What vitamins should women over 50 take: a list and tips for choosing

What vitamins should women over 50 take: a list and tips for choosing
What vitamins should women over 50 take: a list and tips for choosing

What vitamins should women over 50 take? At any age, the body needs nutrients. Thanks to vitamin complexes, not only well-being improves, but also overall he alth. Improves appetite, mood, feels a surge of strength. During puberty, menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy, menopause, a woman often succumbs to the action of hormones, so tearfulness, sleep problems, or even a nervous breakdown may occur. To prevent this, you need to eat right, balanced diet. What vitamins should women over 50 take? Before you buy the drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This is especially true for those people who have serious diseases of the blood or internal organs. Many medicines can cause side effects - an allergic reaction, nausea, migraine. To prevent this from happening, it is important to follow all the recommendations of experts.

Under what circumstances should you urgently take vitamins?

Useful vitamins
Useful vitamins

First you need to familiarize yourself with possible problemswith he alth, which may occur with a deficiency of the necessary elements:

  1. The condition of the skin is deteriorating - the skin is dry and wrinkled.
  2. In the event that the body is deficient in useful vitamins, deep age wrinkles appear, hair actively begins to fall out, the general condition of the nails worsens - they begin to turn yellow and exfoliate, so they cannot be grown back.
  3. Disturbances in the work of the nervous system. In this regard, depression, nervous breakdown, mood swings can occur. Such a sad picture is observed due to the lack of beneficial vitamins.
  4. Pain in the joints and brittle bones - this is what gives the maximum discomfort to a person. Unpleasant symptoms occur due to calcium deficiency. Under such conditions, the risk of fracture during an unsuccessful fall increases.

To avoid the above problems, it is recommended to balance your diet - exclude junk food, soda and alcoholic beverages. In this way, you can increase the protective functions of the body. With the help of a vitamin complex, you can reduce the risk of developing he alth problems. What vitamins should women over 50 take? Before you run to the pharmacy for vitamins, you need to find out what elements in the blood a woman lacks. At home, it is impossible to carry out laboratory tests, so it is recommended to visit a doctor and pass all the necessary tests. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the attending physician will prescribe vitamins that the patient needs to replenish.

Benefits of Vitamin E

This vitamin will help keep a woman young and beautiful, as the element improves skin condition, makes it young and elastic. Due to vitamin deficiency, skin problems begin to arise, it becomes dry, deep wrinkles appear. Thanks to tocopherol, harmful substances can be removed from the body. The daily dose of vitamin E for women over 50 is 92.9 mcg. If you include nuts, peanuts, almonds, rose hips, sea buckthorn, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, green leafy vegetables in your diet, you can saturate the body with vitamin E. Sunflower and butter contain this element. Before you buy vitamins, you should undergo a medical examination. Only a doctor is able to prescribe effective drugs that will improve the patient's he alth.

Why should I take vitamin D?

Vitamin D
Vitamin D

What vitamins should women over 50 take? Calciferol is necessary for both infants and adults. Doctors often recommend that children drink this element in order to prevent many diseases, including rickets. With the help of such a healing substance, you can preserve the youthfulness of the skin and eliminate problems with the intake of phosphorus into the body. Increases the absorption of calcium. The daily norm is 10 mcg. It is recommended to include fatty fish, mushrooms, dairy products in the diet. In sunny weather, walking for 15 minutes is useful.

Vitamin C benefits for women

Vitamin C
Vitamin C

Vitamin helps eliminate excess cholesterol and swelling. After applying the elements is enhancedsexual desire, normalizes fat metabolism and other processes in the body of women. The daily dose is 10 mcg. It is recommended to use olive, corn and soybean oils in the cooking process. Before taking vitamin therapy, you should visit a doctor.

B vitamins

Such vitamins have a positive effect on the functioning of the whole organism. During menopause, they improve the functioning of the brain and prevent the development of obesity. Vitamin B12 restores damaged tissues and has a positive effect on overall well-being. During pregnancy, you should drink folic acid, since the lack of such an element can provoke the development of he alth problems for the expectant mother and fetus. Doctors recommend taking folic acid to prevent cancer. You should include nuts, eggs, fish, seafood, meat, fruits and vegetables in your diet. Depending on the general state of he alth, individual and physiological characteristics of the patient's body, the doctor determines the daily dose.

Why does the body need ascorbic acid?

