Hairy female legs are probably liked either by people who are indifferent to appearance, or by a special kind of fetishists. The vast majority of girls prefer to have completely smooth skin, and it is more pleasant for men to look at silky legs. Therefore, ladies are constantly puzzled by the question of how to get rid of leg hair forever. And today there are a lot of all kinds of procedures, thanks to which the hated vegetation on the body gradually disappears. Unfortunately not

another remedy has been invented that, after the first application, would make the hair never grow again. Even the most expensive procedures, such as electro or photo epilation, require several sessions. Not every woman can afford this, so you have to suffer with more accessible methods. But after them, another problem often appears - ingrown hairs. They form after shaving or after using an electric depilator. These individu althe hairs simply could not “break through” out, therefore, twisting back, they began to grow back into the follicle. Therefore, they must be detected in time and measures taken to remove them, otherwise they may even become infected.

How to get rid of ingrown hairs on legs? The best way is to avoid them in the first place. After all, shaving and any other depilation (wax, electric depilation, etc.) are done “against wool”. Thus, the angle of hair growth changes, and this leads to their ingrowth. But it can be prevented by following a few simple tips. Before you get rid of hair on your legs, you must first steam the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to lie down in a bath with warm water for 5-10 minutes, in which you can add chamomile infusion. After that, you need to remove the dead layer from the skin. This is done with the help of various scrubs, store-bought or made by hand. After such a “cleansing”, you don’t have to worry about how to get rid of hair on your legs without unpleasant consequences. Now you can safely shave them or depilate them in another way.
Please note that if you are using a razor, the blade must not be dull. Also, to prevent all sorts of irritations, you do not need to repeatedly drive the machine in the same place. After shaving, you can lubricate your legs with a moisturizer or baby oil. If you are thinking about how to get rid of hair on your legs with an electric depilator so that there is no irritation, then here is a little advice for you: remove them according totheir growth, not against it. Yes, it is uncomfortable, but ingrowth can be avoided, although the procedure will be slightly delayed. Over time, you will get used to it and you will do it faster. After depilation, it is better not to steam the skin and not to wet it at all. You can lubricate either with a special cream, or use baby powder. A couple of days after the procedure, the skin needs to be scrubbed again, and then it should be done daily for at least a week or two. Be sure to lubricate your feet with moisturizers in the morning and evening.

If you are also concerned about the question "how to get rid of excess hair on the face", then the situation here is almost the same as with the legs: either temporary waxing or electrolysis, which gives a longer effect. The cheapest way is to pull out the hairs with tweezers, but it is a little painful (but not more painful than plucking your eyebrows). Depilatory creams are recognized as the most ineffective option for getting rid of hair on the legs, face and other parts of the body. They can cause irritation or allergies, do not give a lasting result, and can provoke the growth of even coarser and darker hair.