Aspen leaves in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Folk recipes

Aspen leaves in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Folk recipes
Aspen leaves in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Folk recipes

Today, such a disease as hemorrhoids is quite common. This disease mainly affects the male body, but women occasionally suffer from it. It's not that hard to earn it, but it's hard to get rid of it.

Hemorrhoids are a common disease characterized by thrombosis, inflammation and the formation of hemorrhoids in the rectum.

The reasons include hypodynamia, impaired stool, increased physical activity, inflammatory processes in the body, pregnancy and more.

The disease causes a lot of discomfort in a person, such as itching, burning, discomfort in the anus, bleeding is possible.

If the disease is not treated, it can haunt you for many years, preventing you from living in peace.

At the first manifestations of hemorrhoids, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the main treatment. But also among the people there are a lot of recipes that can be effective in this situation. And, after consulting a doctor, they can be used.

There are many supporters of traditional medicine, as well as opponents. The opinions of the people in thisquestion diverge. Some folk recipes help, but some do not. Self-healing is everyone's business.

But if you use non-traditional methods, then competently, after consulting a doctor. To do this, it is better to consult a specialist who works specifically in this area so that the treatment is effective and does not harm he alth.

aspen leaves
aspen leaves

Aspen for hemorrhoids

A lot of remedies are used against hemorrhoids. These are candles made from potatoes, honey, garlic, ice, all kinds of herbal ointments, enemas, lotions, etc. Maybe this all works, but recently the well-known aspen has been receiving positive feedback.

This is a pretty effective method. Many people prefer to use aspen leaves in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Aspen is a tall, beautiful, green tree. It occurs quite often. The buds and leaves of such trees contain many useful substances. These are salicin, essential oil, tannin, organic acids, vitamin C and more.

aspen photo
aspen photo

Aspen, the photo of which is presented above, has long been used in folk medicine. The tree is common in forests, also grows near water bodies, ravines, swamps. You can meet him in such parts of the world as Russia, China, Crimea, Mongolia, Europe, Kazakhstan.

Aspen leaves are used for many diseases, such as gastritis, bronchitis, diarrhea, cystitis, gout, or simply to increase appetite.

Properties of aspen leaves

Aspen leaves have a number of useful properties, to theminclude anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, astringent.

aspen leaf treatment
aspen leaf treatment

Among other things, they help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which means they make it possible to prevent bleeding.

After applying recipes that include aspen leaf, swelling immediately decreases, and pain also stops. Bacteria stop growing and multiplying at the site of inflammation.

What do aspen leaves look like?

what do aspen leaves look like
what do aspen leaves look like

The natural world is not a pharmacy where you can go and get what you ask for. No, here you need to know for yourself what you need, where it is located and, most importantly, how it looks.

Nothing complicated about it. Aspen leaf is easy to recognize. It is round in shape, sags a little, the leaf is on a long petiole, along the edge it has small, uneven and not pointed teeth. The top of the leaf is yellow and green, and the bottom is gray and green.

Aspen leaf application

Aspen leaf treatment is carried out in different ways, that is, it is used in different forms. It is possible to use it externally, as well as ingestion.

aspen tree leaf
aspen tree leaf

There are many options for how to cook it. You can leave it entirely, you can make various tinctures, lotions, compresses, etc.

In exacerbations, the effect will be after applying the leaves externally. And in order to prevent them, they are taken in the form of infusions inside.


This treatment is prohibited:

  • Ifthere is an individual intolerance, or the risk of allergic reactions is increased. If there are discomfort, burning sensation, then you must immediately stop the procedure and consult a doctor.
  • For frequent constipation or when it develops during the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • diabetics

Folk recipes

This potion is easy to prepare at home. Moreover, there should not be any problems with the ingredients, because aspen is quite common. The tree whose leaf will be applied is also quite recognizable.

decoction of aspen leaves
decoction of aspen leaves

This is not only an effective way of treatment, but also free. There is, however, one big minus. This treatment is carried out in the summer, because at this time of the year the tree is green. Fresh leaves give a much better result. But you can also use them in dried form - for decoctions, the recipes of which are below.

The only thing needed is a consultation with a doctor. Do not self-medicate, it is better to be safe in this matter.


  • The very first and easiest way is to apply the leaves to the hemorrhoidal bumps. You need to thoroughly wash a few leaves and attach for a couple of hours, then remove. After an hour, you need to attach new leaves, then you should wash with cool water. You need to repeat the procedure every other day, 3 times a week. The course of treatment is only 7 days. In this short time, the symptoms of hemorrhoids should pass.
  • Aspen leaves should be finely chopped. Can be cut with a knife, then grind,you can send everything to the blender, the main thing is to get something like a paste. You need to lie on your stomach, spread the resulting mixture on gauze and apply to the anus for a couple of hours. After the specified time, rinse everything with cool water and anoint the anus with baby vaseline. It is recommended to lie down for an hour after the procedure. If during the procedure you feel discomfort in the anus, then you must immediately wash everything off. The manipulation should be repeated every two days, gradually reducing the amount of ointment. It is necessary to stop treatment after the disappearance of hemorrhoids.


  • This infusion should be taken orally. We need exactly 200 ml of 40% ethyl alcohol and dried aspen leaves. All this is mixed and insisted for a week. Drink the infusion should be a tablespoon three times a day with meals.
  • The following infusion should be used externally. Crushed aspen leaves should be poured with boiling water. They insist for three hours, and then filter well. This infusion should be washed twice a day (morning and evening). For discomfort, use it only once a day.


You can also try a decoction of aspen leaves. Compresses are made from it.

To do this, you need to take 150 grams of raw materials, while the leaves must be fresh, cut into strips and put on a bowl (enamelled). Pour the leaves with cold water (2 liters), put on a slow fire, and after boiling, keep the broth for 15 minutes and remove.

Then the remedy must be allowed to brew. We wrap the pan with a lid with a warm towel and leave it for 3 hours. After the specified time, the broth can be filtered and used.

For a compress, take gauze, moisten it in a decoction, put it on the hemorrhoids and apply a dry napkin or the same gauze on top. The compress should be kept for 10-15 minutes, do this manipulation twice a day.

Side effects

Usually, the aspen, the photo of which was given in the article, does not cause side effects.

The only thing to be wary of is allergic reactions. For this, it should not be used by people who have an individual intolerance, and it is necessary to consult with your doctor before use.


In addition to medication and alternative treatment, you should strictly follow a diet and change your lifestyle.

aspen leaves in the treatment of hemorrhoids
aspen leaves in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Folk remedy will eliminate unpleasant symptoms, proper drug treatment will relieve hemorrhoids, but if the factors that caused the disease are not removed, it will return.

Drink more water, eat fiber foods, move and be in the fresh air, and then the risk of re-inflammation of the nodes will decrease.
