Eyes are considered the mirror of a person's soul, and the skin clearly reflects the state of his he alth. Human skin displays all deviations in the work of the body in the form of spots, blisters, pimples and ulcers. However, even taking into account the discomfort delivered by these rashes, their occurrence helps to identify many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the early stages.
Patients diagnosed with pancreatitis are familiar with red dots on their bodies. Gastroenterologists associate the appearance of these points with an exacerbation of the disease. Droplets of red color affect the chest, back, abdomen and very rarely can be found on the neck, legs and arms. These points in medicine are called Tuzhilin's symptom.
Pancreatitis and its symptoms
Pain in pancreatitis can be localized in different places:
- when the tail of the pancreas is affected, the pain is mostly in the left hypochondrium, that is, a little to the left of the navel;
- when the body of the pancreas suffers, the pain covers the epigastric region, also slightly to the left;
- with pathology of the head of the glandpain to the right of the midline (Choffard zone).

If the whole organ is affected, the pain is girdle. About half an hour after eating, unpleasant sensations in the abdomen begin. Such manifestations are especially strongly felt if the food is spicy, fatty, smoked. When a person lies on his back, the pain intensifies. As soon as he takes a sitting position - it subsides. Only taking strong painkillers relieves the patient's condition.
But pancreatitis can occur in a painless form and indicate its presence in the body with red droplets on the body.
Red dots in pancreatitis
Red dots are vascular aneurysms. They appear due to dysfunction of the pancreas, which produces enzymes and hormones that affect the condition of the skin. Sometimes their appearance is associated with an allergic reaction to certain drugs that restore the functionality of the pancreas. What does a person with Tuzhilin's symptom look like? Photo below.

Where are spots most often located in the syndrome? The spots are localized mainly on the patient's body, most often affecting the chest and abdomen, and may have a rounded regular shape. They are red in color and do not change color on palpation. Generally not a cause for concern, but can occasionally cause pain, burning, or itching.
Such rashes indicate a malfunction of the pancreas. Than their numbermore, the more acute the course of the disease. And vice versa, with a decrease in the number of points - symptoms of Tuzhilin's syndrome, the pathological process is attenuated.
Not all cases of pancreatitis are accompanied by the appearance of such points, and therefore, to identify the causes of their appearance, you need to consult a gastroenterologist. From a physiological point of view, rashes do not cause discomfort and ailments. The patient's problems are more of a psychological nature, which affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Not only does pancreatitis provoke Tuzhilin's symptom, but also some cardiovascular diseases. Gastroenterologists can determine the exact cause of the appearance of red spots-droplets. For this, special analyzes and methods are used.
The easiest way to diagnose a problem is to apply pressure. If, with light pressure on the droplet, it turns pale, then the patient has an exacerbation of pancreatitis in an acute form. The number of points in a patient depends on the extent to which Tuzhilin's symptom progresses (a symptom of red droplets). Photos of signs of such manifestations are given in this article.

Treatment of red spots on the skin
Methods of treating Tuzhilin's symptom directly depend on the causes of its occurrence. However, to get rid of red spots, you still need to undergo therapy with certain medications. Before taking, you need to make sure that the red dots are not an allergic reaction to pancreatitis drugs. If nevertheless it turns out that this is an allergy, the medication should be takenstop immediately and replace them with others.
But if this is still a symptom of Tuzhilin, treatment is required. An appointment with a gastroenterologist is a prerequisite. The method of treatment is selected on a strictly individual basis, and the biomaterial that was taken from the patient will help the doctor in this. Thanks to well-prescribed therapy, the number of red dots and manifestations of discomfort caused by itching, burning, and pain can be reduced.

The most common therapies are as follows:
- the doctor will prescribe medicines that remove toxins from the body and prevent their impact on the patient's he alth, if the red dots caused bile acids in the patient's blood;
- drugs of the antihistamine group are good at treating the syndrome caused by allergies. These are drugs that act on the receptors that are responsible for the manifestation of allergies, blocking the action.
Getting rid of red droplets on the human body and the discomfort they cause requires treatment of pancreatic disease, the course of which should be monitored by a qualified specialist.
Diet in the treatment of Tuzhilin's syndrome
So, a person has Tuzhilin's symptom. A diet aimed at reducing the level of produced gastric secretion is an important condition for the treatment of red spots in pancreatitis, which significantly improves the condition of the patient's skin.

The essence of the diet is to exclude certain foods fromration:
- spice;
- dishes rich in sugar and carbohydrates;
- canned foods;
- fatty meat (pork, lamb) and broths based on them;
- fried;
- buffets and pastries;
- sausages and smoked products.
This list can be adjusted by the doctor depending on the nature of the disease and individual characteristics. Eating should take place 6 times a day in small portions. Of course, this depends on how Tuzhilin's syndrome manifests itself, the symptoms, the treatment of which are closely interrelated.
A prerequisite for a complete recovery is the restriction of tobacco smoking and the rejection of alcohol. Keeping an active lifestyle and frequent walks in the fresh air will also be useful.
The state of his he alth is displayed on the skin of a person. Dysfunction of one of the vital organs causes the appearance of blisters, rashes and spots. Although Tuzhilin's symptom gives the patient some discomfort in the form of pain, itching and burning, it allows timely diagnosis of pancreatic diseases in the early stages.

The appearance of the first red spots in the back, abdomen or chest should encourage the patient to seek help from a specialist, as this may not be a cosmetic defect, but a symptom of a serious illness.