The problem of a shattered nervous system is familiar to almost everyone. Nervousness gives a lot of negative consequences - insomnia, loss of concentration, the emergence of phobias, and sometimes leads to clinical diseases. Indulging in despair and starting to feel sorry for yourself is a bad choice, but taking control of your emotions, your general condition is within the power of everyone. How to provide yourself with iron nerves and not lose your taste for life at the same time is a task with two unknowns, but it can be solved easily.
Is stress really bad
What does "iron nerves" mean in the conventional sense? First of all, it is the ability to respond to troubles calmly, that is, using modern terms - stress resistance. It is believed that stress negatively affects a person, but this is not entirely true. Prolonged stay in a situation that requires utmost attention to surrounding events is really detrimental to the psyche and he alth.
But short-term time troubles, on the contrary, stimulate the work of the whole organism, at the same time giving the subconscious a positive experience of getting out of emergency situations. The accumulation of impressions and experience makes it easier to consider any non-standard task, without being horrified, but finding a way out. Whereinconsciousness aims at a solution, not at a panic. People with iron nerves most often have a positive experience of passing stalemate situations and less often the innate stability of the nervous system.

Main reasons
The opposite of the concept of "iron nerves" is neurosis. This is the most common cause of failure, illness and prolonged stress. Everyone can name a lot of reasons for its occurrence, long lists will include failures at work, unsettled personal life, problems with children, and so on. All these special cases are united by the conflict of internal expectations with the impossibility of realizing them in real life.
There are many reasons for this, it's good if desires require perseverance in implementation and diligence. In this case, medication support is not required, you can turn to traditional medicine, adjust the daily routine, make a few more efforts and get the result.
And if the problem lies in chronic diseases, certain work activities (hospice employees, teachers, psychiatric hospital doctors, etc.), then it will not be possible to do without the help of a specialist. It should be sought as early as possible so as not to get an additional disease.
Temperament plays a significant role in neurotic states. So, asthenics need a strict regimen, in which sleep, rest, sports activities and outdoor walks take their due place. For hypersthenics, the need for a mandatory relaxation procedure and dietary nutrition is relevant.

When it's time to take action
When a person thinks that he needs to have iron nerves, this may mean that he has one of the following conditions:
- Insomnia, frequent interruption of night sleep (no problem falling asleep, but sleep lasts three to four hours).
- Decrease (permanent increase) in appetite.
- Feeling of emptiness, general depression.
- Wishless.
- Uncertainty in oneself, one's abilities and actions.
- High level of irritability, violent reaction even to minor troubles.
- Increased sensitivity (tearfulness, melancholy, constant anxiety).
- Blurred attention (lack of focus).
- Fatigue quickly, even when there is no activity.
Physical manifestations can accompany stress - tremors, involuntary twitching of the limbs and head, sweating, heart palpitations and other symptoms.
It is necessary to solve the problem comprehensively, simply by eliminating the consequences, a qualitative improvement in the state will not follow. But the path starts small: to realize that the nerves are shattered and the consequences have already appeared, means the beginning of a positive attitude towards oneself and the desire to solve the problem.

