What is ginger for: useful properties, recipes and contraindications

What is ginger for: useful properties, recipes and contraindications
What is ginger for: useful properties, recipes and contraindications

Have you heard that ginger is the king of spices? Indeed, in a rare kitchen there is no such spice. And everyone has probably tried delicious ginger tea. This plant has been known to mankind for over 3000 years. It is used not only as a seasoning, but also fresh, candied, pickled.

What are the he alth benefits of ginger? Here it is impossible to give a definite answer. The plant has a whole range of useful properties. Moreover, it is considered one of the most healing, beneficial in the world.

In the article we will analyze specifically what is the use of ginger for the body, under what diseases and conditions it should be used. Let's get acquainted with contraindications. We will also analyze recipes with its inclusion, known for their effectiveness.

What is this plant?

What is ginger for? First of all, the plant is used as a universal seasoning. It is made from dried and crushed roots. But there are many other ways to use it. Including, there is ginger and in recipes for he alth(we will look at them later).

This is a perennial herbaceous plant. Its "official" name in Latin is Zingiber. Differs in erect stems, somewhat reminiscent of reeds. It grows 1.5-2 meters high. Ginger flowers are collected in a kind of spike-shaped inflorescences. Their hue varies from golden, yellowish to brown. Ginger rhizomes are fleshy, divided into individual finger-shaped, rounded shoots.

The plant comes from Southeast Asia. Why ginger is needed, the locals of those lands learned thousands of years ago. The plant prefers tropical and subtropical zones. With regard to the agro-climatic environment, ginger is undemanding. However, it is recommended to grow it at an altitude of about 1500 meters above sea level. Ginger also prefers loamy soils with minimal humus content.

The plant reproduces with the help of rhizomes. Harvesting - once a year.

What does it contain?

The spicy taste of the rhizome of the plant is given by zingerone, shoagola, gingerol. The latter substance is effective for the prevention and treatment of colon cancer.

The plant contains the following:

  • Starches and fats.
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, C.
  • Phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, sodium, magnesium.
  • Phelandrine, cineole, citral, borneol, gingerol, camphine, essential oils.
  • Amino acids: lysine, phenylalanine, methionine.
ginger for cough recipes
ginger for cough recipes

How do you eat ginger?

The most common use is as a universalseasonings, powder from crushed rhizomes. How else is ginger eaten? Pickled, candied. In supermarkets, you can find fresh rhizomes. By grinding them, you can brew delicious tea. Dried, unground roots are sold.

There is also a dry extract of the plant for making ginger beer. Ginger essential oils can also be found in pharmacies and specialized stores.

Ten useful properties

What are the benefits of ginger for the body? Ten of its main useful properties stand out:

  1. Prevention of various forms of cancer, oncological diseases.
  2. Prevention of diabetes, lowering the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.
  3. General tonic effect on the body.
  4. Increased potency, increased sex drive.
  5. Maintaining both heart and vascular he alth.
  6. Removing toxins from the body, fighting infections of fungal origin.
  7. Mobilization of the immune system to fight infectious and cold diseases.
  8. Normalization of cerebral circulation, which helps to concentrate, improve memory, brain function.
  9. Natural antibiotic against various pathogenic bacteria.
  10. Acceleration of metabolism in the body. Promotes rapid calorie burning, making ginger a great weight loss aid.
ginger recipes for he alth
ginger recipes for he alth

Plant applications

What is ginger for? First of all, as a universal seasoning that gives disheskind of spicy taste. But it is equally important for he alth. The healing properties of ginger in the treatment and prevention of many diseases and conditions have been verified by centuries of experience. Its beneficial effect on the vital systems of the body cannot be overestimated.

We analyze the beneficial properties, contraindications of ginger for men, women, children. Here are the cases in which it will be useful:

