnik, Flosin, Lokren.
The most popular drug for prostatitisand adenomas - "Omnik", about which you can find out the details by carefully studying the instructions for use. This drug contains tamsulosin. The active ingredient blocks receptors belonging to the neck of the bladder. That is why the spasm passes, and the outflow of urine immediately normalizes. This drug, like many other alpha blockers, is well tolerated by the patient. Since the medicine for Omnic adenoma has a small number of contraindications, this drug is suitable even for the treatment of the elderly. He has no side effects. This is explained by the fact that the drug affects only the organ in need of treatment.
5-alpha reductase inhibitors
Prostate adenoma is treated without surgery using 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, which allow you to stop the course of the pathological process and restore the affected tissues. Thus, after the use of these drugs, the disease regresses. In addition, inhibitors act against the symptoms of adenoma. That is why the result of such treatment is a significantly improved patient's well-being. More than half of the men were able to avoid surgery by taking this group of drugs. Such therapy leads to the best prognosis.

To get a pronounced effect, you need to take medication for at least six months. The first results will be noticeable two to three months after the start of the course of treatment. Experts advise to carry it outinhibitors, which include dutasteride and finasteride. These substances are used to reduce the concentration of dihydrotestosterone in the patient's blood. Such a hormone affects the growth of pathological tissue in the prostate. Therefore, the disease, when it is oppressed, ceases to develop. The choice of inhibitors is a complex process. This is due to the fact that they have quite a few side effects.
In some cases, drugs have a negative effect on the prostate gland, intimate life and sperm quality. To reduce the likelihood of such reactions before prescribing a medication, the attending physician should comprehensively examine his patient. The following effective drugs for adenoma from among 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are recommended: Finasteride Teva, Prosteride, Avodart. The most popular and well-known remedy is Finasteride Teva, which is suitable for all patients, except for men planning to conceive a child. Use is not recommended because the active substances of the drug may adversely affect the development of the embryo.
What other drugs are used to treat adenoma?

Combination medications
Since hyperplasia must be treated in a complex manner, the doctor may additionally prescribe combined agents to the patient. Their use should last from six months to a year. The most famous representative of this group is the drug "Soniride Duo", which combines the signs of an inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase andalpha blocker. Due to this, the drug quickly eliminates the acute manifestations of the disease and contributes to the rapid recovery of the prostate.
With prostate adenoma, drugs called androgens are effective, which are not able to directly affect the growth of pathological tissues. However, with their help, it is possible to normalize the tone of the muscles of the bladder, which helps to improve the urinary process. The best drugs among androgens are: Omnadren, Sustanon, Methyltestosterone, Testobromlecit. Such drugs for prostate adenoma are allowed to be treated for a month. It is necessary to avoid cases of overdose with these medicines, since it can become dangerous due to the suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. To prevent this condition, it is not allowed to take more than five milligrams of these medicines.

Very popular medicines made on the basis of natural ingredients that help suppress the development of a small adenoma. The herbal preparation gives the following effects: decongestant, antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. The list of drugs for prostate adenoma, suitable for herbal medicine, includes drugs that have a positive effect on blood vessels, and this is their additional advantage. Thanks to natural medicines, spasmodic pains can be eliminated, urinary function can be improved.process and suppress the spread of pathological tissue. Prostate disease is treated with the help of such herbal remedies as Prostamol, Peponen, Tykveol, Prostagut Forte, Adenostop.
Tykveol, a drug for prostate adenoma, is in the greatest demand among men, as it quickly eliminates the symptoms of the disease and reduces the size of the neoplasm. This medication should be treated for three months or more.
Contraindications to the use of these medications
Treatment through medication, although often recommended, is in some cases contraindicated for a man. Another therapeutic method is selected for patients with the following disorders:
- an advanced form of hyperplasia;
- possible prostate cancer;
- acute kidney failure;
- presence of scar tissue in the pelvis.
All decisions regarding the choice of treatment option should be made by a competent specialist. When the patient adheres to all medical requirements, he will be able to quickly cope with the pathology. You can not skip the use of the drug in the right dosage. If side effects are detected in the patient during treatment, the specialist will replace the problem remedy with a similar one, which will not so aggressively affect the weakened body.

Is Indigal effective?
The drug "Indigal" for the treatment of prostate adenoma is effective and safe. Using thisthe drug is also economically justified. The course of treatment with this medicine is much cheaper in most cases compared to other popular medicines.
Dietary supplement has no negative effects if there is no individual sensitivity. In patients with a regressed precancerous condition, a better hormonal background is observed, indicating the normalization of the hormonal balance in the tissues of the prostate and additionally contributing to the prevention of oncology.

When adenoma "Indigal" is recommended to take two capsules twice a day for six months, followed by prophylaxis every year. Repeated courses are recommended at the same dosage for three months.
The drug "Indigal" goes well with other means. If the symptoms of the disease are severe, it should be taken along with alpha-blockers. It is advised to take the medication with meals.
We reviewed drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma.