Stamina orthosiphon is a very beautiful plant resembling a noble flower. People call it cat's whisker or simply kidney tea. Consider why the staminate orthosiphon is so famous, what is its value, for whom it is useful, and who better to stay away from it.

What does the plant look like and where does it live
Cat's whisker belongs to the labial family and is considered a relative of basil and sage. In nature, this semi-shrub plant can reach one and a half meters in height. The root of the orthosiphon is located at the very surface of the soil and is a bit like a washcloth. The stem of the plant is tetrahedral, branched, purple at the root and green at the crown.
The leaves of orthosiphon stamens look very original. They are oblong, opposite, slightly twisted. Their appearance resembles a rhombus, the edges of the leaf are pointed.
The flowers of the plant are of a light purple hue, are collected in racemose inflorescences and have long stamens that look like a cat's whiskers, thanks to which the orthosiphon is staminate and acquiredhis middle name.
The fruits of the plant look like small nuts. Orthosiphon stamens prefers a warm, moderately humid climate. The most common plant is found in Indonesia, the Caucasus, Southeast Asia, Crimea.

How to properly prepare a plant
In order for the stamen orthosiphon, reviews of which are most often positive, not to lose its healing qualities, it should be able to properly prepare and store it. Quite often, the collection loses its useful properties only due to the fact that spoiled leaves are caught or stems predominate in the composition of the dry mass.
Begin to harvest the plant in the summer. Under suitable conditions, that is, if the summer is hot and humid enough, raw materials can be harvested 5-6 times. Initially, only the flash (tops of the shoots) is collected, along with which they capture 4-5 cm of the young stem and two pairs of leaves. It is recommended to collect the rest of the leaves in October, when they are still green, but already fully formed and reaching 7-8 cm in length.
First, they are laid out in a thin layer on a flat surface and, stirring regularly, dry well. Then the finished mass is laid out in fabric or paper bags. Store the product in a dry place. If the procedure is carried out according to all the rules, then raw materials can be stored for about 4 years.

Use of orthosiphon in medicine
Herbal treatment is now used by people no less than conventional medicine. And in some casesphytotherapy is even more preferable. Orthosiphon staminate (kidney tea) has a diuretic, analgesic, diuretic and antispasmodic effect. It is used to treat the following ailments: kidney disease, gout, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, hypertension, vascular disease, diathesis, cholecystitis, diabetes mellitus. In addition, stamen orthosiphon (kidney tea) reduces the content of leukocytes and mucus in bile. Also, the plant is able to remove stones from the gallbladder and kidneys. Orthosiphon has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, increases the separation of bile and the secretion of gastric juice. Among other things, the plant saturates the body with potassium.
Orthosiphon staminate: contraindications
The plant has no special contraindications. It is non-toxic, non-toxic, in rare cases causes allergies. However, despite this, if any side effects occur, it is necessary to call a doctor and stop using drugs containing orthosiphon. People suffering from dropsy are not recommended to use herbal treatment without consulting a doctor, especially if the disease appeared on the background of heart failure.

Can I drink kidney tea during pregnancy
Many women, while in position, suffer from edema and impaired kidney function. Therefore, they are trying to pick up some remedy for themselves that would not only save them from this problem, but also be safe for the baby. When choosing herbal remedies, the majority prefers tea from the leaves of orthosiphon. And not in vain, because the plantWhen used correctly, it is completely harmless and can be taken at any stage of pregnancy. However, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that during pregnancy, even the most harmless remedy should be used with caution, since each organism is individual. That is why it is better for a woman to go for a consultation with her leading doctor and consult about the advisability of using orthosiphon.

Orthosiphon staminate for hypertension
Pour 2 tbsp into glassware. l. dried orthosiphon and brew it with 300 ml of boiling water. The container is closed, insulated with a warm cloth and left for a couple of hours. After the potion is strained through cheesecloth, the soaked grass is discarded, and the liquid is poured into a clean container and consumed in equal proportions three times a day. Every day you need to infuse a fresh healing drink.
Cat's whisker for inflammation of the bladder
Prepare in equal amounts the herb of orthosiphon staminate, bearberry leaves and a pinch of mint. Measure out 2 tsp. mixture, poured into a thermos and brewed with boiling water. Infuse the drink for 8-10 hours. After the time has elapsed, the infusion is filtered and consumed warm in small sips twice a day.
Kidney tea as a diuretic
Decoction is prepared from 3 g of stamen orthosiphon and a glass of boiled water. The dry mass is poured with water and brought to a boil (no need to boil). Then set aside, cover with a lid and insist a third of an hour. The finished healing potion is filtered and consumed 100 ml twice a day.about 30 minutes before the main meal. So that the decoction does not lose its medicinal qualities, it should be prepared daily. It is better to pour out the liquid remaining after treatment, since it will no longer bring any benefit. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

Orthosiphon staminate for atherosclerosis, diathesis and gout
20 g of dry mass is poured into a thermos and brewed with 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 7-8 hours, then carefully filter and cool slightly. Drink the potion 3/4 cup three times a day, preferably at the same time. Also, this drink will be useful for urethritis, pyelonephritis, gastritis, diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder, glomerulonephritis.
Cat's whisker for kidney stones
The dry mass of the staminate orthosiphon is crushed, 3 g is measured and brewed with 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse the remedy for 15-20 minutes under the lid. After that, filter, add clean boiled water up to 250 ml, divide in half and drink during the day in two doses in a warm form. By itself, the broth does not have a special taste, therefore, in order to improve the quality of the drink consumed, natural honey, sugar, a little mint or lemongrass are added (if there are no contraindications). Can be mixed with rose hips. This decoction is also useful for cystitis, rheumatism and edema.