There are useful properties in the cells of every tree. Spruce is no exception to the rule. Recently, she has become one of the most welcome guests in the bathhouse. After the spread of various synthetic medicines, the use of coniferous bath brooms has become exotic. If you use such an accessory, you can forget about all sorts of he alth problems. Consider today how to steam a spruce broom for a bath.
Healing spruce "helper"
People living in forest areas are well aware that spruce is an excellent helper in the fight against ailments. It contains many vitamins. Also, spruce is the main material for creating furniture and paper, which is used for industrial purposes.
Coughs, rashes, rheumatism and colds can be cured with a broom made from tree branches. If young shoots are insisted on honey, then you can get an effective medicine that helps with bronchitis.
Earlier, people did not think about the advantages and disadvantages of spruce. Modern manyou need to know everything in order to weigh the harm and benefits of a spruce broom for a bath.

Useful actions of needles
The buds of spruce needles contain a lot of plant pigments, carbohydrates. Vitamin E and ascorbic acid are also present. In other words, spruce contains the beneficial elements needed to improve he alth.
Needles actively affect the human body. Let's highlight the main actions:
- Antiseptic.
- Mucolytic.
- Anti-cellulite.
- Painkillers.
- Regenerating.
Thanks to phytoncides, the air is purified. The aroma of spruce helps to cleanse the body, improve mood and add strength.
At the beginning of the procedure, you will have to get used to the idea that you will need to prepare for the thrill. Bath broom needles cause constant discomfort. However, with each subsequent blow, the surface of the skin is cleared, and deep breathing allows you to heal the lungs.

Proper preparation of a broom for bath procedures
How to steam a spruce broom for a bath? You can find many different ways to prepare a bath accessory. However, there is only one correct method.
As you know, spruce needles are an excellent antibiotic, rich in vitamins. Depending on the season, the content of healing essential oils changes. From late February to late March, the upper parts of the tree are saturated with vitamin C. The content of healing substances increases with the onset of warm weather (late spring -early summer). At this time, active growth processes take place.
Features of the blank:
- Regardless of the time of year, bath brooms are prepared.
- First of all, the youngest shoots are selected, which are located in the illuminated part of the plant.
- You need to tie the brooms very tightly. It is desirable to place fluffy twigs along the edges. The combination of needles with birch leaves is ideal. You can also add such a bouquet of lavender and eucalyptus. Other plant material can be added little by little.
Old spruce branches have a slightly rough surface. To protect yourself, you need to completely clean the lower parts of the needles. After cleaning, tightly wrap the broom handle with a rope. Ideally, you should get a rounded broom without protruding needles, branches.
Visual instructions for creating a broom are presented below.

Indications and contraindications
Thanks to the spruce broom, you can be sure of the effectiveness of various procedures that help improve he alth. The use of spruce is an excellent alternative to modern procedures and massages. After the bath, the respiratory tract is cleansed, the activity of the cardiovascular system improves, and calmness of the nervous system is restored. Also, when the first symptoms of a cold appear, a bath will help.
Indications for treatments:
- The appearance of inflammatory foci in the respiratory tract.
- Cystitis.
- Sciatica.
- Asthma, severe cough.
- Cold.
- Pain in muscles and joints.
- Kidney problems.
When undergoing bath procedures, it is important to consider that the needles are non-toxic.
In the process of steaming the body, sweat is rapidly released through the skin. Toxins are also actively removed. And additional massage helps speed up this process and get rid of depression.
Contraindications for bath procedures:
- Presence of ulcers on the body.
- Strong sensitivity to turpentine.
- Hereditary predisposition to allergies.

Coniferous trees have many useful properties. During the procedures, the broom will be an excellent assistant and tool for massage. The main benefits of using a spruce broom:
- Due to rapid sweating, toxins and harmful substances are removed.
- Improves blood supply to internal organs.
- Helps with prolonged depression.
- Elimination of pain in sciatica.
- Helps get rid of severe coughs.
- Helps restore the body's strength to fight germs.

Before starting the procedures, it is important to steam the prepared spruce broom in hot water. This will help make the accessory softer and more supple. You should also prepare your own body before the procedures to get the most benefit.
A spruce broom is steamed for half an hour. After the end of steaming, it is necessary to carry outrinsing in lukewarm water. Within 20 minutes, the body is steamed. During this time, the skin will become warm and suitable for treatments.
It is important not to overdo the procedures and not stay in the bath for a long time. Even with rich experience, it is important to feel a sense of proportion. The blows should not be strong. For sensitive skin, it is worth wrapping the broom in a cloth and lying on it with your back. This will help get rid of sciatica and lung diseases.
With the help of the beneficial properties of spruce brooms, you can quickly get rid of infections, increase the protective properties of the body and start metabolic processes. The smell of spruce will help to calm down, as well as increase efficiency for a long time. After a hard and stressful day, a bath is a great way to relieve stress. Even with apathy, lethargy and depression, steaming will help get rid of these problems.
Spruce bath brooms are hard to find on sale. However, a long search time will fully pay off, thanks to the beneficial properties of spruce.