Professor Skulachev: eye drops. Eye drops "Vizomitin" (Skulachev's drops): reviews, price, instructions

Professor Skulachev: eye drops. Eye drops "Vizomitin" (Skulachev's drops): reviews, price, instructions
Professor Skulachev: eye drops. Eye drops "Vizomitin" (Skulachev's drops): reviews, price, instructions

Time does not stand still, and all biological forms of life on Earth are subject to senile changes. The emerging aging processes determine the appearance of dissatisfaction with one's own body and others, the occurrence of rapid breathing during movement, shortness of breath, stooping posture and stiffness of movements. In addition, vision deteriorates.

There is an opinion, which, by the way, is very common, that the aging process is not something to stop, but to slow down is almost impossible. Professor Skulachev, whose eye drops have a truly miraculous effect, has a different point of view.

Of course, aging is a natural process, but why can't it be slowed down? Aging happens for a reason. In the circle of scientists involved in the aging process of the human body, there is a strong opinion that our DNA chain contains a special program responsible for the aging process throughout the body. Upon reaching a certain age, this program is activated, which ultimately leads to the inevitable -death.

Professor Skulachev eye drops
Professor Skulachev eye drops

What is the danger of aging for the eyes

Violation of the processes of visual perception is one of the signs of the aging process. No, of course, you can meet people with a colossal state of he alth, which is enough to actively and fully resist all kinds of diseases of old age, but if a person suddenly loses his sight or it deteriorates dramatically, then even such a “hero” becomes doomed to disability.

The vast majority of ophthalmic diseases develop very slowly over time. With age, the lacrimal gland works worse and worse, and this entails a decrease in the production and quality of the tear itself. This becomes noticeable after reaching the age of 40, but can also happen after 30.

So what's wrong with that? It is quite natural that with age the eye protective film becomes thinner, corneal microtraumas and damages, inflammatory diseases occur more and more often, eye fatigue occurs faster. In the future, such microchanges are the foundation for the development of more formidable diseases, such as cataracts, increased intraocular pressure with the development of glaucoma, degenerative changes in the retina and optic nerve may begin with progressive loss of vision. However, do not be afraid that these diseases can manifest themselves all at once. Their development is slow and gradual.

This prompted the fact that Professor Skulachev decided to create eye drops. Reviewsby far the most positive about them. A very large, if not huge, number of ophthalmic patients got a chance to look at the world again with clear eyes without surgery. And all thanks to the fact that Professor Skulachev invented eye drops, the price of which is more than democratic.

Skulachev's eye drops where to buy
Skulachev's eye drops where to buy

Mitochondrial type antioxidants

At the Moscow State University. Lomonosov, since 2005, a research project has been launched to develop drugs designed to delay activation and slow down the process of the aging program. Under the strict guidance of V. P. Skulachev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a biochemist who has been studying the processes occurring in mitochondria for more than forty years, a new type of biologically active substances, mitochondrial type antioxidants, was invented.

In the first studies after the invention of this type of chemical, scientists found that mitochondrial antioxidants slowed down, and in some cases reversed, the development of eye diseases in animals under experimental conditions. A few years later, a lot of work was done on the invention of a new drug based on mitochondrial antioxidants, and Professor Skulachev introduced eye drops under the name "Vizomitin".

Let's look at one of the very first signs of eye aging - age-related dysfunction of the lacrimal gland. What happens with age? With age, there is a decrease in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the lacrimal fluid and, as a result, the development of the "dry eye" syndrome. It manifests itself with initial sensations of discomfort in the eyes, a feeling of grains of sand or a small foreign body, and with the gradual progression of the disease, more and more serious consequences may occur.

Note that cataract drops currently exist on the pharmaceutical market in large quantities. The number of drugs aimed at treating symptomatic manifestations in the "dry eye" is also large, but almost all of them (or the vast majority of them) are a synthetic analogue of human lacrimal fluid. Their main disadvantage is that the patient has to use these drugs from 10 to 20-25 times a day, since the use is simply aimed at restoring the normal content of the tear fluid in the eye.

drops for cataracts
drops for cataracts

Laboratory and clinical trials

The newest drops "Vizomitin" radically differ in principle of action from similar drugs used to treat dry eyes. They act on the very cause of the disease, improving the functioning of the lacrimal gland and stopping its degenerative changes. In addition, these drops have the same effect as cataract drops based on artificial tears.

This circumstance is not just a theoretical statement, but a really established fact. Professor Skulachev studied eye drops in every possible way onanimals, and also conducted clinical trials of the drug in many eye centers: at the Department of Ophthalmology (Russian State Medical University) and at the Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases.

The results from these studies and clinical trials are quite encouraging. Professor Skulachev, whose eye drops are sold under the name Vizomitin, says they are in many ways more effective than similar drugs used to treat and eliminate the signs of dry eye syndrome. Moreover, it is worth noting that no side effects were observed in patients with the use of these drops.

Based on the results of these studies, the drug was registered with the Ministry of He alth and Social Development in December 2011 as a keratoprotective agent called "Vizomitin", or Skulachev's eye drops. Where to buy the drug today? Since the summer of 2012, it has appeared in the retail network of pharmacies in the country.

