How to speed up metabolism at home: foods, vitamins, drugs

How to speed up metabolism at home: foods, vitamins, drugs
How to speed up metabolism at home: foods, vitamins, drugs

Many girls think about losing weight. They look for a variety of diets, workouts, buy pills that help to lose weight. All this affects the body. But the fact is that weight loss occurs due to metabolism. How to speed up metabolism to lose weight? Read this article.

What is metabolism

Many are wondering how to speed up a slow metabolism. First you need to understand what it is.

heart - he alth
heart - he alth

Metabolism, or metabolism - the rate of assimilation of certain foods, as well as the quality of taking all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and so on from them. If the metabolism is fast, the girl may not be afraid to get better, because everything is quickly absorbed and digested. But with a slow metabolism, it is much more difficult, since weight is lost slowly, only part of the consumed products are absorbed, because of this, not only the appearance, but also he alth suffers.

Therefore, each person needs to know how to speed up the metabolism inat home for the benefit of the body. This will contribute not only to weight loss, but also to overall he alth improvement.

How does it work? Very simple. Let's say a person with a fast metabolism eats a piece of fish. It takes a couple of hours for the body to fully absorb amino acids, fats, vitamins and nutrients. And if the metabolism is slow, it can take up to four hours. Unfortunately, due to such a large amount of time, rotting in the intestines can occur, as a result of which half (and sometimes more of the nutrients) are simply not absorbed by the body - it does not need rotten foods. But there is a way out, we'll talk about it later.

Drugs to speed up metabolism

There are many drugs that speed up the metabolism. This is a quick and one hundred percent option - to drink a course of pills with which you can lose weight. It's just that it's not entirely safe. But if there is no way to adjust your diet, and you need a quick result, then this option is for you.

Warning: Consult your physician before taking any medications.

reduxin light
reduxin light

So, before you run to the pharmacy and look for a miracle pill, we will warn you about the consequences: such games with the body can lead to problems with the liver, heart, stomach and intestines. The principle of operation of such drugs is to increase the rate of absorption of food by the stomach and intestines. But keep in mind that these pills will prevent you from eating all sorts of nasty things like chocolates and fast food: they will keep you in check, anda breakdown will cause diarrhea and other troubles.

Metabolism-boosting vitamins include:

  • "Turboslim";
  • "Reduxin";
  • "Xenical";
  • "Ortline";
  • "Orsoten";
  • Goldline and others.

Taking them, you are sure to also adhere to proper nutrition. But why take any drugs for this? You can just eat a balanced diet without breaking into harmful foods and without damaging your internal organs.

If you still decide to start taking these drugs, then carefully follow the instructions and without fail consult your doctor before using such drugs.

What foods speed up metabolism

If you decide not to harm your he alth, but to speed up your metabolism correctly, to fix the result for a long time, then this paragraph of the article is especially for you. Here we will talk about which foods increase metabolism (safe and he althy):

  1. Fish. Be sure to eat fish, which contains a lot of useful amino acids and Omega-3, which should become your best friends and constant companions on the way to losing weight and a he althy body. It is enough to include fish in your diet a couple of times a week, replacing it with the usual meat dinner, so that the stomach and intestines say "thank you". Fish also improves memory and vision, making it a top he alth food for animals.
  2. Vegetables. If you regularly eat vegetable stews, soups and salads, then your exchangesubstances will accelerate by 20%, which, you see, is very much. This is due to fiber, which also acts as a "brush" to cleanse your colon. Tip: If you don't like steamed vegetables, make a fresh salad.
  3. Green tea and black coffee. Do you know what these two aromatic drinks have in common? Caffeine! It is he who acts as an accelerator of your metabolism. Do not be afraid to drink a cup of hot liquid at breakfast, if you do not overdo it, it will only benefit. But do not use instant coffee and tea bags - only real, natural beans and leaves.

Metabolism-boosting tea

You can help your body by preparing delicious and fragrant drinks that will also have a beneficial effect on all organs in general. How to speed up metabolism with tea? The answer is given below.

tea with ginger
tea with ginger

Metabolic Spiced Tea


  • ginger - a small piece the size of a fingernail (do not overdo it, it is fraught with gastritis and even a stomach ulcer);
  • red ground hot pepper - on the tip of a knife;
  • green loose tea of your choice (prefer natural tea, not tea bags);
  • sugar or sweetener to taste.