  • Colds, infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract (ARVI, flu), sore throat. Ginger for pharyngitis is indicated because of its anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, warming properties.
  • Bronchitis. It is impossible not to say about recipes with ginger for coughing. The rhizomes of the plant are finely chopped, brewed. The drink is drunk moderately hot. It helps to get rid of cough more effectively.
  • Normalization of the digestive system. Here the properties of ginger are due to its stimulating, warming effect. Dishes with ginger normalize appetite, stimulate the production of gastric juice, which is why they are used for indigestion, painful belching, heartburn. Diets containing ginger also ease the flow of peptic ulcers. The plant has a slight laxative effect.
  • Allergic diseases, skin rashes, bronchial asthma. Such indications are justified by the fact that ginger neutralizes many poisons, fights against pathogens of fungal diseases.
  • Maintain and strengthen immune forces. Due to the fact that the plant is a strong natural antioxidant, it allows you to prolong the youth of the body.
  • Improvement of cerebral circulation,positive effect on memory.
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Ginger helps keep them supple for as long as possible.
  • Hypertension. Many are alarmed by the use of ginger for hypertension. Can it be used or not? It all depends on the individual case - consultation with the attending physician is in any case required.
  • Atherosclerosis - lowering cholesterol levels. Scientific studies have confirmed that ginger extract reduces the content of "bad" cholesterol in blood plasma. This inhibits the oxidation of LDL. What ultimately slows down the progression of atherosclerosis.
  • Fight against excess weight. How to lose weight with ginger is interesting to many aspiring to a slim figure. This plant speeds up metabolic processes in the body, and also stimulates increased burning of excess calories.
  • Gynecological problems. Ginger is useful, for example, in the treatment of infertility. In addition, it is known that it improves potency, helps to make intimate life brighter.
  • Pregnancy. If a pregnant woman regularly consumes ginger, this will make toxicosis less painful - nausea and weakness will be eliminated. But in this case, you need to use the plant very carefully and only after consulting your doctor.
  • Arthritis, arthrosis, joint diseases. In addition to these cases, ginger is also indicated for dislocations, sprains, rheumatism. First of all, because of its analgesic effect.
  • Oncological diseases. Here, ginger is one of the effective preventive agents.
  • DentalProblems. Here, ginger will be effective for freshening the breath, as well as improving the condition of the gums. It's all about the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant. Just chew on a piece of ginger.
  • Skin problems. The plant improves the condition of the skin, relieves irritation, helps restore skin elasticity.
  • Cosmetology. Here, ginger is often used in aromatherapy. It is also a fragrance for a number of cosmetic preparations.
  • Endocrine problems. The plant stimulates the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Psychological problems. Another healing property of universal ginger is the normalization of mood. It also helps to quickly return to a stable state after a strong physical or mental load.
how to eat ginger
how to eat ginger


In the article we analyze the beneficial properties, contraindications to ginger for men, children, women. In addition to benefits, this plant can also harm the body. If you use it for certain diseases and conditions.

Ginger for gout. Can or can't this plant be used? A consultation with your doctor is required. After all, everyone has an individual course of the disease. We list the most common contraindications:

  • Pregnancy. In particular, the use of ginger is completely contraindicated in the last stages of gestation. Its properties tone the muscles of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage.
  • Breastfeeding. Ginger is a spicy seasoning that greatly impairs the tastemilk. It can also cause allergies in the newborn.
  • Acute gastric ulcer.
  • Ulcerative nonspecific colitis.
  • Diverticulitis.
  • Diverticulosis.
  • Gallstone formation.
  • Food reflux.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
how does ginger affect blood pressure
how does ginger affect blood pressure

Side effect

How does ginger affect blood pressure? Let's get acquainted with the side effects of using the product:

  • In particular, studies by American scientists have confirmed that this plant reduces the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs. How does ginger affect blood pressure? May lead to an increase in blood pressure, as the effect of your usual medications will be weakened.
  • Ginger should not be consumed in large quantities by people with irregular heart cycles. It also reduces the effectiveness of drugs that block beta-adrenergic receptors.
  • But at the same time, ginger is able to increase the effectiveness of drugs that prevent blood clotting, drugs prescribed for "diabetes." Therefore, the combination of ginger and lemon in diabetes helps to improve the patient's condition.

In the event that you use ginger not rationed, you may be followed by signs of food poisoning with this product: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, allergic skin reactions. In this case, the use of the product should be stopped immediately.

he alth benefits of ginger
he alth benefits of ginger

Popular recipes

Many are wondering how to cook ginger for a cold. Next, we will introduce you to the most popular recipes. Of course, it is worth remembering that ginger is used here only as an auxiliary, but not the main therapy:

