Hellebore has long been known as a folk remedy for alcoholism. But experts believe that such fame is given to this perennial undeservedly. In addition, the hellebore plant is very poisonous. But at the same time, an indisputable fact is its widespread use in various spheres of human life.
Today we want to tell you what this herb is, how to properly prepare a medicine from it, what diseases it can cure. And also learn about who may be contraindicated in such therapy. You can learn about the amazing properties of this plant from the material below.

Description of hellebore
The plant belongs to perennial herbs, one of the most common names is puppeteer. Hellebore has a high stem and a short undergroundrhizome. She has numerous folded leaves and white-greenish or dark red paniculate inflorescences that are located at the tips of the stems. Today there are about 25 different plant species. Some of them (Lobel hellebore, white hellebore) are widely used in folk medicine.
Chemical composition
All species of this plant are poisonous, but some of them are used to treat ailments. It has been established that toxic substances are contained in every part of the perennial. These are 8 steroidal alkaloids, in the spring their number is rapidly increasing. These include:
- rubierwin;
- hermidine;
- Jerwin;
- term;
- veratridine;
- protoverine;
- veratrin;
- protoveratrin (the most dangerous for animals and humans).
It is known that the foliage of the plant contains up to 0.55% alkaloids, in the stems - up to 1.5%, in the roots - up to 2.5%. Isorubiervine, pseudoyervine, veratrosine (glycoalkaloids) were found in the perennial. Of the safest substances it contains:
- gum;
- tannins and dyes;
- amino acids;
- resin;
- organic acids;
- sugar;
- mineral s alts;
- fatty oils;
- tannins;
- vitamins;
- glycosides;
- triterpenes;
- starch.

Why is it used?
The beneficial properties of hellebore have been known since Roman times. At that time it was usedto fight insects, rodents, to rid animals of parasites. Later, people discovered the healing properties of the herb and began to use it in folk medicine to cure pediculosis, scabies and other diseases. Healers recommended hellebore for typhoid fever and pneumonia.
Puppeteer contains 5 steroidal alkaloids, which are mostly found in the roots of the plant. Their concentration depends on the season. In addition, amino acids and vitamins, tannins, glycosides, fatty oils, mineral s alts, micro and macro elements are present in various parts of the plant. It should be noted that due to its high toxicity, this plant is excluded from the official pharmacopoeia, however, hellebore continues to be used in folk medicine, albeit with caution.
In alternative medicine, there is an opinion that hellebore (and its other species) has a beneficial effect in the fight against alcoholism. If you add a plant that has no taste and smell to the drink, it will cause the drinker to feel sick and weak, the pulse will slow down, and the pressure will decrease. Traditional healers believe that, having been frightened a couple of times, an alcoholic will stop drinking. This is due to the toxic effects of hellebore root.
Official medicine has been struggling with this misconception for years, pointing out that every year there are patients with alcoholism who took hellebore. Unfortunately, not everyone can be saved, some die of heart failure.
Other folk methods of treating hellebore lessdangerous. Basically, all such drugs are used externally. They stimulate hair growth, treat pediculosis and scabies (hellenic water). The root of the plant, infused with cream, helps with lichen and eczema. Hellebore preparations are used as an irritant and analgesic for myositis, arthritis, muscle pain, neuralgia, sciatica, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, diseases of the musculoskeletal system that occur with age.
The plant is widely used in homeopathy. Hellebore water, diluted hundreds and thousands of times, treats bronchitis, flatulence and belching, neuralgia and general weakness, migraines, asthma, fatigue, some heart diseases.

Side effects and contraindications
Before using medicines from hellebore (as well as other species), it is necessary to consult a competent, highly qualified specialist. In the event that you have problems with the cardiovascular system, such therapy should be abandoned. It is forbidden to use any preparations based on hellebore for children, pregnant and lactating mothers. Extreme care should be taken when working with this perennial plant, as even a tiny drop of its juice can cause loss of sensitivity.
Preparing a remedy from hellebore in violation of the rules can cause severe intoxication. When taken orally, the following symptoms of poisoning appear within an hour:
- nausea;
- headache;
- vomit;
- cramping abdominal pain;
- skeletal muscle stiffness;
- dizziness;
- visual impairment;
- convulsions;
- discomfort in limbs.
When the first signs appear, you should immediately call a doctor and provide first aid to the victim as soon as possible. First of all, it is necessary to do a gastric lavage, ensure the intake of saline solutions and enterosorbents, otherwise respiratory and cardiovascular failure may occur. In severe cases, even death is possible.
This perennial plant has a number of unique properties. But in the event that you do not have the necessary knowledge and skills to use it, do not tempt fate and better bypass this perennial.
White Hellebore
Description let's start with the fact that this species is a perennial plant that reaches a height of more than 1 m. It has a short fleshy rhizome with multiple processes up to 20 cm long and 3 mm wide. Hellebore leaves alternate, with entire margins, sessile, up to 30 cm long. The flowers are small, their size does not exceed one centimeter, in the inflorescence they form a long multi-flowered panicle. White hellebore can be found in mountainous areas, in alpine meadows.
This plant contains a large amount of alkaloids and other useful substances. Due to its properties, it is often used in traditional medicine and veterinary medicine. Hellebore is used in the form of ointments, decoctions, alcohol tinctures. Please note: all medicinal products based on this plant are used only externally!
Another popular look
Lobel hellebore is a perennial herbaceous plant, not exceeding two meters in height. It has inconspicuous greenish flowers, a powerful stem and large leaves. The fruits are capsules with small seeds. All parts are highly toxic. It grows in Siberia, the Caucasus, the Far East and throughout Europe. Hellebore Lobel contains amino acids, vitamins, mineral s alts, macro- and microelements.

