In modern conditions of life it is very difficult to keep the body in a he althy state. In almost all products there is a mass of artificially created substances, which, although they are “identical to natural”, cannot, of course, serve as a full-fledged replacement for them. For some time the body still withstands such a diet, but, in the end, either the stomach does not want to work well, or the liver, or even the kidneys. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to use special cleansing teas more often.

What is it and what is it for?
There is a certain set of herbs that helps the body cleanse itself of harmful deposits and poisons, restore the body after the negative effects of various chemicals. Such herbal teas are cleansing teas.
But do not rush to immediately run to the pharmacy, buy the first tea that caught your eye anddrink it ten glasses a day - "to increase the effect." This is fundamentally wrong.
Firstly, these herbal preparations should be consumed in moderation, two to three cups a day. After all, cleansing the body with herbs is impossible with their excessive concentration, as this will create an additional burden on the body and only worsen the situation.
Secondly, the choice of tea should be approached very carefully - they are all designed for different purposes: some - to improve bowel function, others - for the kidneys, others - for the liver, and fourth - generally diuretic. Therefore, it is necessary to proceed from what exactly worries you.

Third, you don't have to buy tea at all. After carefully studying the packaging, you will be able to independently collect the herbs that make up this set. If you are lucky and there is a forest patch near your settlement, then most likely you can find all the necessary ingredients in it.
Even if there is no forest, you can still get the benefit - after all, in the same pharmacy you can buy the necessary herbs separately, and the total price will be an order of magnitude lower than for a ready-made collection.
By the way, you can focus on one plant instead of a large set. Indeed, individually, herbs are also very useful, for example, knotweed will help dissolve stones in the liver, wormwood cleanses the body of parasites. Colon cleansing without enemas is also possible - just take senna cleansing teas for a while.

Still, if you want to achievemaximum positive effect, it is best to use prefabricated cleansing teas. As already mentioned, you can either purchase them or assemble them yourself. Here are some simple recipes.
Intestine cleansing tea
Mix oregano leaves and shoots, lemon balm leaves and some lemon zest. Pour boiling water over and boil for five minutes on minimum heat.
Kidney cleansing tea
Brew a tablespoon of rowan berries with a glass of boiling water, then let the tea brew for about five minutes. Decoction drink half a glass three times a day.
There is another tea recipe that has a similar effect. For it, it is necessary to mix dried currants and rose hips, approximately in equal proportions. One tablespoon of this mixture requires two cups of boiling water. Infuse the decoction for an hour and consume half a glass four times a day.
Cleanse your body and be he althy!