Various energy processes and chemical reactions are constantly taking place in the body. It directly affects how a person looks, how he feels. Metabolism affects the quality and duration of life. This is the body's metabolism. If such processes are carried out correctly, he alth problems rarely occur.
The essence of the process
The body can fully function thanks to nutrition and oxygen. With food, a person receives various substances that are processed through chemical reactions and converted into energy. This process is called metabolism. It consists of two stages - catabolism (destruction) and anabolism (rise). These processes occur simultaneously, but have significant differences.
Food that enters the body undergoes decay. This process releases energy, which is measured in kilocalories. This is catabolism, which plays an importantrole in the normal development of the body, the growth of new he althy cells. Anabolism has a different function. During this process, simple substances are transformed into complex ones. Anabolism requires significant energy expenditure.

Only 20% of the energy that is released through metabolism goes to human physical activity. The remaining 80% are necessary for the flow of internal processes in the body.
Metabolic problems
Metabolism can be normal fast or slow. The well-being of a person, as well as his appearance, directly depends on the metabolic rate. So, if the metabolism is too slow, the incoming nutrients do not have time to be converted into energy. As a result, not all calories are burned; a person suffers from overweight. In this case, it is necessary to carefully control nutrition. In the most difficult cases, a nutritionist comes to the rescue.
With an accelerated metabolism, a person, on the contrary, cannot gain weight even with enhanced nutrition. This is also considered a problem. After all, many useful vitamins and minerals in the body are simply not absorbed. With an accelerated metabolism, a person complains of weakness, suffers from frequent colds against the background of reduced immunity.

There are many drugs to restore metabolism. However, you cannot self-medicate. It is important to find out what the problems are. Some congenital oracquired diseases (phenylketonuria, gout, albinism, Gierke's disease, etc.). The way of life of a person is also of great importance. With insufficient physical activity and malnutrition, the metabolism slows down. Stress or hormonal disruptions can also provoke disorders.
Symptoms to watch out for
Restoration of metabolism should be started after an accurate diagnosis has been made. You should make an appointment with a specialist if drastic changes occur in the body. This should include rapid weight loss or weight gain, problems with stools, sleep disturbances. It is also necessary to seek help if he althy teeth began to deteriorate quickly, nails and hair became brittle.
The symptoms described do not necessarily indicate a metabolic disorder. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to start treatment on your own. Therapy will be prescribed by a doctor.
General recommendations
How to restore metabolism? First of all, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. You will have to give up bad habits, adjust sleep and rest, change your diet. With a slow metabolism, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of animal fats, give up fast food, and reduce the calorie content of the diet in general. It is recommended to stick to 5 meals a day. You will have to eat in small portions, but more often. Such rules will help to suppress the outbreaks of uncontrolled hunger, which often lead to overeating.

The diet needsinclude foods that speed up metabolism. First of all, you need to pay attention to sea fish, olive oil and nuts. These foods are high in he althy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
How to boost metabolism for weight loss? If there are no serious he alth problems, it is quite possible to eat tasty food and reduce body weight. First of all, you should include enough water in the diet. It is simply necessary for normal metabolism. If you have only a few extra pounds, you can eat the usual foods. The only thing you have to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water per day. You cannot replace it with tea or juice.
If overweight has become a real problem, many of your favorite foods will have to be abandoned. It is recommended to include the following foods in the diet that speed up metabolism.
- Beans. The product contains a large amount of B vitamins, fiber. In addition, beans contain substances that break down fats. Legumes help to digest food faster, leaving a feeling of satiety for a long time.
- Lean meat. It is impossible to refuse protein categorically. Preference should be given to lean meats such as turkey, chicken, beef. It has been proven that such products double the metabolic processes in the body.
- Cabbage. The product contains a large amount of vitamin C, which contributes to the burning of extra calories. Especially useful for overweight will be sauerkraut.
- Citrus. They will also be useful due to the large amount of vitamin C incomposition. In addition, oranges, lemons and grapefruits contain fiber and he althy acids.
- Spices. Ginger, cinnamon, red and black pepper - these products will not only speed up the metabolic processes in the body, but also make lean meals really tasty.
Before you accelerate your metabolism for weight loss, it is important to prepare for the fact that the expected result cannot be obtained too quickly. Extra pounds will go away slowly, but the effect will be sustainable. Gradual normalization of metabolic processes in the body is the way to good he alth and a beautiful figure.
Drugs to restore metabolism
All medicines that are used to normalize metabolism are divided into three groups. These are hormonal drugs, steroid drugs and anabolics. Many medicines are available in the public domain, offered without a prescription. However, it must be understood that such therapy can lead to the development of side effects. It is necessary to use medicines and dietary supplements to speed up metabolism after consulting a doctor.
This drug is widely used for violations of metabolic processes in the body. The drug contains hormones. Metabolism is restored due to the normalization of thyroid function. The main active ingredient is levothyroxine sodium. The drug is available in the form of tablets (dosage 50 and 100 mg).