Medicinal part of the plant
Hellebore root is the main medicinal part of the plant. Harvesting of raw materials should be done in the fall. Carefully dig up the roots along with the rhizomes and clean them from the ground. Particular care should be taken when grinding raw materials: be sure to wear a gauze bandage or use other protective equipment. After work, wash your hands with soap and water. Hellebore, like other species, is an extremely poisonous plant and, if it gets into the nose or eyes, causes severe irritation and can provoke unpredictable reactions.
After the raw materials have been collected and processed, they are placed to dry. To do this, you can use a dryer or a well-ventilated room. Hellebore and Lobel are used for the preparation of ointments, tinctures, decoctions.
Tincture of Hellebore
Effective medicines against rheumatic, neuralgic, local pains are alcohol tinctures based on this perennial. In addition, they can be successfully used for lichen, arthritis, eczema, dandruff andhead lice.

Tincture of hellebore has a sedative, diuretic, antifungal effect, and also exhibits bactericidal activity. If you add petroleum jelly to the product, you get an excellent ointment for external rubbing, which will ease the pain of rheumatism.
We offer one of the recipes for white hellebore tincture. Take one gram of pre-crushed plant roots along with rhizomes, fill them with 120 ml of 40% alcohol or vodka and insist for 14 days. Please note: the resulting product is used only externally!
Get rid of parasites
An effective and fairly budgetary remedy is hellebore water from lice from nits. According to reviews, this drug quickly helps to get rid of these parasites. Before starting treatment, you must carefully read the instructions and strictly follow the dosage.
A very important factor in the treatment is the concentration and amount of the drug from hellebore. Consider what you should pay attention to first of all and how to properly use hellebore water from insects:
- wet hair with water;
- shake the bottle vigorously before use;
- apply the product on the head with a brush;
- fluid should not be in excess, it should not drain;
- carefully apply the drug to the parotid region and the back of the head;
- put a plastic bag over your head;
- remove the package after 20-30min.;
- comb out lice and nits with a fine-toothed comb;
- rinse hair under running water.

According to reviews, hellebore water from nits and lice has the following characteristics:
- very effective remedy;
- low price;
- easy to use;
- washes off easily.
In addition, dandruff disappears, and the hair becomes voluminous and silky.
For hair growth
All products based on hellebore and used for medicinal or cosmetic purposes should be taken with extreme caution. Despite the fact that this plant is useful, it is particularly poisonous. When processing hair, hellebore water should not be allowed to get into the ears, eyes or mouth. Otherwise, it may cause poisoning.
Hellebore water has the ability to dry the scalp and hair. For this reason, this remedy should be used with caution on dry curls.
How to use hellebore water for hair growth? Do not wash your hair before the procedure. We slightly warm the tincture in warm water, pour plenty of water over a cotton swab, moisten the scalp and gradually, very gently, rub the product. We pay due attention to each individual strand of hair. We process the entire head in this way. For ease of application, you can use a spray bottle.
Please note: in the first minutes you may feel a strong burning sensation, but this should not be frightened. Through sometime, the remedy will begin to have an anesthetic effect and unpleasant symptoms will disappear.
After the end of the procedure, it is necessary to wrap the hair with a plastic bag or film, wrap it with a terry towel for 30-40 minutes. Then wash your hair with a suitable shampoo. After hellebore water, it is advisable to use a conditioner or hair conditioner. To obtain the desired result, you should conduct a course for 3 consecutive days monthly.

Veterinary use
One of the most popular medicines in veterinary medicine is hellebore tincture for animals. The instructions for use in this case should also be strictly followed. The plant is used to treat various wounds, provoke belching and vomiting in ruminants, and fight parasites. For these purposes, alcohol tincture is most often used.
It is prepared as follows: 1 part of dry puppeteer root powder is combined with 10 parts of 70% alcohol and infused for 10 days. The tincture is diluted with 50-500 ml of water (depending on the weight of the animal): the higher the body weight, the more liquid is required.
Instructions for using hellebore tincture for animals:
- for cows, horses and other cattle per 1 kg of live weight - 0.01-0.024 ml of tincture;
- pigs - 0.014-0.028ml;
- sheep, goats and other small livestock - 0.04-0.08 ml;
- dogs - 0.05-0.2 ml.

For pest controlanimals are sprayed with hellebore tincture (alcohol). The proportions are the same. Some owners sprinkle powder from the root of the plant on the backs of animals.