A great reason to quit smoking - hookah "Mamai"

A great reason to quit smoking - hookah "Mamai"
A great reason to quit smoking - hookah "Mamai"

As many people in the world want to quit smoking, so many ways to do it. Not many people know that you can quit smoking with pleasure. Someone tries to distract themselves, drink special drugs or glue nicotine patches. Why not make it much easier and even better? There are many analogues of safe smoking. A person does not have to completely give up his habit and pleasure to exhale smoke. It's just that this method will be less harmful. One of the great analogues of smoking is hookah.

What is a hookah?

This is a device for smoking various smoking mixtures. It consists mainly of a flask (where water is poured), a shaft, a bowl (where the smoking mixture is placed), a mouthpiece and a hose.

Hookah with a glass flask
Hookah with a glass flask

There are many different hookah accessories and options for smoking substances. Hookahs are sold absolutely for every taste, the most unusual types and designs. Design and price are secondary issues, the most important thing is the quality of the device.

The very first hookahs appeared in antiquity, their creators were Hindus and Persians. Egypt, Syria and Iran adopted this way of smoking, added a lotdifferent. Hookah came to Russia as it is now. In 2010, many cafes and restaurants appeared, offering to smoke hookah, relax and relax with friends.

Hookah from Vladimir Mamev

A simple guy who made his hookahs in the garage is now the most famous manufacturer of the best smoking machine - the Mamai hookah. He is the best manufacturer of this product, and in 2017 received the JohnCalliano Award for this.

Vladimir makes all his details from high-quality and proven materials. Some of them used for the "Mamaya" hookah are completely original and unique. The most incredible and cool designs come up with Vladimir himself.

Smoking machine "Mamai" today

Many colored hookahs
Many colored hookahs

At the moment you can make a hookah "Mamai" to order. For the shaft and mouthpiece, the material and design can be chosen to suit every taste. If you make a purchase on the site, then in part you will receive a hookah from high-quality parts from other manufacturers. Mamaev himself produces only a mouthpiece and a shaft, but by assembling a hookah from different parts and giving it the appearance of a quality thing, it turns out that everyone likes it.

On average, the price of a Mamaia hookah varies from 7,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Reviews and pluses of the manufacturer

Whoever writes on the websites, whatever model the Mamaya hookah lovers buy, everyone speaks positively about this manufacturer.

Most leave detailed and warm reviews about their newhookah "Mamae". After all, it is really very difficult to find both a quality and a pleasant thing for the price. What Mamaev is valued for is his ability to make hookahs. Many are amazed at such a beautiful and bewitching design. It is important that the hookah is not only a smoking device, but also a beautiful thing in the interior.

Hookah glows from below
Hookah glows from below

Many praise hookahs "Mamai Customs" in the reviews for the convenience of smoking. This manufacturer has made smoking much easier and more enjoyable. There is now a special buffer in the mine that increases and decreases smoke draft. It will be difficult for beginners to smoke with a strong draw, too hard, but with a regulator everything is much easier.

The second and very important advantage is the material of the shaft. It is made of stainless steel. This is very important when smoking a hookah, because water is involved there and the oxidation process begins under moisture. Stainless steel allows hookah users not to experience the unpleasant taste of rust when smoking.

There are also silicone inserts between the joints of the parts of the "Mamaya Customs" hookah - this allows you to minimize the exit of smoke outside the mouthpiece, to make the smoking process enjoyable. Silicone hoses also do not absorb smoke and are easy to clean from blockages.

The entire Custom Mamay hookah device is of high quality, convenient and in demand in our country.

Pros and cons of this type of smoking

Hookah with fruit inside
Hookah with fruit inside

All types of smoking have their pros and cons. It is possible that many new things will be discovered here andinteresting.

  • Hookah is not more harmful than smoking cigarettes (quite the contrary). If you compare the he alth and body of a nicotine smoker and a hookah smoker, you will see a big difference in the condition of the lungs, teeth, etc. A nicotine smoker, regardless of the presence or absence of a filter in a cigarette, causes considerable harm to he alth. Kalyan is just a device for smoking, and the smoking mixture in it can be different.
  • Great fun. Hookah is an occasion to get together with friends, relax under the aromas and vapors of the smoking mixture. Even if one of your friends does not smoke cigarettes, a hookah is a great way to safely relax and unwind.
  • The size of the device. This can be both a plus and a minus. The advantage is that the design of a hookah can be different and unusual, perhaps it will become part of the interior of a room or restaurant. Minus - it is not quite small to store it, you may need a separate place.
  • Possibly dizziness and headache. When smoking a hookah (as well as when smoking cigarettes), dizziness is possible. If the basic rules of hookah smoking are not observed, all this is possible.

Tips for hookah beginners

Type of hookah inside
Type of hookah inside

Many people say that hookah is more harmful than cigarettes and gives you a headache. They are unaware that there are certain rules to follow while using it.

  • Before you take on a hookah, you need to eat tightly. Perhaps dizziness due to smoking hookah on an empty stomach. After all, it is not in vain that after a meal in restaurants they arrangesmoking a hookah.
  • During smoking you need to drink liquid. Another tip for beginner hookah players. While smoking the mixture, you need to drink plain water or juices. All this is necessary in order to maintain the amount of fluid in the body.
  • When buying, check the package. If you buy a complete hookah, and not collect it, then you need to check some quite important details. The hose in the kit is usually short and of poor quality, you need to ask to replace it with a silicone one. Sometimes the connecting parts are missing. It is worth checking the presence of silicone parts. It is silicone, because they do not absorb smoke and sit tightly.
  • Always keep the hookah clean. Like any other thing, the device needs care. It should be cleaned after every use. With good care, it will last a long time.