If a deficiency of vitamins A and C occurs in the human body, problems will appear:

  • with vision;
  • protective function of the body;
  • in the state of soft tissue and mucous membranes.

Such elements affect the metabolic processes in the body. The daily norm is 80 mg (vitamin C), retinol - 4500 mcg. It is recommended to eat more fish, liver, meat, potatoes, pumpkin. Arugula, citrus fruits, tomatoes, rose hips, apples, strawberries and sea buckthorn are sources of vitaminC.

Scientists are of the opinion that even if you eat right and balanced, the body does not receive the required amount of elements, since the beneficial properties of the ingredients are lost during cooking. Therefore, it is recommended for men and women to use a special vitamin complex. You should know that only a doctor should prescribe a drug, otherwise serious he alth problems may arise.

Vitamins "AlfaVit"

Vitamins "Alphabet"
Vitamins "Alphabet"

In the list of vitamins for women after 50 years, AlfaVit takes pride of place. The medicinal product is recommended for those women who want to look young and beautiful longer. This complex improves the condition of the skin and hair, strengthens the nails. Thanks to "AlfaVit", the state of he alth improves and the feeling of fatigue is eliminated. In the event that an allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug is detected, you should consult a doctor. Under such conditions, the doctor will prescribe suitable vitamins that do not cause side effects. If other serious diseases are present, then self-medication can lead to the development of he alth problems. Vitamins are not as harmless as they first appear.

Vitamins "Centrum"

Vitamins "Centrum"
Vitamins "Centrum"

Vitamins "Centrum" is one of the most effective and popular vitamin complexes for women after 50 years. The drug has a positive effect on the overall he alth of a person. Released in the form of tablets. The drug strengthens the protective function of the body and relieves the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, improves the functioning of the nervous system, relieves nervousness and removes depression. Vitamins slow down the aging of the body. If you make up for the deficiency of the necessary elements, the condition of hair and nails will improve.

Vitamins "Complivit"

Vitamins "Complivit"
Vitamins "Complivit"

"Complivit" - good vitamins for women after 50 years. The price is affordable, the quality is high. You can buy the drug at any pharmacy. Vitamins slow down the aging process, have a positive effect on the overall well-being of women during menopause. Already after 1 course, the general state of he alth improves significantly. The skin becomes taut and elastic. These beneficial vitamins for women over 50 should be taken 1 pill daily.

Finnish vitamins Ladyvita 50

The preparation contains phytoestrogens, vitamins and minerals. With age, calcium deficiency occurs, so this drug should be taken daily. It is recommended to consult a specialist before drinking Ladyvita 50 vitamins. Instructions for use of the medication should not be the basis for treatment. The insert for the tablets says that the daily dose is 2 pills per day, but it is better that the dosage is prescribed by the attending doctor. In particular cases, doctors prescribe vitamins to patients in the spring or autumn season. During such periods, problems often arise with the protective function of the body, and general well-being worsens. Despite the fact that a person takes vitamins, it is not necessaryforget about the rules of proper nutrition. To change your well-being and he alth for the better, experts recommend eating a balanced diet, not smoking or drinking alcohol, and leading an active and he althy lifestyle.

Lady, s Formula

Multivitamins Lady, s Formula is one of the most popular preparations that help fill the deficiency of essential substances. Daily dose - 2 tablets 2 times a day.


Good vitamins help improve he alth.

Vitamins "Vitrum"
Vitamins "Vitrum"

Based on the problems that have arisen, you should choose a vitamin complex. For example, "Vitrum Centuri" is prescribed in this case:

  1. If the skin has lost firmness and elasticity.
  2. If dark circles under the eyes.
  3. To improve hair condition.
  4. To reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

These complex vitamins for women over 50 should be taken 1 time per day, 1 pill. The duration of therapy is 2-4 months. It is difficult to buy a suitable vitamin complex on your own. In order not to waste time, it is recommended to visit a doctor. Only on the basis of the results of the study, the specialist will prescribe the most effective vitamin complex.

Note to patient

If the general state of he alth has worsened and the work of the cardiovascular system has deteriorated, doctors often prescribe Vitrum Centuri vitamins. Not in all cases, the general well-being of a person worsens due tovitamin deficiency, so it is difficult to determine such a condition at home. You should visit a doctor and pass all the necessary laboratory tests in order to identify the lack of necessary elements. If an allergic reaction occurs during vitamin therapy and your general well-being worsens, you should immediately visit a doctor and tell him about all the unpleasant symptoms that caused discomfort.