Burn of the oral mucosa is an unpleasant but fairly common occurrence. Children are the most likely to suffer from this kind of injury. The cause of the burn may be exposure to high temperatures or chemicals. How to behave in case of a burn of the oral mucosa? The treatment of this injury will be discussed in detail later.
Thermal burn
According to statistics, thermal burns of the oral mucosa are common. It occurs in both adults and children under the influence of high or low temperatures. Often the cause of such an injury is contact with boiling water or hot objects. For example, a person might drink very hot tea.

Thermal burns can range from mild to quite severe. The consequences of exposure to high temperatures can be manifested by redness, swelling, hyperemia. In some cases, ulcers and erosion appear. Moreover, similar consequences occur when in contact with cold objects. In most cases, this injurychildren receive. In winter, they touch ice metal with their lips or tongue. This results in burns.
Serious consequences of thermal damage to the oral mucosa can be superficial tissue necrosis, hemorrhage. Dystrophic changes may also appear. To reduce pain and prevent the development of negative consequences, a person needs to be given first aid.
Chemical burn
There are different causes of mouth ulcers. And the treatment is prescribed according to the type of injury. In addition to thermal burns, there are chemical burns. They also have serious consequences. Such injuries can be minor or severe. Various chemicals can act on the oral mucosa. These can be alkalis, acids, other compounds and active substances.

Similar injuries can occur when household chemicals are accidentally swallowed. If detergents are left in plain sight, children may drink them. Adults are not immune from such a phenomenon if the product is stored in an inappropriate container. Detergents that corrode fats and limescale are especially dangerous.
Some medicines can also cause burns in the mouth. These can be drugs for the treatment of teeth, when the nerve is "cauterized" with aspirin. Some mouthwashes need to be diluted with water. If a person does not read the instructions, he can get a burn of the mucous membranes. Alcohol and strong alcohol can cause burns.
Burn levels
There are four degrees of burns. Fromhow severe the consequences of the injury, depends on the approach to treatment. At the first degree of damage (for example, a burn of the oral mucosa with tea), redness and slight swelling appear on the tissues. The pain is minor. Such an injury passes on its own in 3-4 days.

In the second degree, small blisters appear on the mucosa. When they burst, the surface becomes ulcerated. The pain is severe, there is plaque and bleeding on the mucous membrane. Treatment required within 2 weeks.
The third degree burn is characterized by damage to the deep layers of tissues. Diagnosed with partial necrosis of the mucosa. Scabs appear, ulcers that bleed and hurt. Such an injury heals for 2 months.
At the fourth degree, the affected tissues die off. This process also affects the nerve endings. For this reason, the patient may not feel pain. This type of injury is extremely rare.
Symptoms of thermal injury
Causes and treatments for mouth ulcers can vary. If a young child is injured, parents should determine what may have caused the burn. This will allow you to choose the right treatment technique. With a thermal burn, severe pain appears, including when swallowing. Tissues swell.

If the lesion was severe, vomiting may occur. Salivation is higher than usual. If a large area of tissue is affected, body temperature may rise. The lymph nodes are enlarged. A person has weakness and drowsiness. Any food that irritatestissue causing severe pain. It can be spicy, s alty food, as well as hot food. Spitting it out makes it easier.
Most often, thermal burns are less dangerous than chemical ones. Therefore, treatment in most cases is reduced to home effects. If the lesion is extensive, you need to go to the hospital.
Symptoms of chemical injury
Chemical burns of the oral mucosa are often much more dangerous than thermal injury. In this case, a number of characteristic symptoms appear. The pain from a chemical burn is intense. It appears immediately after the substance enters the mucous membrane.

If a person was able to swallow the chemical, suffocation may occur. Vomit opens. This symptom is the most characteristic of a chemical burn. Each substance has a specific effect on tissues. Until the reagent is neutralized, it has a destructive effect on tissues. Therefore, action must be taken quickly.
Even a slight damage to the mucosa by a chemical is accompanied by severe pain, external changes in the structure of tissues. Ulcers, necrosis may be observed. The person's breathing is difficult and vomiting occurs.
First Aid
To determine how to smear the affected tissue from a burn at home, one should take into account the severity of the injury. The mouth should be rinsed with cold water several times. Damaged tissue should be treated with hydrogen peroxide (3%). You can also use "Miramistin" or "Chlorhexidine" for these purposes.

Apply an ice pack. If the pain is severe, you can treat the damaged areas with an ointment based on lidocaine. Also suitable means of the type "Rescuer". Next, you need to see a doctor. You may need to use antibiotics, antiseptics and special anti-inflammatory drugs. They are prescribed by a traumatologist.
First aid for chemical burns
How to smear at home from a burn of the oral cavity in case of exposure to a chemical reagent? It is important to know what exactly caused the injury. If it was alkali, you need to use malic, citric acetic acid. If acid has affected the tissues, you need to prepare a solution of soda with water. Rinse your mouth with this remedy.

In some cases, these burns are caused by phenol. To eliminate the effect of this reagent, you need to rinse your mouth with a solution of ethyl alcohol and water.
If the type of substance that got on the mucous membrane cannot be determined, the oral cavity is rinsed with cold clean water. Then they act in the same way as with a thermal burn. You need to see a doctor. If the injury is severe, the person will need to be hospitalized. Treatment can be lengthy.
First degree burn treatment
Treatment of a first-degree oral mucosal burn can be done at home. It is not necessary to consult a doctor in this case. Only if the damaged area does not heal for more than 5 days, the appearance of the tissues has deteriorated, you need to contact a traumatologist.
Burned areamucosa can be lubricated at home with sea buckthorn oil or propolis to prevent the development of inflammation. You can apply an aloe leaf, cut lengthwise into 2 parts, to the damaged area.
It is also recommended to rinse your mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs. For these purposes, chamomile, calendula, and oak bark are used. You need to take 2 tablespoons of a dry plant. They are poured into a dry container. The product is poured with boiling water (200 ml). The composition should be infused for 30 minutes. When it has cooled, strain the liquid and rinse your mouth for 10 minutes several times a day, especially after meals.
It is recommended to eat liquid high-calorie food. It should not be hot or too cold.
Treatment of 2nd-4th degree burns
Treatment of a burn of the oral mucosa of the second and all subsequent degrees requires serious action. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor. If a person has received a second-degree burn of the oral mucosa, special actions are required. It is necessary to treat wound surfaces to avoid the appearance of infection.
Before eating, it is necessary to apply painkillers to mucous membranes. It is necessary to mix anestezin (5%) oil-based and lidocaine (0.5%). You can also apply propolis-based ointments.
At the subsequent stages of burns, treatment is carried out in a hospital. Surgery is often required. After receiving such an injury, you need to call a team of doctors, provide the victim with first aid.
Having considered the varieties and treatment of burns of the oral mucosa, you can takeappropriate action in the event of such an injury.