Ultrasound of the eye: how it is done and what it shows. Ophthalmological center

Ultrasound of the eye: how it is done and what it shows. Ophthalmological center
Ultrasound of the eye: how it is done and what it shows. Ophthalmological center

With the advent of the ultrasound examination method, it has become much easier to make a diagnosis. This method is especially convenient in ophthalmology. Ultrasound of the eye allows you to identify the slightest violations in the state of the eyeball, evaluate the work of muscles and blood vessels. This research method is the most informative and safe. It is based on the reflection of ultrasonic waves from hard and soft tissues. The device emits, and then captures the reflected waves. Based on this, a conclusion is made about the state of the organ of vision.

ultrasound of the eyes
ultrasound of the eyes

What is ultrasound done for

The procedure is performed in case of suspicion of a variety of pathologies of the organ of vision. It not only allows you to correctly diagnose, but also allows the doctor to adjust the treatment if necessary. With the help of ultrasound of the orbits of the eyes, the specialist determines the features of their movement inside the eyeball, checks the condition of the muscles and the optic nerve. An ultrasound examination is also prescribed before operations to clarify the diagnosis. Ultrasound of the eye should be done with such diseases:

  • glaucoma and cataracts;
  • myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism;
  • dystrophy or retinal detachment;
  • tumors inside the eyeball;
  • diseases of the optic nerve;
  • when spots and "flies" appear before the eyes;
  • with a sharp decrease in visual acuity;
  • after operations to control the position of the lens or the condition of the fundus;
  • in case of eyeball injury.

An ultrasound examination of the fundus is often prescribed for diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease. Even for small children, it is done if a pathology of the development of the eyeball is suspected. In such conditions, ultrasound should be performed regularly to monitor the condition of the organ of vision. In some cases, an examination is simply necessary. For example, when the retina is clouded, it is impossible to study the state of the eyeball in any other way.

uzi eyes how to do it
uzi eyes how to do it

What pathologies can be detected by this examination method

Ultrasound of the eye is a very informative procedure, since it can be used to see the state of the organ of vision in real time. During the study, the following pathologies and conditions are revealed:

  • clouding of the lens;
  • changing the length of the muscles of the eyeball;
  • presence of an inflammatory process;
  • determining the exact size of the eye socket;
  • presence of a foreign body inside the eyeball, its position and size;
  • change in the thickness of adipose tissue.
ultrasound of the orbits of the eye
ultrasound of the orbits of the eye

Ultrasound of the eyes: how is it done

This is the safest methodeye examinations. Assign it even to small children and pregnant women. Contraindications include only a serious injury to the eyeball or retinal burn. Ultrasound of the eye takes only 15-20 minutes and does not require any special preparation. The only thing is that you need to come to the procedure without makeup. Most often, ultrasound goes like this: the patient sits or lies on the couch, and the doctor drives a special sensor over closed eyelids, lubricated with a special gel. From time to time he asks the subject to turn the eyeballs to the side, up or down. This allows you to observe their work and assess the condition of the muscles.

ophthalmological center
ophthalmological center

Types of ultrasound

There are several types of ultrasound of the eye. The choice of examination method depends on the disease and the patient's condition.

  • A-mode is used very rarely, mainly before surgery. This ultrasound of the retina is performed with the eyelids open. Beforehand, an anesthetic is instilled into the eye so that the patient does not feel anything and does not blink. This method of examination allows you to determine the presence of pathologies in the organ of vision and shortcomings in its functioning. With its help, the size of the eyeball is also determined.
  • B-mode is the most commonly used. In this case, the probe is guided over the closed eyelid. Drops should not be used with this method, but the eyelid is covered with a special conductive gel. During the procedure, the patient may need to move the eyeball in different directions. The result of the study is issued in the form of a two-dimensional picture.
  • Doppler examination is a scan of the eyeball, which allows you to study the state of its vessels. It is carried out with thrombosis of the ophthalmic veins, narrowing of the carotid artery, spasm of retinal vessels or other pathologies.

To get a more accurate diagnosis, in complex cases, several methods of examination are prescribed.

retinal ultrasound
retinal ultrasound

How to choose an eye center

After receiving the doctor's recommendations about the need for an ultrasound examination, the patient is free to choose where to do it. In almost all cities, you can now find an ophthalmological center with special equipment. Experienced doctors will carry out the procedure correctly and painlessly. When choosing a center, you should not focus on prices, but on the qualifications of specialists and patient reviews. On average, an ultrasound of the eye costs about 1300 rubles. You should not look for where to make it cheaper, as it is better if all the rules of the survey are followed. After receiving the results, you can consult an ophthalmologist in the same center or go to your doctor.

ultrasound of the eyes
ultrasound of the eyes

Feedback on the procedure

The ability of modern medicine to conduct such examinations of the organ of vision allows early detection of the presence of pathologies and the development of serious diseases. This helps the patient to start treatment on time and prevent vision loss. People who have performed an ultrasound examination of the eye note the simplicity and painlessness of the procedure. They like that no preparation is required for it, it will not cause discomfort, buttakes only about 15 minutes, but it gives complete information about the state of the organ of vision, blood vessels and muscles.

The procedure has many more advantages: safety, no contraindications and low price. Among the negative reviews, one can note discomfort when applying the gel and the need to additionally go to the doctor again to decipher the results.

Vision is very important for a person. A decrease in its severity or any eye diseases greatly reduce the quality of life and performance. The ultrasound procedure of the eye allowed many to start treatment on time and avoid loss of vision.
