What are the best vasoconstrictor nasal drops to buy? This is a common question. Let's look into it in more detail.
Whatever the nature of the common cold, most people use vasoconstrictor drops to treat it, which can instantly improve the patient's condition by normalizing the respiratory process and removing swelling in the sinuses. The use of vasoconstrictor drops at night helps to sleep peacefully, which sometimes becomes a big problem with nasal congestion.
Providing nasal breathing, you can prevent the development of some other diseases. Since prolonged mouth breathing increases the load on the tissue of the middle and lower pharynx, adenoids can develop in a child, and other serious pathologies in an adult.
Thus, the importance of nasal vasoconstrictors cannot be overestimated. However, precautions and dosage must be observed in the use of such drugs.
The mechanism of action of vasoconstrictorsdrugs
Vasoconstrictive nasal drops are adrenomimetics that can constrict the blood vessels located in the nasal passages and slow down the process of mucus formation. Vasoconstrictor drops significantly reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and congestion in the sinuses. They are very effective for almost any type of cold.
Adrenergic agonists, as a rule, do not act on the root cause of the pathological condition, but only relieve its symptoms. Their main function is to normalize breathing and promote a speedy recovery.
Reduce complications
A large amount of mucus in the nose and impaired ventilation in the sinuses create optimal conditions for the intensive reproduction of various pathogenic microorganisms in them that can cause serious complications in the form of sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. Therefore, when using vasoconstrictor drugs that provide nasal breathing, the risk of unpleasant complications is not great. In this case, the disease usually passes easily and quickly.

Pharmacological companies today produce a huge amount of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, designed to irrigate the mucous membrane and relieve the symptoms of a runny nose. They are:
- "Naphthyzinum";
- Otrivin;
- "Galazolin";
- "Nazik";
- "Rinorus";
- "Nazol" and many others.
The best vasoconstrictor nose drops for children shouldchoose a doctor.
Mechanism of action of vasoconstrictor drugs
These drugs act on special receptors that are highly sensitive to adrenaline. They reflexively trigger the excitation of the sympathetic nervous system, similar to that which operates in a stressful situation. In a state of stress, the vessels in the body begin to narrow sharply, and this reaction reduces blood loss in the event of a wound. The body also reacts to the effects of vasoconstrictor drugs. The blood supply to the nasal passages is reduced, resulting in less swelling, inflammation and mucus production.
Loss of receptor sensitivity
The reaction to a one-time or short-term use of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose will be just that. However, if adrenomimetics are used too often for a long time, the above receptors lose their sensitivity, completely or partially. This is how addiction to these drugs sets in, and their cancellation is very difficult. The tissue of the nasopharynx again begins to swell, however, not due to the disease, but due to the lack of the usual effect on it of the drug. At the same time, dependence on vasoconstrictors is formed, the use of which no longer relieves pathological symptoms.

In addition, with prolonged use, the vessels of the nose become thinned and fragile.
Another negative property of vasoconstrictor drops is their drying of the nasal mucosa, which is coveredcrusts that disrupt normal air circulation. Such a mucosa is easily injured, and the secondary occurrence of a runny nose may develop.
The names of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose are given below.
Varieties of vasoconstrictors
Depending on the basis of which active substance a particular drug is produced, vasoconstrictors can be divided into several main categories:
Medicines with phenylephrine that provide quick but short-term relief. They dry out the nasal mucosa less than other medicines. Their mild effect reduces the likelihood of addiction and adverse reactions. Therefore, experts recommend preparations with such a substance for the treatment of the common cold in childhood and in newborns. This category of vasoconstrictor drugs includes: Nazol Baby, Nazol Kids. There are other vasoconstrictor nasal drops for children - "Dlyanos", "Rinonorm", "Galazolin"

- Medicines based on indanazoline, which act more aggressively. The period of their action is approximately the same as that of drugs with phenylephrine. These drugs include the drug "Farial".
- Naphazoline preparations that act short-term but slightly longer than those containing phenylephrine. To date, there is numerous evidence that such drugs can inhibit the action of cilia on the ciliated epithelium of the nasal passages. On the basis of this substance, suchmedications such as Naphthyzin, Okumetil, Sanorin, Betadrin, Nafazolin. What other vasoconstrictor nasal drops are effective?
- Drugs containing tetrizoline have a similar effect to naphazoline. These are medicines "Tizin", "Vizin".
- The action of drugs with the active substance in the form of xylometazoline is longer. These remedies relieve the main symptoms of a runny nose, but rather dry out the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Such medicines include Xylometazoline, Xylen, Galazolin, Rinostop.
- Medications containing oxymetazoline have a very long-lasting effect and keep nasal breathing up to 12 hours. They gently affect the cilia in the ciliated epithelium. This substance is the basis of such vasoconstrictors as Knoxprey, Oxymetazoline, Afrin, Nazivin, Leconil. A more detailed list of vasoconstrictor nasal drops is given below.