  • Colds, sore throats, gum disease. A small piece of the rhizome of the plant is cut off and peeled. Put it in your mouth, dissolve slightly. As soon as you stop feeling the tingling of the tongue, a slight burning sensation, you need to bite the ginger a little.
  • Toothache. It is also worth cutting off a piece of the plant, peeling its skins. Apply to the aching tooth. Essential oils will not only help reduce pain, but also kill bacteria in the mouth.
  • Pain of various origins - headaches, muscle pains. Grate either fresh or dried ginger. Dilute the chips with water to a paste. This mass must be applied to the diseased area on the body.
  • Rheumatism. 2 tablespoons of dry ginger powder is mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of hot red pepper and 1 teaspoon of turmeric. Dilute with water to a paste. Next, the mass is wrapped in gauze and applied to the sore spot.
  • Improve overall well-being. After a busy day at work, a ginger bath will quickly restore your strength. It will help relax your muscles and relieve pain. Add 2-3 tablespoons of ginger powder to two liters of water. Boil the decoction for 10 minutes. Strain it and add it to your bath.
  • Slimming. Teas, drinks and elixirs containing ginger root are effective for weight loss. The simplest andteas are common here. They can be prepared at home by simply brewing the fresh root of the plant.
  • Intestinal upset. Take natural yogurt without flavorings and dyes. Dilute it with 1/2 cup of water. In the resulting mixture, add 1/4 teaspoon of ginger and nutmeg. Stir thoroughly and drink the mixture.
  • Skin rashes, boils. Here external application of ginger is required. Take 1/2 teaspoon each of ginger and turmeric powder. Dilute to a paste with water, apply to the affected area of the skin.
  • Hemorrhoids. One pinch of ginger powder is mixed with 1 teaspoon of aloe juice. Take this composition twice a day.
what is ginger for
what is ginger for

Ginger tea

Of course, you can not do without a recipe for delicious ginger tea. Not only does it help you discover delicious new tastes, but it is highly effective for a range of ailments and conditions:

  • Mood optimization.
  • Recovery of strength after mental and physical stress.
  • Beneficial effect on the digestive and vascular system.
  • Cleansing the body of toxins.
  • Remedy for colds and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Stimulation of metabolism, means for normalization, weight loss.

You will need a few ingredients:

  • 1 liter of water.
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of ginger - finely grated fresh root or chopped dry. As for the last option, it needs to be added a fewless as it is more concentrated.
  • To taste - lemon, orange or lime juice (no more than 3 tablespoons).
  • To taste - chopped mint greens.
  • To taste - honey.

Preparing the drink is simple:

  1. Wait for the water to boil. Add ginger. Let it steep for 5-10 minutes.
  2. After the liquid has cooled slightly, add mint and citrus juice.
  3. As soon as the temperature of the drink drops below 40°C, put honey (at a higher temperature, it loses its beneficial properties).
  4. If desired, you can add medicinal herbs, berries, inflorescences.

Use for weight loss

For weight loss, you can take tea according to the recipe above. Special pharmacy drinks based on ginger are also sold. To use them more effectively, pay attention to these tips:

  • The drink is drunk before meals. It helps reduce hunger.
  • The maximum daily intake of a drink is 2 liters per day. Do not exceed it, so as not to get he alth problems.
  • It is best to brew the drink in the morning and drink tea during the day. One medium ginger root is enough for this.
  • Late in the evening and before going to bed, it is better to give up the drink. After all, it has a tonic, stimulating effect on the body.
  • Before brewing, cut fresh ginger into thin slices - this will allow all the beneficial properties of the plant to pass into tea. Be sure to strain your tea after steeping as it can be very rich.
  • To breaksbetween meals if you are not hungry, chew on a small slice of the plant's rhizome.
ginger useful properties and contraindications for men
ginger useful properties and contraindications for men

Male and female issues

In women's he alth, ginger is used as a soothing remedy for menstrual cramps. In the early stages of pregnancy, ginger tea helps to get rid of the effects of toxicosis. It is also used for infertility - it helps fight inflammation, prevents the formation of adhesions. Ginger is used for fibroids, to normalize hormonal levels.

With menopause, ginger helps relieve painful symptoms, get rid of irritability, headaches. It is enough to brew tea, add honey. The drink is drunk both warm and chilled. With toxicosis, it helps to cope with vomiting.

Ginger is often called the "male spice" due to the fact that it improves blood circulation, increases potency, causes a rush of blood to the organs of the reproductive system. Constant consumption of ginger dishes is a prevention of prostatitis, as well as a remedy that helps to recover from hard physical and mental work.

Ginger is a versatile plant. This is not only the original seasoning, but actually "a remedy for all diseases." You have already got acquainted with useful recipes. But do not forget about side effects and contraindications.
