Miramistin is a Russian-made therapeutic drug with a broad antiseptic effect. It can be used both for the treatment and prevention of fungal, viral and bacterial diseases. Miramistin is excellent for throat, colds and those that are sexually transmitted.
Creation of the drug
The drug was developed back in the 70s under the name "Infacept". Scientists tried to create a unique antiseptic agent for treating the skin of Soviet cosmonauts and their equipment. Infacept was supposed to help fight harmful microorganisms, pathogenic fungi and viruses that multiply well and live in such enclosed spaces. Specialists from many cities have created unique developments that were not in demand for some time.

After a series of trials of the drug, in 1991, Miramistin was registered as a means of preventing individual sexually transmitted diseases. In the future, the properties of the drug began to be studied more deeply, and soontime, the areas of application of the drug were: traumatology, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, burn practice, dentistry, ENT practice, urology, for which the appropriate permits were obtained. Studies have also discovered the beneficial effect of antiseptic on antibiotics.
The first trial batch of Miramistin, which was then still called Infacept, was released in 1993. Although it numbered 30,000 bottles, they were hardly introduced into the country's pharmacies for 8 months. The first, as well as the second and third, the party was unprofitable, and only in 1996, after the sale of 50 thousand bottles, the drug finally began to make a profit.
1995 was a landmark year for the drug. Its production was singled out as a separate independent direction and the Infamed company was opened. She had to go through many risks of Russian business.
Pharmacological properties of the drug
"Miramistin" has a pronounced bactericidal action against gram-positive and gram-negative, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The tool most effectively copes with gram-positive bacteria that affect the reproductive system and provoke human immunodeficiency. The drug affects yeast-like, ascomycetes, dermatophytes, pathogenic fungi.

What are the benefits of Miramistin
- The drug has antimicrobial activity, can simultaneously act on viruses, microbes and fungi.
- The antibacterial agent has a wide range of clinical applications. I'm being treatedsunburn, treat venereal disease.
- The drug reduces the resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics, stimulates immune responses.
- Has a characteristic anti-inflammatory effect.
- Prevents infection in wounds and burns.
- Does not damage skin cells.
- Has a regenerative effect.
- Does not irritate the skin and has allergenic properties.
- "Miramistin" is simple and easy to use, dispensed without a special prescription.
Drug effectiveness
Multiple studies of the antiseptic have proven almost 100% effectiveness of "Miramistin", but subject to all the conditions of the processing technique and terms of use.

Being one of the best drugs, it is used for prevention and treatment in surgery, traumatology, otolaryngology, dermatology, dentistry, urology, venereology, gynecology and obstetrics. The drug has no side effects, so it is prescribed for both pregnant women and children. It prevents any complications and speeds up recovery.
Multiple laboratory studies have studied the drug "Miramistin". Many people know that this is an excellent remedy for the treatment of diseases of the reproductive system. He is not afraid of gonococcus, chlamydia, genital herpes, pale treponema, fungal infections, etc.
Contraindications may be single individual intolerance to the components of the drug. To date, none have been identified.
How to applyMiramistin
What kind of drug, we already know, now we need to figure out in what specific cases it is used and how to use it correctly.

The product is used as an ointment or solution.
Topical application: a wipe is moistened and applied to an infected wound or burn surface, forming a bandage. After a patient undergoes an operation, such as osteomyelitis, the wound must be irrigated with a solution through a drain.
Emergency prevention of sexually transmitted diseases involves washing the genitals and treating them with a cotton swab. Women should douche "Miramistin" (5-10 ml), men, no later than 2 hours after an accidental sexual intercourse, inject intraurethral 1 ml of the drug. Also, women with inflammation of the genital organs are recommended to inject a swab moistened with Miramistin.
Purulent otitis is treated by instillation of 2 ml of the drug into the ear canal. "Miramistin" for the throat is used for laryngitis and tonsillitis, gargling 4-6 times a day. With sinusitis, doctors also recommend the use of this drug. It is necessary to wash the maxillary sinus and spray Miramistin in the nose.
Child drug study
Children are much more susceptible to acute respiratory infections. Scientists have conducted a whole study regarding the use of the drug in children. It involved 60 children with acute symptoms of nasopharyngitis. Twenty of them received the drug by endonasal electrophoresis, twenty did inhalations with Miramistin, the restdid not take such medicine at all.

Effectiveness of treatment was assessed on the basis of follow-up data. Already after 4 procedures, the cough in children became smaller and softer, the outflow of nasal secretions and nasal congestion improved after 2 inhalations with Miramistin. By the middle of the course, only 4% of children aged 5 to 12 had breathing problems. Nasal mucosal edema decreased in all children by the end of the study. In addition to the procedures provided by the study, each group of children took Miramistin by nose.
The results of the study pleased both scientists and children and their parents. A very high efficiency of the solution was established, with an absolute absence of side effects. Doctors established the expediency of using electrophoresis, inhalations with "Miramistin" quickly facilitated general well-being and accelerated the dynamics of recovery. They began to be widely used in pediatrics, to recommend Miramistin for children in children's institutions. Instructions for use are simple, they are always described in the package insert.

A sore throat can be a symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, it is recommended to eliminate it in time. An excellent treatment is Miramistin, a throat spray. You need to spray your throat several times a day, after which you refrain from eating for an hour. People who used Miramistin (spray) left only positive reviews. At the end of the first day of use, pain was reduced in 80%sick. You can also gargle with this remedy.
Since the drug is very strong, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions. For adults and children over 14 years old, 10 to 15 ml of solution should be taken for one procedure. Children from 7 to 14 years old - 5-7 ml, from 3 to 6 years old - 3-6 ml, children under 3 years old are diluted 1: 1 with water and Miramistin. Gargling is recommended at least 4 times a day, while the treatment itself lasts from 5 to 10 days.
It is necessary to carry out the procedure after eating, then you can not drink or eat for 30 minutes. In the treatment of the throat, as well as in the prevention of diseases, it is forbidden to use cold Miramistin. Rinse should be carried out with a preparation at least at room temperature, it is better if it is slightly warmed up. Otherwise, the treatment can lead to even more sore throat. The drug can be alternated with other means, such as decoctions of herbs or soda solution.
Analogues of "Miramistin"
There is no analogue of this drug. But if, for some reason, another drug is needed, you can replace it with Chlorhexidine. This solution is also intended for gargling, but in fact, the antiviral effect is needed only for viral diseases such as influenza or stomatitis. But after tooth extraction, with gingivitis or periodontitis, it is enough to rinse the mouth with a remedy such as Chlorhexidine.

The antimicrobial activity of Miramistin is lower than that of Chlorhexidine, but the price is higher. Its only advantage overthe latter is an effective effect on viruses, therefore it is Miramistin that helps with herpetic stomatitis. That this is one of the best drugs today, most doctors will say.
Composition of the drug
An antiseptic topical agent sold without a prescription, available in 150 ml bottles. The package contains a spray nozzle, which allows you not only to rinse your mouth, but also to spray the exact amount of medicine on the inflamed areas.
"Miramistin" contains purified water, benzyl dimethyl ammonium chloride nitrate, dye, flavor.
Miramistin is an antiseptic of chemical origin. Along with the high efficiency of the drug, it does not act in a destructive way on the mucous membranes. Used for irrigation or washing of wounds, gargling, instillation of the nasal passage, treatment of inflamed areas, wetting tampons for lotions.
Today, Miramistin can be safely distinguished from other drugs. That this is one of the best and most effective medicines, we have already seen. Now everyone knows the most effective way to get rid of a runny nose, tonsillitis, bronchitis or other colds.