When the body starts to fail, edema appears. To remove excess fluid, it is recommended to drink diuretic teas and tablets, drops for edema. To find a drug that is ideal for a person, it is necessary to conduct a series of tests, because each case of water retention in the body has its own reason.

Properties of drinks
Diuretic teas used for edema contain medicinal herbs. You can collect them yourself or purchase ready-made fees, separate raw materials in a pharmacy. When choosing any herbal tea, you need to look at the composition and select only those that are not allergic.
The use of diuretic tea for edema helps to remove excess fluid from the body, which helps to reduce weight, reduce swelling on the limbs, face. The use of herbal tea helps to remove toxins from the body, and it is also an excellent prophylactic against pathologies of the genitourinary system.
Mild diuretic properties havegreen and black teas. These versatile drinks have virtually no contraindications.
For edema, diuretic teas are taken for no longer than three weeks. This is due to the fact that they flush potassium from the body. To compensate for the loss, in parallel, foods rich in this substance are included in the diet. It is recommended to drink any herbal tea until four in the evening to eliminate nighttime worries.

Diuretic Herbs
Diuretic pills give quick results, but they have many side effects. They are used in special cases when it is necessary to quickly remove fluid from the body. A more gentle method is to purchase diuretic teas at the pharmacy. They contain only natural raw materials of plant origin. Such funds allow you to remove excess fluid, while there is a restorative effect on all body systems.
Useful substances contained in plant materials are able to accumulate in the body and only after that have an impact on the problem. Due to this feature, after taking one cup of tea, there is no desired result.
When swelling of the legs, faces, it is recommended to use the following plants:
- Birch leaves. In addition to diuretic properties, the leaves are able to regulate the work of the cardiovascular system, restore the functioning of the kidneys. This raw material has a complex effect on the main causes of edema formation.
- Fruits and leaves of lingonberries, cranberries. A diuretic tea is prepared from them for swelling under the eyes. These plants are recommended for pregnant women. The raw material stimulates the kidneys, increasing the excretion of fluid from the body.
- St. John's wort. Indicated for swelling of the legs. It should not be used during pregnancy.
- Peppermint. This is the most mild diuretic that has positive results both in monotea and in collections. This plant has a sedative effect, lowers blood pressure. The plant is contraindicated for those who suffer from hypotension.
- Melissa. It is recommended to take during pregnancy. Has a mild diuretic effect.
- Ivan tea. It has a minimum number of contraindications. The plant contains potassium.
- Field horsetail. One of the most popular plants, which is part of various diuretic collections. It does not disturb the water-s alt balance, but removes water.
- Pharmacy chamomile. Has many properties. According to reviews, diuretic tea from edema from chamomile has not only a diuretic property, but also removes inflammation of the genitourinary system, soothes, and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Chamomile is used to prepare infusions, decoctions for external use.
When purchasing diuretic tea for edema in a pharmacy, concomitant diseases are taken into account. For example, if swelling appears under the eyes, then this indicates a malfunction in the excretory system. If the legs swell, then this is a violation of the heart. There are many such features. Therefore, before making diuretic tea, the properties of plants should be studied in detail. This will allow you to choose raw materials suitable for the characteristics of the body.

Diuretic teas for edema offered in pharmacies, according to reviews, consist of combinations of various herbs. It can be birch leaves, buds, juniper berries, lingonberries and other components. The herbs that are part of the diuretic teas enhance each other's action, and also fill the body with energy.
It is necessary to brew such teas strictly according to the instructions on the package. Some of them contain senna grass. It has not only a diuretic, but also a laxative effect, so the choice of fees should be considered carefully.
To prepare a diuretic tea for swelling of the face and limbs, you can use ready-made formulations or make a collection yourself by mixing various herbs. These could be:
- Birch leaves, strawberries, nettles, flax seeds.
- Immortelle, fennel and mint.
- Cowberry and cranberry.
- Melissa and mint.
- St. John's wort, anise and violet.
- Birch leaves, chamomile, dill seeds and horsetail.
Rose hips combined with blueberries with string, chamomile and horsetail have a good diuretic effect.
To make tea, you need to take all the components in equal amounts, mix. Then pour a teaspoon of the mixture with boiling water and let it brew for a quarter of an hour. The drink is prepared before drinking, drink it in its pure form three times a day. If desired, add honey to taste.
Ready fees
Diuretic teas for edema are offered at the pharmacy. Their names are as follows:
- Diuretic Collection 1, 2.
- Kidney tea.
They are usually sold in filter bags that are easy to brew. They have a balanced dosage. These funds well relieve swelling, cleanse the kidneys.
Accept ready-made fees 1-2 times a day, one glass. Duration of therapy - up to three weeks.
Ready diuretic preparations can be combined with green tea.

