Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in children: symptoms, causes, methods of treatment

Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in children: symptoms, causes, methods of treatment
Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in children: symptoms, causes, methods of treatment

Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in children is a disorder in the lymphatic system, accompanied by hyperplasia (increased growth) of lymphoid tissue, dysfunctions of the endocrine system, changes in reactivity and a reduction in the protective properties of the immunity of the child's body.

What leads to

Hyperplasia of cells of the lymphatic system leads to the development of thymomegaly - an increase in the thymus (or, in other words, the thymus), which is responsible for the state of the immune system and the production of hormones. Normally, the thymus gland is fully formed in childhood, and after overcoming adolescence, reverse processes begin to occur in it. With the development of thymomegaly in children, not only an increase in this gland in size is observed, but also its reverse development is delayed, which provokes the appearance of immune and endocrine disorders.

It would seem that the increase in the number of lymphocytes that develops in a child with this anomaly of the constitution should only strengthen his immunity and activateprotective reserves of the body. But, unfortunately, this does not happen. The number of lymphocytes in lymphoid tissues and blood really increases rapidly, however, they do not mature, which means they cannot fully fulfill their primary purpose.

mom and baby
mom and baby

Causes of occurrence

Medicine has not yet established the causes of lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in children. It is known that this pathology is most often observed in weakened and premature babies. In addition, it is believed that the presence of chronic endocrine pathologies in the mother also affects the formation of this process.

The risk of developing this kind of allergy (diathesis) is determined by the course of various pathologies in the mother. In this case, states such as:

  • insufficient labor activity;
  • rapid labor;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • birth trauma.

The general condition of the newborn and the pathologies present are of no small importance.

How the pathological process occurs

Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in children is characterized by an increase and damage to the adrenal cortex. The formation of hypocorticism provokes a limiting decrease in blood pressure in combination with muscle hypotension. This activates the pituitary gland, which causes increased production of the hormones ACTH and GH.

Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in children leads to a decrease in the synthesis of catecholamines and glucocorticoids, which contributes to the formation of mineralocorticoids and secondaryhyperplasia of lymphoid tissue and thymus including. With this pathology, children are noted:

  • imbalance of water-s alt metabolism;
  • intolerance to stressful situations;
  • frequent disorders of blood microcirculation;
  • high permeability of the walls of blood vessels of the circulatory system.

As a result, toxicosis develops, increased production of mucus in the bronchial tree and the formation of an asthmatic syndrome.

Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in children is characterized by an increase in the thymus, complicated by hereditary defects in the immune system with a decrease in immunity. This leads to a frequent incidence of acute respiratory viral infections with severe symptoms and high fever. Usually, such a pathology is formed by the age of 3 and ends by puberty.

child and doctor
child and doctor

Clinical course

With the development of lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in children, there are usually no special specific clinical manifestations and complaints. However, the diagnosis reveals many common physiological and pathological symptoms. Typically, these children suffer from overweight, and this is noticeable from the first days of life. They have pale, delicate skin and excessive sweating. The skin of the feet and palms is moist to the touch.

Lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in children is characterized by lethargy and irritability, such children are usually inactive and lethargic. They have rapid fatigue, a lag in psychomotor development, and a decrease in blood pressure. Such children do not tolerate changes in the environment.environment and family conflicts. It is difficult for them to adapt to new conditions.

With exudative diathesis (photo below), frequent allergic rashes are observed, localized mainly on the buttocks and lower extremities. Skin folds can cause diaper rash and marbling of the skin.

They have an increase in all organs in which there is lymphoid tissue. This shows up as an almost constant increase:

  • lymph nodes;
  • tonsils and adenoids;
  • spleen (may be incidentally detected during ultrasound).

The physique of children suffering from this anomaly is disproportionate: during examination, excessively long limbs and an uneven distribution of the subcutaneous fat layer (most of it is localized in the lower body) are revealed.

baby feeding
baby feeding

Insidious disease

Enlargement of the tonsils and adenoids should alert parents and the pediatrician. If a similar indicator is present outside the exacerbation, then during the illness they will become even greater. In this case, hypertrophy of the adenoids and tonsils can block the access of oxygen to the respiratory tract and disrupt the swallowing process. In addition, their increase often leads to protracted colds accompanied by a runny nose.

