Eyeballs hurt when moving: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment and prevention

Eyeballs hurt when moving: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment and prevention
Eyeballs hurt when moving: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment and prevention

One of the most common symptoms of eye diseases is pain during the movement of the eyeballs. It will not be possible to establish an ailment by only one symptom, since in addition to pain there may be other manifestations. Even with minor discomfort, you should visit an ophthalmologist and undergo an examination, since pain can be a sign of serious pathologies. Because of what the eyeballs hurt when moving, as well as how it is treated, is described in the article.


There are many sensitive nerve endings in the organs of vision that are able to react sharply, painfully to various stimuli. Why do eyeballs hurt when moving? This is due to:

  • long-term use of contact optics;
  • eye fatigue during prolonged work with a computer or other gadgets;
  • eye pathogensailments of an infectious type;
  • injuries;
  • painful processes affecting the carotid artery.
eyeballs hurt when moving
eyeballs hurt when moving

Eyeballs still hurt when moving with SARS, uveitis, influenza, neuroses of various origins. This phenomenon is associated with hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia. If the eyeballs hurt when moving the eyes, the causes may be associated with benign and malignant tumors in the head, eye area, a cyst in the frontal lobes of the brain.

Eye strain

Eyeballs often hurt when moving from fatigue. Prolonged tension of the organ of vision leads to discomfort. Usually this body shows that you need rest. Overvoltage appears with prolonged focusing of vision on one spatial area. This is usually associated with working at a computer, since during this period the eyes are constantly strained.

Stress and lack of sleep also lead to rapid fatigue, so after a sleepless night, eye muscles sometimes hurt. When working at the monitor for a long time, you need to change the focus, look from side to side and into the distance, as well as blink, close your eyes for a few seconds. Muscle fibers are located in the orbit and are attached to the sclera (the outer shell of the eye). They are responsible for the movements of the eyeball and provide focus. Like other muscles, they get tired. When the voltage does not vary for a long time, then over time the amount of motor function is reduced, which impairs vision.

Overvoltage appears from incorrectly selected glasses orcontact lenses. There may also be a headache. In all cases, you should consult an ophthalmologist to find the right vision correction products.

Inflammatory ailments of the eyes

If the eyeballs hurt when moving, inflammation may be the cause. At first, there is only discomfort and pain during movement. But other symptoms appear as the disease progresses. Some oculars are considered dangerous.

sore eyes when moving eyeballs
sore eyes when moving eyeballs

When eye diseases appear inflammation, which is provoked by pathogenic microbes, viruses and fungal infections. Often, inflammation develops after injury to the eye. Inflammatory diseases are considered a common eye pathology, in 80% of cases they cause a temporary loss of performance.

Pain in the eyes comes from:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • irita;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • sclerite;
  • horsoiditis;
  • endophthalmitis;
  • panophthalmitis.

Conjunctivitis is a fairly common ailment. It appears quickly, in the first 2-3 hours there is pain during eye movement, and then other symptoms are noticeable - redness of the mucous membranes, pain, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, swelling and hyperemia of the conjunctiva, there may be purulent discharge.

Inflammation of the optic nerve

Inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision also affect not only the mucous membranes and tissues of the eyeball. These diseases include optic neuritis. It is presented in the form of a bundle of fibers,similar in composition to cerebral white matter.

Inflammation of this nerve can be seen by a sharp deterioration in vision and pain in the orbit, which can intensify during movement and pressure on it. Many eye ailments, if left untreated, lead to neuritis.

Increased intracranial pressure

Because of this, the eyes also hurt when moving the eyeballs. Pressure shows the level of exposure of fluid (liquor) to the walls of the spinal canal and the ventricles of the brain. Its increase is considered an important indicator of the pathology of both the brain and spinal cord. This pressure is difficult to measure, and its increase is a threat to he alth.

eyeball hurts when moving inside
eyeball hurts when moving inside

Since the organs of vision are connected with the brain, eye symptoms appear with an increase in intracranial pressure. Eyeballs often hurt when moving from hypertension. In addition to pain, double vision and narrowing of the field of vision may appear.

Inflammation of the cranial sinuses

In this condition, the eyes also hurt when moving the eyeballs. These ailments are called sinusitis. Usually there is sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, but sometimes labyrinthitis. All sinusitis manifests itself in the form of a feeling of fullness in the eye sockets, pain during movement. Sometimes there is a swollen bag under the eye on the diseased side.

Bending the torso forward so that the head is below the center of gravity, the symptoms are markedly increased. Usually there is a severe headache, localized in the frontal arches, eye sockets and temples. Often, manifestations of sinusitis are severepronounced, so the patient is in a hurry to visit an ophthalmologist, not an ENT.

Other ailments

Eyeballs hurt when moving with allergies. In this situation, they are affected by allergens, which can be in cosmetics, medicines or air. It is quite simple to identify such manifestations: redness of the mucous membranes, lacrimation, runny nose and irritation in the nasopharynx usually appear.

why do eyeballs hurt when moving
why do eyeballs hurt when moving

Narrowing of the blood vessels leads to pain, which impairs the blood supply to the eyes, which causes pain. With mechanical impact or injury to the eyeball, a blood clot often appears.