The drug can be prescribed by a specialist in diseases such as hypothyroidism, obesity, diffuse toxic goiter. Counting onthe action of the main component, many overweight girls decide to carry out therapy using this medication on their own. As a result, side effects develop. Increased dosage may increase appetite. In this case, the patient gets the opposite result - body weight begins to increase rapidly.
L-thyroxine should not be used by people suffering from epilepsy, serious disorders of the cardiovascular system, kidney and liver failure.
Unless there are contraindications, tablets should be taken half an hour before meals with plenty of water. Initial dosage - 25 mg.
These capsules contain substances that speed up metabolism. The composition of the drug includes vitamins B, C, extracts of guarana and papaya, an extract from red seaweed. Teas and coffee "Turboslim" are also popular. Reviews show that these products really help to cope with extra pounds, provided that the diet is properly formulated.
On sale you can find capsules "Turboslim day" and "Turboslim night". These nutritional supplements help to normalize metabolic processes in the body, relieve nervous tension, and normalize sleep. In addition, dietary supplements have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Those who suffer from edema should pay attention to Turboslim tea. The product helps to remove excess fluid from the body. This also reduces body weight. normalize bowel function andgallbladder.

They have the means of the Turboslim series and their contraindications. You can not take them during pregnancy, if you are allergic to any of the components. It is recommended to refuse such therapy for people suffering from insomnia, diseases of the cardiovascular system.
If there are no contraindications, you should adhere to the correct mode of taking the remedy. Take one capsule daily for 4 weeks. Then you should take a break for a month. During therapy, it is recommended to drink Turboslim tea twice a day immediately after meals.
How to restore metabolism? You can use the drug based on metformin hydrochloride. The drug "Glucophage" refers to antidiabetic drugs. It should not be used without consulting a doctor. The drug is produced in the form of tablets. The drug is prescribed primarily for patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus. Also, the drug can be used to treat obese patients who are in a pre-diabetic state.
The main component has a pronounced hypoglycemic effect. As a result, the absorption of glucose from the gastrointestinal tract is reduced. The level of insulin in the blood decreases, which contributes to the burning of excess fat.

The medicine has a considerable list of contraindications. Do not use tablets during pregnancy, with severe disorders of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascularsystems. The medicine cannot be prescribed to patients who are on a low-calorie diet. There are also age restrictions. Means "Glucophage" can be used for the treatment of adult patients not older than 65 years.
The dosage regimen is determined by the attending physician. In most cases, a single dose of a tablet (in the morning after breakfast) is sufficient. When using the medicine, side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, and allergic reactions are possible.
How to restore metabolism with medication? You can use anabolic hormonal drugs after consulting a doctor. Tablets "Danabol" are widely used by athletes to gain muscle mass. The medication can also be used to normalize metabolism with a mild degree of obesity. This medicine will help restore the figure even with excessive thinness.
Achieving a good result will not happen right away. The course of therapy is 2 months. Tablets should be taken three times a day after meals with plenty of water.
Unfortunately, anabolic drugs have many contraindications. The risk of side effects is also high, even if the instructions are followed. It is strictly forbidden to use medicines from this category for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the liver and kidneys. Means "Danabol" can provoke the development of hypertension. With caution, it is necessary to take pills for men. Increasing the dosage often leads to the development of gynecomastia (growth of the mammary glands).
If after cancellationanabolic steroids, the patient returns to his usual way of life, does not follow the daily routine and eats improperly, excess kilograms quickly return. A person may weigh more than before the start of therapy. Before restoring the metabolism in the body with the help of such drugs, it is worth undergoing an examination.
Herbal preparations
How to speed up metabolism at home? In the pharmacy you can buy effective and inexpensive products that have practically no contraindications. Echinacea tincture contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes. In large quantities, this plant contains polysaccharides, alkylamides, insulin, echinosides. The product stimulates the processes of processing food into energy, accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration. Echinacea also contains a large amount of useful minerals such as silver, copper, sulfur, calcium, selenium, manganese, zinc. It is recommended to take echinacea tincture once a day, 15 drops. The course of therapy is 1 month.

In the fight against extra pounds, tincture based on the following plants will also be useful:
- ginseng - normalizes appetite;
- radiol pink - has a beneficial effect on the growth of muscle cells;
- Eleutherococcus – is involved in the process of fat oxidation;
- Far Eastern lemongrass - normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
Before restoring metabolism using such tinctures, it is also worth consulting with your doctor. So let's continue.
Vitamins for metabolism
Lack of vitamins and mineralsin the body can adversely affect human he alth in general. Scientists have found that in winter, when the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits is sharply reduced, metabolic processes in the body slow down. In the cold season, many people gain weight. You can solve the problem with the help of vitamin complexes. Such drugs as Vitrum, Alfavit, Supradin, etc. are popular.

There are many ways to normalize metabolic processes in the body. In most cases, it is enough to establish a diet, avoid stress and fully relax. If metabolic disorders are associated with a certain disease, you cannot do without the help of a specialist. Complex therapy using vitamins and medicines will achieve good results.