Of course, like any other new drug with a previously unknown active ingredient, "Vizomitin" is released only by prescription. Is it possible to buy Skulachev's eye drops without it? Where can I buy them if there is no prescription? Do not resort to tricks, but contact your treating ophthalmologist. The release of the drug by prescription should not be attributed to the disadvantages - this largely determines its purposeful prescription, which, in turn, implies a good effect from the application.

A truly unique discovery madeProfessor Skulachev. Eye drops, reviews of which are only good, really have a miraculous effect. Ophthalmologists not only in Russia, but all over the world follow their implementation and clinical trials. Separate conferences and symposiums are devoted to this drug in order to convey information to each ophthalmologist.

Let's dwell in more detail on the drug "Vizomitin". Instructions for use can give a lot of interesting information.

vizomitin drops
vizomitin drops

Medication description

This product is a nearly clear, possibly somewhat colored or slightly opalescent liquid. The active ingredient is plastoquinonyldecyltriphenylphosphonium bromide, which contains 0.155 mcg in 1 ml of the drug. As excipients, benzalkonium chloride, hypromellose, sodium chloride, etc. are used. This drug belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of keratoprotective agents, as well as to the group of antioxidants.

Pharmacodynamic data

Plastoquinonyldecyltriphenylphosphonium bromide is a derivative of plastoquinone, which is linked to a triphenylphosphine residue through a so-called linker chain. According to Dr. Skulachev, eye drops (the price for them is not high due to the relative cheapness of the synthesis of this compound) in nanomolar concentrations can exhibit very high antioxidant activity with a high stimulating effect on tear formation processes, increase the physical stability of the tear film formed, and alsohave an effect on epithelialization processes.

Skulachev eye drops reviews
Skulachev eye drops reviews

Pharmacokinetic data

To date, it is worth saying that studies of the pharmacokinetic series have not been conducted in humans. As for preclinical studies on animals, the distribution of the active substance of the drops throughout the body was noted within 2 days after parenteral or oral administration. The presence of plastoquinonyldecyltriphenylphosphonium bromide was recorded in the highest concentrations in the kidney tissue and liver tissue, heart 1 hour after administration. It was noted that this substance was very quickly degraded by enzymes and was capable of covalent bonds with proteins.

Indications for use and contraindications

Skulachev's "Vizomitin" drops are prescribed for "dry eye" syndrome, age-related changes in the lacrimal gland, computer syndrome. Based on the fact that scientific research on the effects of the drug is still ongoing, it is also recommended for cataracts, glaucoma and complex therapy of any diseases in ophthalmology.

As Vladimir Skulachev pointed out, eye drops are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the drug, as well as in children under the age of 18.

Professor Skulachev eye drops price
Professor Skulachev eye drops price

Use during pregnancy and lactation

To date, there have been no full-fledged, randomized, blind controlled trials of the drug in pregnant women, as well as in nursing mothers. It was. In view of this circumstance, it is highly not recommended to prescribe the drug during gestation. If there is an urgent need for an appointment during the lactation period, then breastfeeding should be stopped.

Method of application and dosage of the drug

The drug should be instilled 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac of the diseased eye three times a day. Depending on the severity of the symptoms and the severity of the course of the disease, the duration of the therapeutic course can be set individually by the attending ophthalmologist.

Side effects and overdose

According to the results of scientific research, as well as clinical and laboratory tests of the drug, no side effects have been identified, but allergic reactions may occur. There are no data on overdose with topical application of the drug.

Drug Interactions

There are no data on drug interactions with other drug groups. If there is a need for the simultaneous use of "Vizomitin" with other eye drops, the interval between eye drops should be at least 5 minutes.

Special Instructions

During clinical trials of the drug, data were obtained that "Vizomitin" is capable of causing short-term disturbances of accommodation with its subsequent restoration. If after the use of the drug there is a visual impairment, you should refrain from driving a vehicle or mechanisms, as well as carrying out activities that require increased attention, until the acuity is fully restored.view.

Skulachev eye drops price
Skulachev eye drops price

Issue form

Eye drops with an active ingredient content of 0.155 mcg/ml are produced in special 5 ml polyethylene bottles with stoppers - droppers and screw caps. The drug is released only by prescription. Store eye drops at a temperature of 2 to 80C.

Where to buy medicine

You can buy Vizomitin drops, the price of which is not high today, if you compare it with the expected effect, in almost every pharmacy in Russia. The average cost in the Russian Federation of drops is about 500 rubles. The effect of the drug is simply colossal. A huge number of people have been able to see clearly and clearly thanks to this tool. As Professor Skulachev pointed out, eye drops, the price of which is affordable for everyone, will have an effective therapeutic effect for those who suffer from ophthalmic diseases.

Undoubtedly, after a certain period of time, research universities will complete full-scale studies of Visomitin eye drops, and then, with a high degree of probability, new opportunities for the use of mitochondrial antioxidants will appear not only in the clinical practice of ophthalmology, but also in other areas of medicine.

Reviews about the drug

Numerous testimonials from people who have used Vizomitin eye drops are based on their action. Patients are pleased that the drug does not require frequent instillation, and with prolonged use, its frequencyapplications can be reduced to once a day. According to consumers, eye problems are really solved. They stop blushing, get tired less, puffiness disappears. Patients did not notice any side effects.