With eye fatigue and penetration of foreign bodies, the appearance of:

  1. Pain. Sensations are manifested when the eyes move in different directions. The reason for this is that with constant eye strain, the muscles get tired and pain syndromes occur after a while.
  2. Dry. This is observed due to violations of security rules while working at a computer or watching TV for a long time, as well as when focusing on one point. In this situation, the body cannot produce the right amount of lubrication because the eyes are constantly motionless.
  3. When foreign bodies penetrate, there is severe pain, lacrimation, it is difficult to move the eyes.
  4. The last factor is chronic fatigue. It appears from lack of sleep, constant movement of a person when the eyes do not rest. Muscles are constantly tense, and as a result, not only pain is felt, but alsoloss of visual acuity.

It should be borne in mind that if the foreign body is not removed, then gradually it leads to suppuration, due to which the retina exfoliates. If the eyes hurt for unknown reasons, then you should look for it in other factors and ailments. When there is strong pressure inside the eyes, which appears from the narrowing of blood vessels, this can lead not only to poor blood supply, but also to loss of visual acuity. In these cases, there is a possibility of bursting of blood vessels inside the eyes, which leads to negative consequences. In these cases, it is urgent to eliminate the cause by contacting a doctor.


If the eyeball hurts when moving inside, then before treatment it is necessary to carry out diagnostic procedures. They are:

  • determining the boundaries of the field of view;
  • performing biomicroscopy;
  • measuring intraocular pressure;
  • ultrasound of the organs of vision;
  • corneal confocal microscopy.
eyeballs hurt when moving cause
eyeballs hurt when moving cause

To exclude dacryocystitis, a West color test is performed using a contrast agent. Only after the diagnosis is made, the doctor can prescribe treatment.


When the eye muscles hurt when the eyeball moves, the doctor may prescribe medication. Depending on the diagnosis, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibiotics in the form of drops, tablets;
  • antihistamine;
  • immunomodulators;
  • drops inlecomycetin;
  • oxolinic ointment.

The indicated funds are prescribed only by the attending physician. Only a specialist based on the results of the examination is able to determine the dosage and duration of treatment with medications. If the pain came from the penetration of a foreign body, then first you need to remove it, and then therapeutic procedures are prescribed.

When redness and discomfort appear during the period of getting used to contact lenses, the doctor prescribes medications that facilitate this process. With the help of such products, it will be possible to eliminate redness and dryness.

Folk remedies

When the eyeball hurts when moving and pressing, then traditional medicine can eliminate this sensation. If the eyes hurt due to a strong load, then the following recipes help:

  1. Requires raw potatoes, which must be washed and cut off a piece, and then put on a sore eyelid. During the session, the eyes must be kept closed.
  2. Need 1 tbsp. l. dry extract of chamomile flowers, which is added to hot water (1 cup). The finished broth is left for 10 minutes. After infusion of the therapeutic solution, it is filtered. In the finished broth, it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad and apply a hot lotion to the diseased eyelid, and then a cold one.
  3. A used tea bag is applied to the eyelid. For this, black tea is needed, in which there are no additives.
  4. Requires a tincture of calendula, in which a cotton pad is moistened. It is placed on the eyelid.
eyeball hurts when moving and pressing
eyeball hurts when moving and pressing

Treatment can be performed using applications made from healing clay. Before using any remedy, you should consult a doctor. And self-medication can aggravate the condition of the eyes.


Special gymnastics has a positive effect on the eyes. It consists of the following exercises:

  1. You need to look up, then down, right, left.
  2. Then you need to look into the distance and at the nearest objects.
  3. Fast blinking helps.
  4. The eyes are covered with hands and sit in this position for several minutes.

Do these exercises daily. With these simple steps, rest and strengthen the eye muscles.


For diseases of the eyeball, the following recommendations are required:

  1. Don't rub your eyes if your hands are dirty. To do this, use a clean towel or handkerchief.
  2. Don't wear lenses for a long time.
  3. It is important to control the expiration date of your lenses. If they are old, eye fatigue and unpleasant symptoms may occur.
  4. Women need to clean eyelashes, eyelids, face from cosmetics every evening.
  5. It is necessary to use high-quality cosmetics for facial skin care.
  6. During the day, the eyes should be allowed to rest. This preventive procedure is especially important if a person works at a computer for a long time or watches TV for a long time.
  7. If you experience discomfort in your eyes, you should consult an ophthalmologist.
  8. It is important to stick to the rightsupply.
  9. The course needs to take vitamins for the eyes. Any use of pharmaceutical products, including vitamins, must be agreed with the doctor.
  10. Reading and writing should only be done in good lighting.
  11. Every day you need to do gymnastics for the eyes.
eye muscles hurt when moving the eyeball
eye muscles hurt when moving the eyeball

When there is pain in the eyes, you should immediately visit a doctor. With timely treatment, the risk of complications is reduced. But it is important to remember about prevention as well.