It should be noted that all existing drugs of similar action are produced in different concentrations. There are weakly concentrated preparations that are designed for children of different ages. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe a vasoconstrictor drug, which determines the duration of therapy. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the doses of such drugs.
How to use vasoconstrictor nasal drops correctly?
How to use vasoconstrictors?
Use drugsvasoconstrictor effect is necessary according to a special scheme described by the doctor. Depending on the degree of the disease, the use of agents with an effect for 6, 8 or 12 hours may be recommended. If breathing has returned to normal and you can do without such drops, that is, if possible, it is better not to use them at all.

For the night
As an exception, a vasoconstrictor drug may be used at night, since difficulty breathing with colds can prevent a person from falling asleep. Often, swelling of the nasal passages occurs only after falling asleep, so it is better to drip your nose before going to bed, especially when it comes to a sick child.
The main indications for the use of vasoconstrictor drugs are:
- Obstruction of the nasal passages.
- No pain in the ears, as well as their congestion.
- Mouth breathing difficulties.
- Difficulty in nasal breathing due to fever.
Use vasoconstrictor drugs in the event of allergic rhinitis should absolutely not be, because vasoconstrictor agents increase the sensitivity of the nasal mucosa to the substance that originally caused the allergic reaction. They also reduce the body's ability to empty the nasal passages of irritants with the help of mucus secreted by rhinitis.
Special Instructions
The use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops for children and adults should not last more than one week, and medications inin the form of sprays for children under 5 years of age are not recommended. This is due to the special structure of the children's nasopharynx, and this form of the drug can cause inflammation of the Eustachian tubes. Therefore, it is best to use traditional pipettes for instillation of medicine into the nose. Very often, children's vasoconstrictor drugs are equipped with special dosing devices, with which it is very convenient to instill the drug.

During pregnancy and lactation, vasoconstrictor drugs are not recommended, since their safety for the fetus has not yet been proven. In some cases, when such drugs are indispensable, the doctor may prescribe a drug based on phenylephrine to the woman
Adverse reactions from vasoconstrictors
Like other medications, vasoconstrictor drops have some side effects and, in addition to being addictive, they can cause insomnia, cephalalgia or nausea.
In addition, their ability to increase blood pressure can be dangerous for people suffering from hypertension or glaucoma. It is not recommended to use adrenomimetics for atherosclerosis.
Fragility and fragility of the small blood vessels of the nose, as well as dryness of the mucous membrane after long-term use of vasoconstrictors, can lead to frequent nosebleeds. The abuse of these drugs contributes to the occurrence of depressive conditions, mental disorders, irritability. To reduce the likelihoodthe occurrence of side effects, it is recommended to use some folk remedies for nasal congestion in parallel with vasoconstrictor medications, as well as special solutions that moisturize the mucous membrane (for example, Aquamaris), which will significantly alleviate the condition and normalize breathing.
Indications for use
The main indication for the appointment of vasoconstrictors for the nose are all diseases that are accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa:
- Infectious rhinitis.
- Allergic rhinitis.
- Chronic runny nose.
- Sinusitis (sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis).
- Some varieties of otitis.
- Before rhinoscopy.
- To eliminate nosebleeds.
Vasoconstrictive nasal drops for adults and children can be purchased at any pharmacy.

General list of vasoconstrictor drugs
This list includes:
- "Vibrocil";
- Polydex;
- "Rinza";
- "Nazol";
- "Afrin";
- Xymelin;
- "Sanorin";
- "Rinazolin";
- Leconil;
- Otrivin;
- "Dlyanos";
- "Snoop" and others.

Reviews on vasoconstrictor nasal drops
In all the variety of drugs that have a vasoconstrictive effect on the nasal mucosa, according to the reviews of the people who used them, there are several means by whichare used most often. Such drugs are Xilen, Afrin, Otrivin, Dlyanos and others. These drops have proven themselves for quite a long time as good and effective drugs for the treatment of rhinitis and relief of breathing with nasal congestion. They, according to consumers, relieve swelling of the nasopharynx well, do not cause severe dryness in the nose, and are excellent drugs for short-term use. In cases of long-term use, these medications were most often addictive.

Negative comments
Negative reviews relate mainly to drugs based on phenylephrine, and this is due to a relatively short period of exposure - 2-4 hours. The use of these funds is very inconvenient, because by instilling them before going to bed, people are forced to wake up at night and repeat this procedure, since nasal breathing is again disturbed. These remedies are nevertheless good for those who suffer from allergies and use such medications during the day. Medicines containing tetrizoline as the main substance also have an effect similar to the above drugs, so the reviews about them are negative.
We reviewed the best vasoconstrictor nasal drops.