If you have tried this product, you must have noticed for yourself that it is very sweet. Why, then, is Jerusalem artichoke syrup indicated for diabetes? The fact is that it is not glucose or fructose that gives it such a taste, but fructans. These are polymers that are quite rare in nature and do not adversely affect the human body.
In nature, they contain a small number of plants. The leader among them is precisely Jerusalem artichoke. People call it the ground pear or the Jerusalem artichoke.
In the article we will analyze the benefits and harms of Jerusalem artichoke syrup. Consider the signs of a quality product, tell you how to cook it yourself.
General information
First, let's find out what Jerusalem artichoke is. The syrup is made from tubers. The plant in its appearance resembles a sunflower. Its tubers are suitable not only for syrup, but also for other dishes. They look like ginger and taste like raw but sweet potatoes.
In the photo you cansee what Jerusalem artichoke is. The syrup from its tubers is similar in appearance to flower honey. It is a thick, viscous liquid with a rich amber hue.

History of the plant
North America is called the birthplace of Jerusalem artichoke. In the United States, the root crop grows even in the wild. The Indians called it "solar root". It is known that they grew and ate Jerusalem artichoke even before the arrival of the colonialists.
In Europe, an outlandish product appeared in the early 17th century. It was then that it was given its current name. It comes from the name of the Indian tribe of Chile - Jerusalem artichoke. The new plant quickly spread throughout Western Europe as a vegetable, industrial and fodder crop. It was especially appreciated as a winter delicacy due to its unusual taste, somewhat reminiscent of nuts.
Topinambur came to Russia in the 18th century. Today it is grown mainly in the European part of the country. It can be found more often in household plots than on an industrial scale. This is due to one significant drawback of Jerusalem artichoke - it is not stored for long.
The names of Jerusalem artichoke in Russia depended on the way the vegetable got into the country. The root crop, brought from Romania, became known as Volosh turnip, and Jerusalem artichoke from China became Chinese potato.

Agave or Jerusalem artichoke: similarities and differences
Below we will talk about the use of Jerusalem artichoke syrup. Note that many people compare it with agave syrup. Indeed, these two products are somewhat similar. Both syrups taste like honey. The agave product is only slightly sweeter. Ground pear syrup resembles honey with an unusual taste of raw potatoes.
However, the differences between them are not only in taste, but also in the following features:
- There is no fructose in homemade Jerusalem artichoke syrup. There is quite a lot of it in the agave product (more than 90%). And excessive use of this substance adversely affects human he alth.
- In Jerusalem artichoke syrup 260 kcal, and in the agave product - 310 kcal.
- Manufacturing also varies. So, agave syrup is produced from the juice of this plant by filtration, hydrolysis and subsequent thickening. How is Jerusalem artichoke syrup made? The product is prepared by boiling its tubers at a low temperature.
- Agave syrup is rich in vitamins, minerals, inulin, fructans and saponins. Jerusalem artichoke syrup contains minerals, fructans, vitamins and inulin.

Chemical composition of the product
You can learn about the benefits and harms of Jerusalem artichoke syrup by analyzing its chemical composition. The root contains:
- Organic acids: malic, succinic, citric, malonic, fumaric.
- Inulin is an organic substance from the category of polysaccharides.
- Minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, manganese, silicon, zinc.
- Amino acids: methionine, lysine, threonine and others.
- Vitamins A, B, C, E, PP.
- Pectins.
As you can see, the composition of Jerusalem artichoke syrup is a whole pantry of useful substances.
Nutritional and energy value
Consider the energy value of the product. The numbers are given per 100 grams:
- 65g carbs.
- Low fat.
- Energy value: 260 Kcal.
- GI (glycemic index): 15 units.
Product benefits
Knowing the composition of Jerusalem artichoke syrup, we can easily determine its important beneficial properties:
- Treatment and prevention of diabetes.
- Biologically active sugar substitute. Pear syrup contains a lot of inulin. This reduces blood glucose and the need for intramuscular insulin.
- Prevention of arrhythmias.
- Stimulation of the cardiovascular system.
- Mild diuretic effect.
- Elimination of the problem of constipation.
- A serious weapon in the fight against excess weight (due to the high content of inulin).
- Normalization of blood cholesterol levels.
- Stabilize blood pressure.
- General tonic for physical overstrain, in adverse environmental conditions.
- Beneficial effect on the liver, prevention of gallstones.
- Help the body with various digestive disorders.
- Stabilize blood pressure.
- Anti-inflammatory effect on the body with gastritis, colitis, ulcers.

