In parallel with modern methods of treating various diseases, herbal settings, extracts and infusions, ointments and bioadditives can be used as an additional medical complex. In non-traditional therapy, shark cartilage is also used. It represents the cartilaginous tissue that makes up the shark skeleton.
Properties of shark cartilage
After studying this product of animal origin, experts came to a certain conclusion. Shark cartilage is a fairly powerful tool that has a different range of positive properties and has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Through the use of this drug occurs:
- restoration of the protective functions of the body from the harmful effects of viruses and malignant cells (antibody production);
- strengthening a weakened immune system;
- increase the effect of some vaccines when the immune system is weak;
- increase in muscle mass, strength and elasticity of muscles;
- reduce allergic reactions;
- restoration of tissues (bone, nervous,muscle, skin),
- body rejuvenation;
- recovery of vision (yellow spot of the retina);
- reducing the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques, improving blood circulation;
- lower cholesterol;
- stimulation of fat metabolism;
- increasing body tone.
What is it made of?
Shark cartilage contains:
- minerals – calcium, phosphorus, zinc;
- proteins, macroprotein IDC;
- collagen;
- chondroitin and glucosamine sulfates (components of cartilage tissue);
- mucopolysaccharides.

Indications for the use of the remedy
Shark cartilage is used as a general tonic, is part of the main complex therapy for pathological processes such as:
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, bone growths, intervertebral hernia, coxarthrosis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis);
- diabetic retinopathy;
- macular degeneration;
- psoriasis;
- allergic dermatoses;
- bone fractures;
- poor immunity;
- oncopathology;
- diseases of the nervous system (lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia).

Most often, preparations based on shark cartilage are prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, since it contains chondroitin and glucosamine sulfates. They renew cartilage and ligaments, synovial fluid of the joints, skin, participate in the productioncollagen.
Drug in capsules. What is and how should I take it?
The modern pharmacological market offers a fairly large selection of products based on shark cartilage. Now there are different forms of application: in the form of capsules, gel, ointment and solution.

Shark cartilage capsules is an extract from the shark skeleton in the form of a white powder (750 mg/cap) of the glucosamino-chondroitin complex. The remaining components of the drug (150 mg) are additional components (minerals, proteins, magnesium stearate, gelatin, silicon, hyaluronic acid, etc., the composition of which depends on the manufacturer). The dosage of the capsule is 900 mg, 50-100 pcs. packed.
It is recommended to take the drug 2-3 capsules 3 times / day, preferably after meals. At the same time, you need to drink enough water (200 ml). If there is an improvement in the patient's well-being, the dosage of the drug is reduced to three to four capsules 1 time / day. The duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor (from one to two months).
The active substance of the drug is well absorbed when applied orally, which contributes to the good absorption of all useful components. The cost of the drug in capsules ranges from 1299 to 2500 rubles.
Solution. How should I take it?
Solution for oral administration - "Neovastat", from the manufacturer "Atrium Innovations Inc" (Canada). The release form is a bottle with 1% solution of 30 ml, No. 30 (in a box). The preparation contains 10 ml of liquid form of shark cartilage (extract)or 0.1 grams of dry matter. The drug is translucent in color with a slight smell of fish (may be slightly pink or yellowish).
It is used in the complex therapy of malignant tumors in kidney, lung, breast and prostate cancer, melanoma (against the background of chemical and radiological methods of treatment). It is used if there is an active growth of the tumor, as well as to prevent recurrence and the formation of metastases. The daily dose of the drug for adults and children over nineteen years of age: from 30 ml to 240 ml / day. (one - six bottles / day). Take on an empty stomach thirty minutes before a meal or two hours after a meal.
The frozen contents of the vial are thawed at room temperature before use. It must be shaken, opened and immediately drink the contents. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. It is important for every person to know that this drug increases the effect of Cisplatin.
Cream and cream-balm. How to use the product correctly?
Cream for joints (75-150 ml) will include, in addition to cartilage extract, herbal ingredients: chamomile, calendula, olive oil, lemon oil. Intended for skin care of hands and feet. The cream costs from three hundred to four hundred rubles.
On sale you can find a cream with shark cartilage (cream-balm). It is intended for the treatment of joint and muscle pain. The composition listed above includes cinquefoil (extract). There is a cream for the joints, in which an extract of substances from the cartilage of cattle, pepper, eucalyptus, camphor is added. The tool is popular. The cream is called "Super Hash and Shark Cartilage" (75 ml).
With the help of the cream, with regular use, metabolic processes in the skin are activated, which contributes to the rapid healing of the wound, stimulation of the production of hyaluronic acid (supports cartilage in a functional state). At the same time, the joints are restored, the inflammatory process in the joints and ligaments is removed, and the pain syndrome disappears.

Gel. Application of a pharmacy agent
Gel for joints (75 ml) has the same composition as the cream. But it has a more delicate texture. Has good absorption. After its application there are no greasy marks on the skin. Used two to three times / day (optimally three to four times / day). Apply to the inflamed area, rubbing it thoroughly. It is recommended to use the drug for three to six months, since the therapeutic effect occurs after the accumulation of the necessary substances in the tissues. Then a break is made for a certain period (negotiated with the attending physician).
Ointment. Composition and methods of use
Shark cartilage ointment is produced mainly by manufacturers in Russia and the UK. Differs in the composition of useful substances. The Russian preparation contains extracts of shark cartilage and shark fat, formic alcohol and fir oil, camphor and snake venom. In the English analogue, amino acids from salmon fish, boswellia, turmeric are added, and cedar oil is used instead of fir oil. And its price, respectively, is ten times higher.

Participates in the construction of cartilage tissuea small amount of nutrients that enter the body. And even a combination with other drugs does not allow to accelerate its synthesis, especially with reduced metabolic processes.
Using the drug for the joints. Reviews
Shark cartilage is good for joints. It helps in solving many problems with the musculoskeletal system. To improve local blood flow in problem areas and thereby achieve favorable results, physiotherapy and massage are performed while taking shark cartilage. According to patients, after the application of this technique, an increase in joint mobility is observed. Inflammation and pain syndrome go away. Patients feel much better.
Contraindications to the use of this remedy. When should you not use a pharmacy drug?
Shark cartilage is believed to have no side effects as it is a natural remedy. Yet it has a number of contraindications:
- not assigned to children;
- not applicable during pregnancy and lactation;
- individual intolerance;
- presence of cardiovascular disease;
- postoperative period (within a month);
- cannot be used before surgery (twenty to thirty days in advance).
It is important to remember that all these methods are considered passive and have a short-term result if movements in the spine and joints become problematic and the pathological process is seriously started.

In order for the body to maintain the mobility of the musculoskeletalmotor system for many years, you need to constantly monitor your he alth, adhere to an active he althy lifestyle, eat right and drink regularly. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor in time and follow all his recommendations. Unfortunately, many remember this too late.
Drug cost
The price of shark cartilage in pharmacies depends on the manufacturer, regional location of the outlet, dosage form, dosage, and ranges from 549 rubles to 2599 rubles. It is better to purchase the drug in large pharmacies, so you can avoid fakes. After all, low-quality drugs can only harm your he alth.
Small conclusion
Shark cartilage is not a pharmacological drug. It is presented on the market as a biologically active product (BAA), which allows you to maintain the body in a he althy state. And yet, before you start taking it, you need to consult a doctor.