Castor oil for bowel cleansing. Castor cleansing: recommendations

Castor oil for bowel cleansing. Castor cleansing: recommendations
Castor oil for bowel cleansing. Castor cleansing: recommendations

Castor oil for bowel cleansing has been used by our ancestors for centuries. However, even today such a simple, affordable method has not lost its relevance. What you need to know about colon cleansing with castor oil and what are the basic principles of this procedure?

About the benefits of castor oil for the body

Castor oil, the price of which is affordable for everyone, is isolated from castor bean seeds. The oil obtained by pressing is distinguished by a thick consistency, and also has a not very pleasant aroma and taste. However, despite the presence of some negative points, bowel cleansing with this remedy can be quite fast and effective.

castor oil for bowel cleansing
castor oil for bowel cleansing

The excellent cleansing properties of castor oil can be explained by the presence of several active types of acids in its composition:

  • saturated stearic and palmitic acid;
  • polyunsaturated linoleic acid;
  • fatty monounsaturated ricinoleic and oleic acid.

Due to the presence of the above components, castor oil cleansing isa truly powerful method, due to the necessary reactions that occur when castor oil interacts with digestive enzymes.

What is colon cleansing for?

What is this procedure? The human intestine is nothing more than a few meters of pathways, not counting the stomach and pancreas. Given their fairly dense placement, one can imagine the amount of waste that accumulates in various parts of the intestine throughout life. The accumulation of undigested food residues in the intestines affects not only the well-being, but also the appearance of a person.

castor oil price
castor oil price

Castor oil for bowel cleansing has a highly effective laxative effect on the digestive organs. Therefore, this remedy is actively used both in folk and traditional medicine, in particular, for preoperative bowel cleansing.

Castor oil as an effective laxative

castor oil cleansing
castor oil cleansing

It's hard to find a better laxative than castor oil. Today, it is taken not only in liquid form, but also in the form of medical capsules, which makes it possible to facilitate the procedure.

As with other well-known laxatives, the effect of taking castor oil is based on active stimulation of the smooth intestinal muscles. Under the influence of gastric enzymes, castor oil is broken down into acids and glycerol, which, in turn, lead to the excitation of intestinal motor function. It is this property that underlieslaxative effect of castor oil.

Preparing for bowel cleansing

It is highly recommended not to take castor oil without first preparing your own body for it. When making the final decision on the procedure, you should take care of filling the refrigerator with easy-to-digest diet products.

Seriously it is worth thinking about how to sit for a few days on a diet, giving rest to the digestive tract. During this period, you should limit yourself to low-fat broths, cereals, bran bread, juices, yogurt or kefir.

A few hours before the procedure, which is recommended at night, you should completely stop eating. In other words, the last meal should be lunch. As practice shows, nausea is one of the most common unpleasant effects that castor oil causes. Feedback from people who have already gone through the procedure shows how important it is to try to fall asleep quickly in order to avoid vomiting.

Ways to cleanse the intestines with castor oil

How to take castor oil to cleanse the intestines? The most common way is to use a castor oil enema in the evening. Doing an enema is recommended after a natural bowel movement. In the event of the effect of an accelerated heartbeat, you can alleviate your condition by taking medications containing potassium and magnesium. Another way to relieve discomfort is to consume dry dried apricots.

castor oil reviews
castor oil reviews

Inside castor oilfor cleansing the intestines, it is taken at the rate of 1 gram per kilogram of weight. It is advisable to accurately calculate the required amount of castor oil, using special measuring utensils for this.

How to drink castor oil? Due to the specific taste and rather unpleasant aroma of the oil, it is recommended to eat it with citrus fruits. You can also drink castor oil with juice. Do not consume other foods than plain water.

Effectiveness of castor oil in cleansing the colon

Proper procedure allows you to feel the desired effect in the first hours after taking the cleanser. The result is sure to be not only an improvement in the digestive tract and getting rid of toxins, but also some weight loss due to abundant fluid excretion.

how to take castor oil
how to take castor oil

An important role is played by the anthelmintic properties of castor oil. Therefore, the remedy can and should be used in case of suspicion of the presence of parasites in the digestive tract.

As a result of proper bowel cleansing with castor oil, already in the first days you can feel a noticeable improvement in well-being, physical activity, increased tone and vitality, as well as get rid of chronic fatigue, stabilize blood sugar levels.

People who have already gone through the process of cleansing the body with castor oil, strongly recommend resorting to its repeated, periodic repetition. Thus, you can get a good, stable state of he alth, as well as feel a noticeable effect.general rejuvenation of the whole organism.

What is the danger of castor oil for bowel cleansing?

Reception of castor oil in combination with citrus fruits or juices creates a rather unfavorable environment for the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Castor oil, while the price is an obvious advantage, can also cause subsequent problems with the need for a sufficiently long recovery of stable bowel function.

how to drink castor oil
how to drink castor oil

As for the procedure itself, during its implementation, you can experience a number of extremely unpleasant sensations. The most difficult moment for most people is the moment of taking the prophylactic, mainly because of its specific consistency, taste and aroma. Therefore, if castor oil for bowel cleansing causes rejection in the body, in this case it is better to limit yourself to a diet or so-called fasting days, which also helps to get rid of slagging in the body.