  1. This tea, which speeds up the body's metabolism, should generally be taken on a full stomach. The fact is that spicy spices can cause stomach diseases. Before cooking it, have a snack with a banana (which also promotes a fast metabolism). So peel the ginger rootand cut into cubes or grate on a fine grater.
  2. Put the ginger in a mug and sprinkle with hot pepper. Top with one to two teaspoons of loose green tea.
  3. Pour the ingredients with water that is not higher than 94 degrees (if you pour boiling water over the tea, it will lose its properties).
  4. Stir, cover with a lid or saucer, let steep for ten minutes.
  5. Add sugar or sweetener if you can't drink unsweetened drinks. It is important that this tea should not be drunk more than two or three times a week.


In addition to all the benefits of speeding up the metabolism, it also contributes to weight loss. Due to the rapid assimilation of food, fat is broken down at lightning speed, which contributes to weight loss. In this paragraph, we will answer such a question as to speed up the metabolism and lose weight.

To begin with, it is worth noting: if you eat fast food, chocolates, drink soda and eat fried potatoes, then there will be no effect. Even if there are products that both speed up the metabolism and heal the body. You need to eat a balanced diet and take into account your own he alth characteristics. For example, if you have kidney problems, you should not drink liters of water, as advised in trendy diets. You will only harm yourself and contribute to the swelling of the body.

metabolic acceleration
metabolic acceleration

To lose weight, you need to eat simple foods: meat, cereals, fruits and vegetables, that is, what a normal body is used to getting. Do not shock him with a huge amount of sugar and trans fats, and then everything will be fine. Read carefullythe composition on the package, avoid "yes", give preference to the natural components of the product. When choosing yogurt, make sure that there is no sugar and preservatives, and chocolate should contain at least seventy percent natural cocoa.

As a dessert, it is better to snack on dried fruits, fruit and vegetable salads, dressing them with natural yogurt or lemon juice. Forget about vegetable oil and mayonnaise! Add sour cream to soups as needed.

Diets to speed up metabolism

There is also a diet that speeds up the metabolism. Her diet is designed for a quick and relatively safe result that will help you lose those extra pounds. The menu of this diet is described below.

  1. Breakfast: milk porridge with dried fruit, milk-free coffee with sugar.
  2. Lunch: baked mackerel with vegetables.
  3. Snack: ginger and pepper tea, banana.
  4. Dinner: grilled vegetables, chicken breast.

This diet will help speed up your metabolism and lose weight. As a rule, such a diet should be followed throughout life, changing products for yourself so as not to spoil the result. After all, if you lose weight to the weight you need, and then start eating hamburgers again, then the weight will return, taking with you unexpected guests. You get a vicious circle. Don't play around with your body like that.

watermelon fresh
watermelon fresh

Here is a menu of a diet that gets your metabolism up in no time, but it's pretty tough compared to the last one:

  1. Breakfast: banana with ginger tea.
  2. Snack: 100g softfat-free cottage cheese.
  3. Lunch: trout fish soup without overcooking and potatoes.
  4. Second snack: apple or banana, ginger tea.
  5. Dinner: baked pangasius with lemon juice, vegetable salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and arugula.
  6. weight loss in adulthood
    weight loss in adulthood

    Stay on this diet for a week, taking ginger tea twice a day. If this is difficult, replace one tea party with green tea or black coffee. Then the result will not keep you waiting.

Sports loads

Sport is an integral part of a he althy lifestyle. It will help not only speed up the metabolism, as is commonly believed, but also tighten the skin, strengthen muscles and lose those extra hated kilograms. In order for sports loads to be productive, it is better to sign up for classes with a personal trainer. He will select a workout for you personally, taking into account individual he alth indicators, physical fitness and free time.

Don't take your phone to workout. The trainer will not let you get distracted and will drive you between the simulators, giving you a rest for a couple of minutes. A "selfie" can be taken before or after training.

