Prutnyak ordinary: useful properties, contraindications and use in medicine

Prutnyak ordinary: useful properties, contraindications and use in medicine
Prutnyak ordinary: useful properties, contraindications and use in medicine

Nature is a great gift given to us by higher powers. Traditional medicine has been known from the very beginnings of human existence. At the level of the instinct of self-preservation, people were forced to independently provide each other with medical care for various diseases. Remedies had to be sought in the environment. Plants and herbs that helped fight ailments were life-saving remedies.

Experience and rich knowledge of healing have been accumulated over the centuries, and then passed on to descendants. Many folk recipes using herbs have a long history. In ancient Russia, the main medicinal plants were nettle, chamomile, St. John's wort and common prutnyak. The latter will be discussed in today's article. This is an outstanding shrub that has several names: sacred vitex, Abraham's tree, etc. In the East, it is called the king-tree and it is believed that it has useful properties.


common prutnyak
common prutnyak

Relates to the endangered species, and therefore is listed in the Red Book. At present, its habitat is quite extensive: it grows in closed protected areas of the Crimea, on the heights of the Caucasus, in the Krasnodar Territory, Iran, Asia Minor and the Balkans. It is a tree-like shrub reaching up to 8 meters in height.

It has been cultivated in household plots since 1570. A shrub grown near the house does not even reach half a meter. It is unpretentious to the soil, so it can often be spotted even on rocky and loamy areas. The tree is densely covered with flowers, which are collected in small inflorescences.

The color palette is diverse: purple, white, blue, lilac. In early autumn (September), the plant begins to bear fruit. Fruits of a black shade rather large. The tree belongs to long-lived plants, its average age is 60 years.


fruits of the common prutnyak
fruits of the common prutnyak

Almost all parts are medicinal raw materials: young shoots with leaves (they are harvested in June for the third year after planting), bark and branches (autumn, spring), flowers (during the period of active flowering) and fruits of the common prune, which they begin to shoot in September-October, when they reach their maximum maturity. The harvested crop is subjected to thorough drying in the fresh air or in specialized apparatus with a suitable temperature regime (not higher than40 oS).

Biochemical composition

Prutnyak ordinary reviews
Prutnyak ordinary reviews

All parts of the plant are more or less rich in flavonoids, tannins, trace elements, alkaloids and various vitamins. The leaves and fruits of the common prutnyak contain rare essential oils, which contain valuable components: palmitic, formic, butyric, caproic and acetic acids, as well as sabiene, pinene, quinone, camphor.

A lot of leaves and vitamin C. As you know, ascorbic acid prevents the development of bacteria and increases the body's defenses. No less valuable are seeds containing an identical list of useful substances. Due to its unique composition, these plants are deservedly considered the tree of longevity.

Folk and traditional pharmaceutics receive medicinal drugs (infusions, decoctions) from it, which have hormone-like, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial and sedative effects. Herbal medicine helps to relieve fever, improve the production of sex hormones, eliminate pathogenic microbes and remove excess fluid.

Pharmacological action

prutnyak extract
prutnyak extract

Prutnyak common reviews from patients are positive. Many noted that after course therapy, it was possible to normalize the functional activity of the digestive tract and strengthen the immune system. Herbal preparations based on herbs are used for nervous disorders.

Tincture relieves headache, dizziness and painsensations in the region of the heart. At all times, seeds have been used as a medicinal drug for malignant pathologies and venereal diseases. The beneficial property is explained by the content of active substances that have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, kill harmful microorganisms and tone the epithelium. In the complex, the extract of the common prutnyak is taken for chlamydia and trichomoniasis.

Folk Aesculapius of the East from time immemorial treated diseases of internal organs (liver, pancreas, spleen) with a drug, and also cleansed the kidneys and gallbladder from stones. Alcoholic infusions from the fruit have an antidepressant effect, help relieve stress and improve mood. Nstoi are shown to men suffering from sexual impotence. Decoctions are used for malaria and gonorrhea. The flowers are used to make compresses or add them to the bath, as the flowers improve the quality of the skin and fight various inflammations.

Fruits of common prune in gynecology

prutnyak ordinary in gynecology
prutnyak ordinary in gynecology

For more than one century, traditional medicine has been actively using this plant in the gynecological field. The great healer Hippocrates (in the 4th century BC) mentioned the unique properties of the sacred vitex in his writings. Modern homeopaths recommend taking the tincture for menstrual disorders and severe manifestations of PMS (irritation, headache, apathy, anxiety, depression, discomfort in the chest).

The fruits of the common prutnyak have proven to be excellent in gynecology. The tincture of this plant is considered the bestnatural analogue of estrogen. The herb restores the functioning of the reproductive system and helps women with hormonal imbalances and endocrine diseases. It is an excellent stimulant of the pituitary gland and regulates the production of progesterone, thereby normalizing the cycle.

Simply needed in the treatment of infertility. Even, it would seem, in the most neglected cases, it shows positive results due to the stimulation of the ovulatory function. The plant is especially effective in combination with angelica. Helps to cure mastitis, polyps, endometriosis, mastopathy, cysts and adnexitis. It is advisable to use together with the red brush and boron uterus for a long time.

Prutnyak ordinary: contraindications and side effects

During clinical trials, it turned out that the plant is absolutely non-toxic and practically harmless. However, for safety reasons, you should not take drugs based on it during the period of bearing a baby and lactation. The drug is not prescribed when using oral contraceptives, as it reduces their effect. Prutnyak ordinary can provoke an allergy, especially if there is a predisposition, skin rashes, nausea and migraine. If at least one symptom appears, it is advisable to stop taking it.

How to use

prutnyak ordinary instruction
prutnyak ordinary instruction

Finished drugs are sold in the pharmacy network in the form of tablets, capsules, teas and infusions. The pharmacological action of the combined herbal drug is quite extensive. Prutnyak ordinary is prescribed for earlyejaculation, impotence, depression, increased libido and gynecological diseases. In addition, the tincture is used as a hormonal and antitumor agent.

Preparing a healing solution at home is not difficult. We will need vitex fruits (50 g) and pure alcohol 70% (500 ml). Grind the fruits in a coffee grinder and mix with alcohol. Leave in a thermos for two weeks. Before taking, strain the solution and drink a dessert spoon three times a day. The duration of therapy is at least three months.

Seed Extract

Prutnyak ordinary contraindications
Prutnyak ordinary contraindications

The following recipe is indicated for prolonged depression and mental disorders. Indications for the appointment are diseases of the spleen and liver. The infusion is made as follows: leaves (15 g) and vitex seeds (5 g) are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for about two minutes. The dishes are covered with a towel and insisted for half an hour. The finished extract is taken 30 g 15 minutes before meals 4 times a day.

Calming leaf infusion

Prutnyak ordinary, the instruction of which informs people that it helps to cope with insomnia and heart failure, can be prepared from herbal collection. You will need the following ingredients: a tablespoon of lemon balm, vitex leaves, peppermint and hop cones. From the prepared collection, take 30 gr. and stir in a glass of boiling water. Infuse for about an hour, filter and consume ¼ cup - five times a day.

People's opinions

Prutnyak ordinary reviews from specialists and ordinarypatients regularly receives in a positive way. Women were delighted with the therapeutic effect. Natural medicine has helped many to normalize the menstrual cycle and eliminate discomfort. Men were also pleasantly surprised by the result. With the help of the drug, it was possible to restore potency and eliminate problems with ejaculation. In addition, the drug rarely causes negative effects and is well tolerated.