Black and green tea
These types of teas have many useful properties and have virtually no contraindications. Green and black tea have a weak diuretic effect. It can be enhanced by adding 2-3 tablespoons of milk to the drink. They drink this tea two cups a day and only freshly brewed.
Drinking regular tea in large quantities leads to vasodilation, thereby stimulating the excretion of urine from the body. It should be borne in mind that black and green tea contain caffeine, which increases blood pressure. To soften its effect, it is recommended to add milk to tea.
How to take
The basic rules for taking diuretic teas are as follows:
- Increase dosage daily.
- It is necessary to take ready-made fees strictly according to the therapy scheme. Teas are slow medicines, so you need to complete the full course of treatment.
- Tea is taken warm.
- Last tea should be no later than 4pm.
- To achieve a quick effect, teas are recommended to be taken together withdiuretic medications.
- With prolonged use of one type of tea, its effectiveness decreases. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to change the composition of the tea.

Features of taking tea by pregnant women
Diuretic tea for pregnant women with edema should be selected by a doctor. This is due to the fact that many medicinal herbs cannot be used while carrying a child. For example, parsley decoction may increase the tone of the uterus, which increases the risk of miscarriage.
Some herbs are able to remove from the body not only excess fluid, but also beneficial trace elements such as potassium. As a result of taking teas, a woman may feel unwell. To compensate for the leaching of trace elements, the doctor prescribes multivitamins, various supplements, selects a diet.
When choosing a diuretic, contraindications must be taken into account. Many diuretics have severe side effects. It is not safe for pregnant women to take many herbal teas, as they can have a wide variety of effects on the body.

Danger of edema in pregnant women
During gestation, swelling can occur at any stage. However, it is in the third trimester that the occurrence of edema is considered the most dangerous, since this symptom can lead to serious complications. To exclude this, diuretics are selected for a woman. They are conditionally divided into two large groups - prohibited for pregnant women andallowed. The latter are natural and synthetic.
There are drugs that do not remove calcium from the body, but they are able to wash out magnesium and potassium. Because of this, it is recommended to take multivitamins and minerals.
Allowed diuretics
There are drugs approved for use by pregnant women. Among them is Phytolysin. It is prescribed only if there is no inflammatory process in the kidneys, and also in the absence of allergies to the components included in the composition.
Pregnant women are often prescribed natural preparations such as Canephron. It contains lovage root, rosemary, centaury. The drug has a complex effect, relieves inflammation, spasms. This remedy can be taken at any stage of pregnancy. The form of choice of "Kanefron" is dragee.

You can remove excess fluid from the body with the help of teas. They are used not only during pregnancy, but also before and after it. Many doctors recommend not drinking diuretic teas because of their ability to disturb the water-s alt balance, washing out beneficial substances from the body. Because of this feature, diuretic teas are rarely prescribed to pregnant women only in extreme cases when other diuretics do not give the desired results.
Traditional medicine
During pregnancy, it is recommended to drink a decoction of dill seeds. This is an excellent diuretic, but it should be taken during gestation only under medical supervision. This is due to the fact that dill has the ability to causecontraction of the uterus, which increases the risk of miscarriage.
A decoction of lingonberry leaves gives a good effect. It is allowed to drink at any time. The tool does an excellent job of removing fluid from the body. However, it is prohibited for use by women who have urates found in urine tests. Cowberries also lower blood pressure, so it is contraindicated for hypotensive patients.
Cranberry juice has diuretic properties. To do this, they drink freshly squeezed juice of berries, without dilution with water. Before use, you should pay attention to contraindications: gastritis in the acute stage, colitis, hypotension, and other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Rosehip has a good effect. It not only removes excess fluid from the body, but also strengthens the immune system, tones, helps with colds. However, berries have many contraindications, including pathologies of the cardiovascular system, a tendency to constipation.
In the summer-autumn period, it is recommended to eat watermelon. It is a natural diuretic, but even it has its contraindications. Watermelon is able to remove magnesium and potassium from the body, which negatively affects the cardiovascular system.
Before you start taking any diuretic tea for swelling of the legs or another diuretic, you should consult your doctor.