First Aid
Having decided on the desire to have iron nerves, the first thing to do is to remove the obsessive symptoms, at least in order to identify the causes of their appearance. Affordablethe way to calm down is breathing, which is so promoted by yoga adepts. It helps if you create the prerequisites: you need to isolate the room from external intrusions, remove annoying sound background, or, conversely, turn on musical compositions created for relaxation.
Next, you need to take a calm pose, sitting on the floor or on a chair, straighten your back and try to interrupt the thought process by focusing on deep breaths. When breathing, all areas of the lungs should be involved. After a few minutes (about 20 minutes), even the neophyte enters a state of calm, the mind clears up, the fuss goes away. To master breathing techniques, you can visit the yoga room, where the instructor will tell you a few more options.
No less beneficial effect has any physical activity. The measured and monotonous movements are important, running, swimming, training on simulators with a small weight are suitable. Many women claim that immersion in everyday life - cleaning, cooking - helps to put things in order in thoughts and nerves. In general, any method is suitable in which the thought process, after some confusion, acquires the ability to logic, and not to grind fragments of emotions. Having achieved calmness, you need to figure out what caused the stress, what or who causes constant irritation, anger, what opportunities and desires cannot be realized.
If these methods do not work or have a short-term effect, folk or traditional medicine should be called in to help. Consulting a psychotherapist for advice would be optimalsolution for obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Traditional medicine
Traditional medicines have also found their way into the prescriptions of traditional doctors. It often happens that the loss of calm lies in an ordinary lack of sleep. It is easy to check this - you need to sleep. Valerian root, lemon balm and mint herbs, motherwort tincture will help overcome insomnia. Banal drugs, but their action has been tested on many with excellent results.
Coniferous baths help to fall asleep perfectly, for preparation it is enough to purchase coniferous extract at the pharmacy, pour the required dose into hot water and immerse yourself in it for a short time. An hour-long walk in the fresh air before going to bed is no less good for a he althy sleep.
Often a late dinner or outright hunger prevents you from falling asleep, without going to extremes with your diet, try not to eat 2 hours before bedtime and eat high-calorie foods. Even such simple methods as the mode of work and rest, dosed and constant physical activity, he althy nutrition, can provide iron nerves. An important condition for a natural approach to treatment is regularity and consistency.

Medication methods
It's hard to imagine a situation where an employee at work turns their attention away from their duties and plunges into the knowledge of the causes of their anxiety. For a quick solution to the problem, pharmacy drugs that do not cause addiction, which give a quick, prolonged effect, are suitable. To the list of availablemedicines without side effects include:
- Extracts of valerian, motherwort, peony root. You can take it in tablet form. People with low blood pressure should be careful to use, may cause drowsiness.
- "Glycine". Calms the nerves, stimulates cerebral circulation.
- "Afobazol". A popular drug that relieves nervous conditions, stabilizes the psyche.
- "Novopassit". Based on natural ingredients, quickly relieves excitability, soothes.
- "Adaptol". Light tranquilizer - calms, relieves anxiety, stimulates efficiency and mental activity.
The list of medicines can be continued with a dozen more names. Their advantage lies in the instant removal of symptoms, but the cause remains, and it is necessary to level it. Do not put off finding out why a person is out of tune with the surrounding reality, and if there is no way to figure it out on your own, it is better to go to a specialist.
The doctor will not only provide psychological assistance, but also select the appropriate treatment, the result will be iron nerves. A cure, no matter how good it may be, eventually ceases to have a therapeutic effect, and the problem will have to be faced again.

Tempering steel
Many are wondering if it is possible to strengthen the nervous system and how best to organize this process. Hope for miraculous ways is not worth it, such things do not happeninstantly. To achieve the result, you will have to reconsider the daily routine, the nutrition system and the internal psychological attitude.
What will help:
- Diversify the menu by increasing the number of seasonal fresh vegetables and fruits. Introduce whole grain cereals into the diet, reduce the number of meat dishes. Drink enough fluids.
- Go to bed and wake up at the same time, it is advisable to fall asleep around 22:00, and get up in the morning around 06:00. The rule also applies to weekends.
- It is necessary to introduce sports activities into the circle of your interests. It does not matter where and how they will take place - in the gym or on the street, what matters is the quality of training, the saturation of body tissues with oxygen, a pleasant feeling of fatigue and, as a result, a good mood, physical and mental tone. Stress resistance increases exponentially.
- It will be useful to find an occupation that is radically different from the main activity - a hobby. Passion for the new always expands the horizons and the circle of acquaintances. Without focusing on one type of activity, a person understands that the world is much larger than the problem that gnaws at him, which means that a way out will be found faster.
- Use folk ways to strengthen the nervous system - dousing with cold water, baths, herbal teas, walking long walks in any weather, taking care of your neighbor and animals.
Finding iron nerves at some point seems impossible, but as soon as you get out of the narrow circle of a particular situation, there are many ways to overcome neurosis and not fall forhook it up again.