Hypertrophy of the tonsils and adenoids requires surgical intervention, as it can provoke oxygen starvation of the organs and systems of the body, as well as affect the state of the brain. Such events lead to the developmentattention deficit disorder and memory impairment, which subsequently affects school performance. Over time, the lack of oxygen begins to affect the appearance. With lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in children (photos of numerous medical sources testify to this), specific changes occur in the structure of the cranium, such as:

  • increases and the upper jaw begins to protrude;
  • mouth almost always stays half open;
  • face turns pale;
  • puffiness appears.

These signs are slowly formed, but if they appear, they remain for life. It is no longer possible to remove them, even if the adenoids are removed surgically.

happy child without diathesis
happy child without diathesis

Other Features

Children with this pathology often have some deviations in the development of internal organs. Often, the formation of lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis is reflected in the development of the heart. Parents of these children should be concerned about frequent pallor or blue nasolabial triangle and sleep apnea, especially during sleep.

In addition, they have multiple signs of dysembryogenesis: enlarged blood vessels, kidneys, external genital organs, endocrine glands, and there are also small malformations. This allows us to define this phenomenon as lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis.


Usually, such a pathology is diagnosed on the basis of information obtained after examination and the collection of anamnesis of the patient. This takes into account the statelymph nodes without exacerbation of any diseases and hypertrophy of the tonsils and adenoids.

Chest x-ray often reveals changes in the thymus gland. In addition, it is possible to identify specific changes in the heart. With lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in children, during ultrasound diagnostics, an increase in the spleen is observed with normal liver sizes.

Laboratory studies

When conducting laboratory blood tests in children suffering from this pathology, signs of absolute and relative lymphocytosis, neutro- and monocytopenia are found. Blood biochemistry shows a decrease in blood glucose, as well as an increase in cholesterol and phospholipids.

When conducting an immunogram, a decrease in IgA, IgG, the number of T- and B-lymphocytes, a violation of the ratio of T-helpers / T-suppressors, and also an increased concentration of circulating immune complexes is detected. Decreases in the concentration of thymus factors in the blood and 17-ketosteroids in the urine test are determined.

child's allergy
child's allergy

Treatment of lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis in children

To date, there is no specific treatment for this pathological condition. Of great importance for strengthening the immunity of the child are frequent walks and games in the fresh air, adherence to the daily routine and performing he alth exercises.

Doctors very often with lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis recommend adaptogens to children (ginseng tincture, glycyram, licorice root, extractEleutherococcus), which must be taken in courses. In some cases, the child may be prescribed bificol, bifidumbacterin, and calcium supplements.

A good result can be obtained by taking the drug "Lymphomiazot", which helps to normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system. In some cases, it provides a reduction in the size of the tonsils and adenoids.

With rapid adenoid growths, modern medicine offers their removal through surgical interventions. Of course, such procedures are carried out only if there is a complete absence of nasal breathing or with frequent recurrences of inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory system.

Since children suffer from severe allergic reactions with such phenomena, it is necessary to provide a complete and balanced diet. The use of products containing synthetic dyes and preservatives is unacceptable.

In such conditions, self-treatment cannot be used, since there remains a risk of worsening the well-being of a weakened organism. Any therapy should be prescribed by a doctor.

vegetables in a child's diet
vegetables in a child's diet

Diets and nutrition rules

Complementary foods should be introduced gradually and with caution, watching for possible inadequate reactions of the body.

Special attention in this case requires the introduction of milk and dairy products. Such food should appear in the baby's diet no earlier than 8 months. In addition, it is necessary to limit the consumption of sweets. At the same time, the children's menu should contain fruits and vegetables that correspondseasonality and locality. All foods used must be low-allergenic.

girl eating an apple
girl eating an apple


Children with a history of this anomaly are not able to resist many infections, so they often get sick. At the same time, the clinical picture of diseases in them is more pronounced and is accompanied by a severe course. In early childhood, children diagnosed with thymomegaly should be closely monitored because there is a risk of suffocation. If you have frequent colds, nasal congestion, snoring during sleep or night apnea, you should consult an otolaryngologist.

According to statistics, the mortality rate of newborns diagnosed with "thymomegaly" is about 10%. Usually, the symptoms of this disease disappear during adolescence during puberty. However, in rare cases, thymico-lymphatic status may remain for life.
