Save youth will help facelift

Save youth will help facelift
Save youth will help facelift

Of course, every woman dreams of being beautiful, staying young as long as possible, not getting old. And any wrinkles, any sagging skin infuriates the fair sex. In the presence of any skin defects, in some cases, a facelift is quite effective.

face skin tightening
face skin tightening

It is possible to achieve significant aesthetic changes in this area, as well as on the neck, with a complex operation called a facelift. So you can get rid of deep wrinkles, eliminate sagging skin on the cheeks, as well as along the edges of the lower jaw and on the neck. People over the age of forty need a facelift for rejuvenation. An incredible effect can be achieved with the help of such an operation. You can significantly transform your appearance, and the effect lasts for seven or even ten years - it all depends on the characteristics of the body, which are individual for each person. In order to fight age-related changes and flabbiness of the skin, the most reliable and affordable method is a facelift.

This operation is effective in cases where the patient has a double chin - in this case, facelift removes fat deposits, thereby stopping the development of the second chin. If thishereditary or genetic disorders, then an individual set of measures is taken that is aimed at correcting the shape of the lower jaw, a special plastic surgery is performed - an endoscopic facelift, as well as a neck lift.

Facelift will easily solve the problem of sagging cheeks. Such an operation will be an excellent solution if you need to remove deep wrinkles on the face.

forehead lift
forehead lift

Smooth wrinkles will help such plastic surgery as a forehead and eyebrow lift. In addition, in this way you can get rid of longitudinal wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. With the help of a lift, you can also solve the problem with drooping eyebrows, tighten the outer corners of the eyes. During such an operation, doctors use the classical surgical method, and a new endoscopic method is also practiced, thanks to which the forehead skin lift can be performed with minimal incisions.

There are certain indications for the possibility of such an operation - this is the lowering of the eyebrows or their ugly configuration. In this case, it seems that the person is constantly angry or very tired.

brow lift
brow lift

In addition, one of the indications is the redundancy of the upper eyelid. There are many contraindications to this operation. This plastic surgery is by no means performed if a person has hypertension. In addition, a brow and forehead lift is contraindicated for people with diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases, thyroid disorders, and poor blood clotting. In thatthe list should be added infectious and oncological diseases, loss of skin elasticity. If there is any damage on the forehead, then this is also a contraindication.

Rehabilitation after a facelift requires a minimum of time - its duration can be from two to three weeks, if it is an endoscopic facelift, then one week of rehabilitation is enough.