For individual groupspopulation
We examined the beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke. The vegetable also has contraindications, but we will talk about them below. First, consider how it can be useful for certain population groups:
- Women. An effective tool in the fight against excess weight. The syrup gently detoxifies the body, and the removal of toxins and toxins has a beneficial effect on the skin condition. In general, it gives a feeling of lightness. Some experts are sure that the syrup is the prevention of cancerous tumors.
- Men. Periodic consumption of the product in food will allow you to maintain potency until old age, reduce the risk of prostate adenoma.
- Children. For babies, syrup can be used as an auxiliary component in the first complementary foods. Older children can prepare a delicious symbiotic cocktail by mixing syrup with dairy products. Periodic use of this product by a child will strengthen the immune system.
- Pregnant women. Regularly using syrup, a woman does not feel the effects of toxicosis so much. In addition, the product contributes to the proper development of the fetus due to the presence of amino acids, iron, protein and calcium in its composition.
- Nursing mothers. The syrup helps to stabilize metabolism, prevent heartburn, and eliminate constipation.
Indications for use
We continue to study the beneficial properties and contraindications of the Jerusalem artichoke vegetable. The syrup is recommended for use in the following cases:
- As a natural substitute for traditional sugar. The syrup is indicated for patients suffering from pancreaticdiabetes. Regular intake allows you to normalize blood sugar levels, and also reduces the body's need for insulin. This effect is confirmed by clinical studies conducted by the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation.
- As a dietary supplement. Earthen pear syrup is recommended as a general tonic for all people who care about their he alth. The product increases efficiency, endurance during physical and mental stress. It is especially important to include such an additive in the diet for those who live in adverse environmental conditions.
- Therapeutic use. The syrup is indicated in the treatment of digestive failures of unknown cause, in the fight against dysbacteriosis, overweight, metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal tract activity. The product helps to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, helps cleanse the liver of toxins.
- As a prebiotic. The syrup contains a specific substance that is necessary for the nutrition and normal functioning of the intestinal microflora.
- As a dietary supplement. The syrup helps to reduce blood pressure and blood levels of "bad" cholesterol. This dietary supplement helps to get rid of morning sickness, which can be caused by chemotherapy. This product is a good natural remedy for headaches.
Jerusalem Artichoke Syrup has been proven to outperform more common sweeteners in its he alth benefits:
- Corn syrup.
- Med.
- Products fromsugar cane.
- Agave syrup.
If this product is made with high quality, it does not bring any harm to the body. Of course, it should be eaten in small quantities. Jerusalem artichoke syrup can be used as food for severe liver diseases such as cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, acute and chronic hepatitis.
There is only one contraindication: individual intolerance to the product.

How to choose quality root crops
Above we talked about the benefits and harms of Jerusalem artichoke syrup., A quality product should contain at least 50-70% of the dietary fibers of pear tubers. Also, the composition should include purified water and lemon juice (in this case, it is a harmless preservative). The maximum proportion of the latter should not exceed 0.01% of the total mass.
Where to buy Jerusalem artichoke syrup? Unfortunately, this product is rarely found on the shelves of Russian supermarkets. However, it is available in specialized he alth food stores. You can also order it in thematic online stores. But in any case, you need to focus on the reputation of the seller, the official documentation for his products, independent reviews of those who have already tried this product.
Eco-friendly Jerusalem artichoke is also grown on the territory of the Russian Federation without the use of chemicals and mineral fertilizers. Both tubers and seeds of this plant can be found in garden centers. Jerusalem artichoke prettyit is easy to grow it yourself, then to make syrup from it at home. How to make it? We will talk about this later.

Cooking at home
We have studied the benefits and harms of Jerusalem artichoke syrup. Now consider how to cook it yourself. It is very easy to do this. You only need two products:
- 1 kg Jerusalem artichoke tubers.
- Juice of one medium lemon.
The steps for preparing the syrup are as follows:
- Rinse tubers thoroughly.
- Peel them off. Some housewives believe that it is possible not to perform this action.
- Chop tubers thoroughly. This can be done on a grater, in a meat grinder or a blender. Squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth.
- Place the squeezed juice in an enamel bowl. Put on the stove and heat to a temperature of no more than 50-60 ° C.
- Without exceeding it, sweat the liquid with a spoon directly in the pan.
- Remove from heat and let cool.
- The heating procedure must be repeated several times until the liquid becomes thick enough.
- Already at the last heating, add lemon juice.
- Cool the resulting syrup, pour it into sterile containers. Seal tightly. The product should only be stored in the refrigerator.

How to use it
How to take Jerusalem artichoke syrup? There are many ways to use it:
- Add instead of sugar to tea or coffee.
- Put inany food as their sweetener. The most successful option here is baking.
- If you suffer from diabetes, then completely replace fructose and glucose in your diet with this product. It is also recommended for preventive and therapeutic purposes to take it 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals.
Jerusalem artichoke syrup is a useful substitute for glucose and fructose. Therefore, it is indicated for diabetes. It is also used as a general tonic, as well as medicines for digestive problems and in the fight against excess weight. It can cause harm to the body only in case of individual intolerance to Jerusalem artichoke.