A pharmacy worker (pharmacist, pharmacist) is a specialist who is well versed in medicines. He not only distinguishes them, but also, if necessary, can pick up analogues or make a dosage form (powder, potion or ointment) on demand on his own.
The named profession, which this article will be devoted to, implies a deep knowledge of the components of each medication, its interaction with other drugs, side effects and contraindications of drugs.

Pharmacist and pharmacist training
Speaking about the profession of a pharmacist, it should be clearly understood that there are differences between it and the profession of a pharmacist. And the main one is that these specialists are trained in different educational institutions.
To become a pharmacist, you need to graduate from a higher educational institution, having studied there for 5 yearsfull-time department or 5, 5 in absentia. After that, the graduate will have the right to independent work - the manufacture, testing and licensing of drugs, research work or pharmacy management. That is, he will become a highly qualified specialist.
And the future pharmacist can be trained in 3 years and 10 months on the basis of nine classes or in 2 years and 10 months on the basis of eleven classes in a specialized college or school. Having thus received a secondary vocational education, he will be able to work in a pharmacy, dispense medicines and manufacture them, while acting as an assistant to a pharmacist.
Although by order of the Ministry of He alth (2011) a pharmacist with five years of work experience is declared a person who has the right to apply for the position of head of a pharmacy.

Duties of a pharmacist and pharmacist
In Russia, it has traditionally happened that in the pharmacy chain the profession of a pharmacist imposes on a specialist almost the same duties as on a pharmacist (and it should be noted that there are many of them).
This usually includes:
- checking prescriptions issued by doctors (you must agree, this is quite difficult, given their traditionally illegible handwriting);
- prevention of medical errors in the dosage and compatibility of the ingredients of the prescribed medicine;
- dispensing medicines;
- advising customers about the rules for taking certain drugs;
- providing, if necessary, first aid;
- accounting for prescriptions and coordinating the quantity of goods ordered for sale (a pharmacist is a person financially responsible for the safety of money and medicines available in a pharmacy).
In addition, a pharmacist, like a pharmacist, must know the technology for manufacturing medicines and the rules for their storage. Both of these specialists are studying Latin.

Pharmacist is a multifaceted profession
Despite the fact that the profession of a pharmacist involves only secondary specialized education, it allows a specialist to work not only in a pharmacy, but also in a pharmaceutical factory, pharmacy warehouse, pharmaceutical company and research institutes.
In the laboratory, as a rule, his duties include the development of new drugs, the improvement of existing drugs and the development of new technologies for their manufacture.
As you can see, this speci alty allows you to show versatile personality traits - after all, a pharmacist can work with people, and, if desired, stay in the laboratory, alone with the microscope.
Qualities necessary for success in the profession
The profession of a pharmacist implies that the applicant has certain human qualities that will allow him to become successful in his field and make a career in the future.

For this, a specialist must have not only excellent knowledge in the field of chemistry, biology, psychology, Latin and computer technology, but alsohave patience and kindness. Since most often his place of work is a pharmacy, the pharmacist is forced to communicate with a large number of people. Many of them are of advanced age and come not only for medicines, but also for sympathy, and sensitivity and attentiveness instill in the client confidence that the purchased remedy will definitely help.
It is very important for a pharmacy worker to maintain a cordial tone and not lose optimism, even if one of the customers allows himself to be irritable or rude.
Pharmacist he alth requirements
Of course, speaking of this profession, one cannot fail to emphasize that, unfortunately, not everyone who loves chemistry and biology will be able to work in this speci alty.
A pharmacist, a pharmacist are, first of all, people who stand at the pharmacy counter all day, which means that it is contraindicated for those who suffer from leg diseases. In addition, for those who have allergies, diseases of the skin, bronchi and cardiovascular system, the described profession can be simply dangerous.

Pharmacist: salary
And now we come to the most burning problem. How much does a person earn who has so many responsibilities and bears serious responsibility for he alth, and sometimes for the lives of people on a par with doctors?
An average pharmacy worker with 2 years of experience can have from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles. wages. In large cities, and also depending on the work schedule, the income of a specialist is about 40000 rub. monthly. Private pharmacies practice providing surcharges, which sometimes increase the amount of money a pharmacist earns quite a lot. His salary in such cases can rise to 50,000 rubles.
Is it easy to get a job and make a career as a pharmacist
Pharmaceutical business is developing rapidly, so specialists in this field are becoming more and more in demand. As practice shows, getting a job in a pharmacy chain is not at all difficult for everyone who has a certificate of a pharmacist.
Some network pharmacies even offer flexible schedules for undergraduate students, offering them a variety of continuing education and professional training programs.
Many pharmaceutical companies provide opportunities for aspiring executives to work in their sales, marketing research or logistics departments.
If desired, a pharmacist can improve his qualifications, thus reaching a higher level of payment and, as mentioned above, gaining the opportunity to occupy managerial positions.

Personal qualities necessary for the profession
The profession of a pharmacist combines the fields of pharmaceuticals, medicine and commerce, which forces the applicant to show not only a high level of special knowledge, but also excellent moral qualities of a person.
First of all:
- collection, attentiveness and accuracy;
- ability to focus;
- self-control;
- high degreehe alth;
- great memory;
- analytical ability;
- tolerance, sociability and responsiveness.
Despite the fact that a pharmacist is more of a performer, his work still requires the ability to make independent decisions and organize his work.
An advanced pharmacist with excellent communication skills is a godsend for a pharmacy of any level. Indeed, in the current conditions of fierce competition in the pharmacy chain, the client will go first of all to the place where they listened carefully, gave good advice, clearly explained the effect of the drug and thus aroused confidence.