Let's figure out how obstructive bronchitis differs from ordinary bronchitis. This is a common disease of the lower respiratory canals, which is characterized by an inflammatory process in the bronchial mucosa. Symptoms and tactics of therapy depend on the form in which the pathological process proceeds: acute or chronic. In addition, the stage of development of the disease plays a role. It is necessary to treat such a pathology of any of its forms fully and in a timely manner. The fact is that inflammatory processes in the bronchi not only affect the quality of life, but are also dangerous with severe complications in the form of pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dysfunctions of the cardiac and vascular systems. So what is the difference between obstructive bronchitis and ordinary bronchitis, it is important to find out.

Disease classification
There are two main types: acute and chronicshape. They may differ in manifestations, symptoms, course of the disease and methods of therapy.
Acute bronchitis
To understand the difference between acute and obstructive bronchitis, you need to describe in detail each form of the disease. Acute occurs, as a rule, suddenly, passes very rapidly and, with proper treatment, lasts an average of ten days. At the end of this period, the affected cells of the bronchial walls begin to regenerate, and immediately a full recovery in case of inflammation of a bacterial or viral etiology occurs after three weeks. Such bronchitis is non-obstructive and obstructive. Let's find out what are the main differences between them.
Acute non-obstructive type: symptoms in adults
This species is also called a simple form, which is characterized by the development of catarrhal inflammatory processes in the bronchi and the absence of blockage of the organ by inflammatory contents. The most common cause of this variety is a viral infection along with non-infectious agents. As the disease progresses with appropriate therapy, sputum leaves the organ during coughing, and at this stage respiratory failure does not develop yet.

Difference in symptoms: obstructive disease
What is the difference between obstructive bronchitis and ordinary bronchitis, few people know. In the obstructive form, the inflammatory process is often purulent or catarrhal in nature, covering the bronchi of small and medium caliber, and blockage occurs.exudate lumen. Muscle walls can reflexively contract, causing spasms. Respiratory failure occurs, which leads to oxygen starvation. The difference between bronchitis and obstructive bronchitis can be determined by a qualified specialist.
How does the obstructive form manifest in adults?
It has a rather rapid onset and starts with the appearance of discomfort in the chest area, painful bouts of unproductive dry cough are possible, which intensifies at night and causes pain in the diaphragmatic and pectoral muscles. There may be general manifestations in the form of intoxication of the body, weakness, headaches, sensation of aches, hyperthermia, rhinitis, sore throat and lacrimation are likely.
Cough in this disease is a protective mechanism that helps to remove exudate from the bronchi. With proper treatment, five days after the onset of the disease, a stage with sputum production occurs, which brings some relief. Moist rales are heard in the chest against the background of breathing.
What is the difference between obstructive bronchitis and chronic bronchitis?
In the presence of a chronic form, the symptoms of the inflammatory process in the bronchial walls can be observed in patients for three or more months. Actually, this is the main difference from acute varieties of the disease, which pass much faster. The main symptom of chronic bronchitis is an unproductive cough that occurs in the morning after sleep. Possible shortness of breath, which will increase with physicalloads.
The main reason for such bronchitis are permanent factors in the form of occupational hazards (smoke, burning, soot, gas, chemical fumes, and the like). The most common provocateur is tobacco smoke in the case of active or passive smoking.
It is worth noting that the chronic form is typical mainly for adults. In children, it develops only in case of immunodeficiency, anomalies in the structure of the lower sector of the respiratory system, and as a result of serious illnesses.
How is obstructive bronchitis different from normal bronchitis in children?
Symptomatics of obstructive bronchitis in children
This disease is diagnosed in young patients under three years of age with a frequency of one to four, that is, every fourth baby before the age of three suffers at least once from this form of the disease. Recurring frequent episodes increase the likelihood of chronic pathology and emphysema.

