The preparation "Horsepower" in the form of a balm-gel and ointment is used to improve the condition of the spine and joints. This combined remedy eliminates the intensity of pain, removes swelling. Orthopedists and rheumatologists recommend using it for coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, spondylitis and osteochondrosis of any localization. The preparation contains essential oils along with fat-soluble vitamins that increase elasticity along with skin elasticity. "Horsepower" for the joints is also a cosmetic product used only for the auxiliary treatment of pathology. This drug does not have a wide list of contraindications and rarely provokes adverse reactions. The composition of the balm does not contain aggressive chemical compounds, in this regard, it is intended for daily use. Next, consider how effective the presented drug for the treatment of joints is. And besidesIn addition, we will find out if this gel can be used as a main tool in treatment.

Description of this medicine
"Horsepower" is a product with a liquid consistency and a whitish tint. Its persistent pleasant smell is determined by the high concentration of essential oils of lavender and mint. Equine joint gel can be well combined with drugs from any pharmacological group. Its components do not penetrate into the systemic circulation, and, moreover, do not interact with nonsteroidal drugs, hormonal drugs and anesthetics. The use of this balm in the treatment of joint diseases helps to speed up the recovery of the patient by improving well-being.
The therapeutic line of "Horsepower" includes various means. It can be products for hair, for skin, and also for nails. But especially gel for joints is very popular. Due to the high content of menthol and camphor, it helps to get rid of heavy legs, which often occurs in the evenings. This tool is recommended for people who, due to their professional activities, must move a lot.
Horsepower Balm may be recommended by a doctor to prevent joint damage. This is especially true for those people who lead a sedentary life, and, in addition, for the category of people who regularly experience serious physical exertion.
Useful properties of this drug
"Horsepower" for the joints shows at the same timewarming and cooling effect. Immediately after applying the cosmetic product, a pleasant feeling of light coolness may occur. At the same time, the components of the product improve blood flow, in which the inflammatory and degenerative process occurs. In the pathological focus, the temperature rises and the restoration of the damaged joint is stimulated:

- There is an acceleration of blood circulation, and, in addition, the reserves of nutritional and biological elements and molecular oxygen are replenished.
- Microcirculation normalizes, in addition, the formation of edema, which compress sensitive nerve endings, is prevented.
- Increased range of motion in affected joints.
The use of the balm "Horsepower" does not cancel the etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy. This remedy is intended only to relieve the symptoms of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system of slight intensity. The active components of the drug cannot stop pronounced destructive, degenerative and inflammatory processes.
Cooling ointment "Horsepower" is not included in the pharmacological group, as it is not considered a drug. This gel is a product intended for body care. It contains elements that have a positive diverse effect on the joints and tendon apparatus, for example:

- Antioxidant effect. Active ingredientsdestroy free radicals that destroy the cells of the human body.
- Miorelaxant effect. The components of the product eliminate muscle spasms that provoke acute and pulling pain.
- Decongestant effect. The active ingredients of the drug prevent the accumulation of exudate in the joint cavity and soft tissue.
- Anti-inflammatory effect. The use of this balm makes it possible to stop the sluggish inflammatory process by improving blood circulation.
- Analgesic. The use of the gel helps to reduce the severity of pain that is localized in any area of the body.
One of the leading symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis is stiffness of movement. It may disappear during the day or persist throughout the day. After applying the drug, the range of motion increases, which makes it possible to lead an active life.
Drug release format
This cosmetic product in the form of a balm-gel, as a rule, is sold in pharmacies in 100 milliliter packaging, as well as 0.5 l and 1 liter. The primary packaging is tubes made of polymeric materials or plastic bottles, which are equipped with dispensers. They are put into cardboard boxes along with annotations. The composition of the gel "Horsepower" (balm) includes auxiliary and active components in the form of tocopherol acetate, soybean oil, mint and lavender oil, menthol, triethanolamine, nipagin and propylparaben.
Composition of the medicine
Let's find out what the composition of "Horsepower" is.
Gel with horsechestnut contains camphor along with phytoextracts of birch leaves, wild rosemary and comfrey. Propolis extract helps to improve the condition of the veins, and, in addition, clove and eucalyptus essential oils. These components reduce the permeability of blood vessels, preventing the formation of blood clots.
Instructions for using the drug for treatment
The presented Horsepower gel is an effective tool for improving the condition and he alth of joints, muscles, and tendon apparatus. But it is not used as monotherapy, but only as part of complex treatment. This cosmetic product greatly facilitates the well-being of a person due to the elimination of painful sensations. Its components do not affect the causes and mechanism of the development of the disease.

Indications for use of the drug
Ointment "Horsepower" is used in the treatment of acute and chronic articular pathologies, regardless of their etiology. It is effective in systemic diseases that affect all joints in the human body. A good result is its use in the treatment of localized gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, synovitis and bursitis. Myositis along with rheumatic joint damage, osteochondrosis, including those complicated by chondrosis, also become indications for use. In addition, this remedy is used for spondylitis, arthrosis of the fingers, ankle and wrist joints, against the background of gout and psoriatic arthritis.
This remedy is also prescribed for injuriesjoints at the stages of rehabilitation. With its help, it is possible to get rid of pain and swelling when ligaments, tendons and muscles are torn. "Horsepower" is not prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to its components. This gel is contraindicated in pregnancy. Treatment of children under fourteen years of age is also strictly prohibited. In case of heart disease, the presented balm should be used with great care.

Method of application and dosage
The described gel, as a rule, is quickly absorbed by the skin, and its active components penetrate directly into the pathological focus. The analgesic effect is manifested already a few minutes after the application of the drug to the area of pain. The amount of funds directly depends on the source of damage. For the treatment of the wrist joint, a strip of gel one centimeter long is sufficient. If a person has arthrosis of the knee or ankle, the indicated amount is increased several times.
What does the "Horsepower" instruction for the joints tell us?
Side effects
Rarely the application of this balm provokes the manifestation of allergy symptoms. The skin may become red and swollen, and small pimples form. In such a case, it is required to wash off the product, and then apply any antihistamine.
According to the instructions, "Horsepower" is used in the form of a daily three-fold application to the area of pain. But doctors recommend taking a break for two weeks after one month of use. In the event that aftera month of therapy, the condition of the joints does not improve, you need to consult a doctor. He will prescribe diagnostic tests and, in accordance with the results, will carry out treatment.

Medicine analogues
Analogues of the presented relaxing gel for joints are creams called "Zoo VIP" and "Alezan". Next, consider consumer reviews about this tool.
Reviews about "Horsepower"
People say they use this gel balm to warm up their muscles during workouts. Thanks to this, it is possible to prepare the joints for excessive stress and thereby prevent injury.

Other consumers write that with the help of "Horsepower" they eliminate muscle spasms that occur with cervical osteochondrosis. Such sensations usually cause severe pain that radiates to the forearm, and the presented drug, according to the assurances of the buyers, effectively helps to cope with this ailment.
People say in reviews of "Horsepower" that this gel relaxes muscles quickly enough. Many people also use it to prevent recurrence of joint diseases.