Start your workout with a warm-up and end with a stretch. A woman should be flexible, graceful and plastic, so this is an indispensable part of physical exercise. A personal trainer will also give you recommendations on how to properly speed up your metabolism.

Do not skimp on money in this case - it is much better than exercising in the gym orat home on your own. They will not take their eyes off you and will monitor the correct technique for performing the exercises. It can be difficult for a person with little experience in this matter, there is also a high risk of performing the exercise incorrectly and even getting injured during training. And this will definitely beat off all the desire to lose weight correctly.

Speed up metabolism in adulthood

Many women in adulthood are interested in how to speed up the metabolism in 50 years. The fact is that every year it is more and more difficult to lose weight, the metabolism is becoming slower. Therefore, at such an interesting age, it is worth paying special attention to this:

  1. Tea. As mentioned above, you can drink ginger or green tea, which speeds up the metabolism. But if there are problems with the stomach, then it is better to prepare such a drink: pour rose hips with boiling water, add a couple of sprigs of cloves and thyme, leave for 15 minutes under the lid. The effect is the same, but the digestive system will not be hit.
  2. Water on an empty stomach. It should be in the morning, half an hour before the first meal, drink 0.5 liters of water. You can add lemon, honey, and ginger of your choice if plain water gets boring or you can't drink that much. Do not overdo it, after all, lemon is an acid.
  3. Eat fish every day. If at a young age it is enough to replace her with a couple of meals a week, then after forty it is worth using it daily. This is not only he althy, but also delicious, because there are many recipes for cooking fish, you will definitely like some one!
  4. Walking before bed. Don't forget to breathefresh air in the evenings for at least half an hour. This will affect not only weight, but also he alth in general.
  5. Nordic walking with ski poles. Helps develop lungs and speed up metabolism.
metabolism drinks
metabolism drinks

Proper nutrition is the key to he alth

Proper nutrition, which is now so fashionable, helps to speed up the metabolism. This is a balanced diet with calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates eaten.

Proper nutrition helps speed up the metabolism. Weight will rapidly begin to melt as soon as you review your eating habits. Do not forget that you should not get carried away here, because any calorie deficit is stressful for the body. Let him rest by having a cheat meal every week when you can eat whatever you want. Then the body will understand that there is no threat to life and will allow the fat to go away, and will not store it for future use.

Don't combine meat with cereals. There are two options: a side dish with vegetables or meat with vegetables. Even for lunch. The meat is digested for a long time, you should not make it heavier with pasta or buckwheat. Pasta or potatoes should be eaten in the morning - these are fast carbohydrates that we absolutely do not need in the evening.

There are many options: grilled vegetables with meat, buckwheat with onions and carrots, rice with Hawaiian mix, vegetables baked in foil with chicken … It's up to you to choose. The main thing - do not fry in oil. You can use a non-stick pan.

Also don't forget to drink enough water every day. This will be discussed below. If aif you match the right nutrition, there will be sports loads and enough water, then weight loss will not be long in coming.

Water is your best friend

Water will help speed up the body's metabolism. This is the easiest way to improve the quality of assimilation and digestion of food. If you drink 30 milliliters of water per kilogram of weight daily, it will help nourish the cells with moisture and break down fats. But you should not drink water in the afternoon - it is fraught with swelling in the morning, which contribute to weight gain.

Add lemon, ginger, honey, or vegetables to your water, but avoid mint, it's drying and won't quench your thirst.

Always take a bottle of clean water with you to training and drink plenty. The fact that water cannot be drunk during physical exertion is an old myth that has long been refuted by scientists. If you're sick of plain water, you can make he althy and delicious detox water:


  • cucumber - 1 small;
  • parsley - 30 grams;
  • lemon - a few slices.
detox water
detox water


  1. Wash and clean the cucumber and parsley. Cut the cucumbers into pieces, chop the parsley into large sprigs.
  2. Place vegetables with lemon in a carafe and fill with clean water. Leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  3. Pour water, throw away vegetables with herbs - they gave away all the vitamins. Drink this water every day, then you will definitely forget about being overweight!

We hope that our tips presented in the article will help you in the fight against excess weight. Bebeautiful, he althy and happy!