It is desirable for parents to have an idea about the difference between bronchitis and obstructive bronchitis in children. Cough is not considered a mandatory manifestation; in infants or weakened children, it is sometimes absent altogether. Respiratory failure leads to cyanosis (blue skin tone). When breathing, a movement of retraction of the intercostal space can be expressed, along with the expansion of the wings of the nose. The temperature, as a rule, can be kept in the subfebrile range and does not exceed thirty-eight degrees. With concomitant viralinfections, some catarrhal manifestations can be noted in the form of a runny nose, sore throat, lacrimation, and the like. The difference between bronchitis and obstructive bronchitis can be difficult to tell.
Non-obstructive form in children
This type of bronchitis in childhood, as a rule, proceeds in exactly the same way as in adults: it all starts with a dry cough and symptoms of intoxication, then the disease progresses to the stage of sputum production, which occurs on the fifth day. The total duration of illness, assuming no complications, is usually three weeks.
This form is considered the most favorable in terms of the prognosis for recovery, but it is most common among schoolchildren and adolescents. Preschool children, due to the characteristics of the respiratory system, are much more likely to get obstructive bronchitis. Next, we turn to the issue of treatment of various forms of this disease. Let's figure out how obstructive bronchitis differs from the usual one in terms of therapy.
Diagnosis of disease
To diagnose a pathology, determine its cause, stage of development and the presence of a complication, doctors resort to the following research methods:
- Implementation of anamnesis along with the analysis of patient complaints, visual examination, listening to breath sounds with a stethoscope.
- Blood and sputum testing.
- X-ray to rule out or confirm pneumonia as a complication of bronchitis.
- Performing a spirogram exam to determine the level of obstruction andshortness of breath.
- Performance of bronchoscopy in case of suspected anatomical developmental anomaly, the presence of a foreign body in the bronchi, tumor changes, and so on.
- Computed tomography according to indications.

Basic methods of therapy for various forms of bronchitis
How acute and obstructive bronchitis is treated. What's the difference?
Depending on the factors in the development of the disease, first of all, doctors prescribe drugs that act on the pathogen, we are talking about antiviral drugs, antibiotics, antifungal agents, and so on.

To etiotropic treatment, symptomatic therapy is necessarily used in combination in the form of the use of antipyretics, mucolytic drugs (Acetylcysteine, as well as Ambroxol) and drugs that suppress the cough reflex.
In this case, preparations of general and local effects are used (for example, inhalers, instillation and sprays into the nasal passage, and so on are applicable). Methods of light physical education, massage, which facilitates the separation and removal of sputum, as well as gymnastics, are added to drug treatment.
In the treatment of any bronchitis, an important role is played by the exclusion of factors that provoke inflammatory processes in tissues, whether it be occupational hazards, environmental conditions, smoking, and the like. After exclusion of these provocateurs, long-term treatment is carried out with the help of mucolytic,bronchodilators and general he alth-improving drugs. It is possible to use oxygen therapy, as well as sanatorium rest.
Peculiarities of treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults
During therapy, the patient needs mandatory careful care along with plenty of fluids, light meals, and a rich plant-based diet. In the process of drug exposure, doctors use bronchodilators along with vasoconstrictor drugs, antibiotics and combined drugs. In severe cases, with the diagnosis of "obstructive bronchitis", hormonal preparations are used in the form of inhalations, intravenous injections, and the like. Mucolytic pharmaceuticals such as Ambroxol, Acetylcysteine, Bromhexine and others are effectively used to combat the disease.

Chronic treatment
During an exacerbation of such bronchitis, a complex of different therapeutic procedures is required. First of all, it should be medical treatment. But in addition to drugs that fight the disease, it is also important to use vitamin complexes in order to support the he alth of the body. As part of the prevention of exacerbation of the chronic form of bronchitis, patients need to follow a complete diet, normalizing their sleep and wakefulness schedule, and they also need to avoid any hypothermia. Physiotherapy will also serve as an effective method in treatment.
Therapy for obstructive bronchitis in children
Fight against thisthe pathological process should be complex, aimed not only at reducing cough (which among many mothers and fathers becomes the most common mistake), but above all at eliminating spasms, inflammation and swelling of the bronchi. No less important is the fight against infectious agents that called for the development of an illness in a child. You will also need a general strengthening of the immune system of the crumbs along with the restoration of normal intestinal microflora and vitamin therapy.

Prevention of obstructive form
This type of bronchitis is the most common. In order to protect your child and yourself personally from it, it is necessary to avoid any contact with people who are sick with colds, as well as the flu and any otolaryngology. It is equally important to avoid hypothermia. Doctors recommend playing sports, hardening your body, taking multivitamin complexes to increase the protective properties of immunity.
We looked at how to distinguish obstructive bronchitis from normal. The considered disease is an inflammatory disease. The bronchi serve as an element of the respiratory system, which connects the trachea and lungs. In this regard, in no case should inflammatory processes occur in this area of the body, otherwise serious complications are possible, which will certainly affect the quality of breathing processes. In the event of a pathology, regardless of its form, it is required to immediately begin competent treatment.