Second disability group - working or not? Domestic legislation contains provisions that help people with disabilities not only undergo social adaptation, but also find employment in public and private organizations. Legal support that is provided in relation to such categories of the population has its own specifics. For example, quotas for jobs for the disabled are provided. There are also changes in the schedule of the working day, other points.
Let's find out what kind of work exists for disabled people of the 2nd group? How is the official employment of such persons? What is required to pass the disability commission? The answers to these and other questions can be found in our material.
Quoting jobs

Establishing quotas is an important point in promoting the employment of people with disabilities. The regulatory tool involves the allocation of a certain number of jobs in private and public organizations for citizens who are experiencing difficulties in employment. The procedure creates conditions for the socialization and rehabilitation of disabled people. Thus, citizens get the opportunity to realize their own skills and potential, as well as provide themselves financially.
How is the calculation of vacancies for the employment of people with disabilities? Quotas are set for enterprises with more than 100 employees. According to the current legislation, such organizations are required to reserve at least 4% of vacancies from the existing list. Here, 2% are young professionals who have just received their education. The remaining 2% of jobs are reserved for people with disabilities. If an enterprise is ready to accept a larger number of disabled people, the quotas are reduced in relation to young people in a negative direction. Such calculations are carried out by organizations themselves.
How is the quota of jobs for the disabled implemented? There are no strict requirements regarding the way in which persons with disabilities are employed. Such people can be accepted into the enterprise:
- According to our own initiative.
- At the request of the employer.
- Based on the relevant request of the employment center.
- Through the promotion of special job fairs thatlooking for jobs for people with disabilities.
Responsibility of the employer in case of refusal to employ a disabled person

And what if there is work for disabled people of the 2nd group in Moscow, but the head of the organization deliberately does not want to accept such citizens into the team? Such actions entail administrative liability. We are talking about monetary sanctions in relation to a potential employer. Fines for officials are up to 5,000 rubles, and for legal entities - up to 50,000 rubles.
Privileges for the disabled in the workplace
There are social programs in domestic legislation, the implementation of which creates special conditions for employed people with disabilities. These are:
- Shortened working day. The second group of disability provides for work for no more than 35 hours during the week. The degree of employment during the day depends on the individual approach to each person with disabilities. Relevant recommendations are noted in the conclusion of doctors.
- In order to call a disabled person to work on holidays, at night or on weekends, the employer must necessarily require the consent of the employee himself, drawn up in writing. Moreover, overtime employment is allowed only in the absence of medical contraindications.
- Disabled persons are guaranteed annual leave for at least 30 calendar days. Such employees have the opportunity to rest at their own expense.within 60 days. Among other things, people with disabilities have the right to go on sick leave if necessary.
Possible areas of employment

What is the most accessible job for disabled people of the 2nd group in Moscow? The legislation does not restrict such citizens in the search for any vacancies. However, for objective reasons, some work for disabled people of the 2nd group may be simply unbearable. There are several options that are best suited for persons with disabilities:
- Specialized enterprises - in every populated city or regional center there are narrowly focused organizations that provide employment exclusively for people with disabilities. In mind, there are societies of the blind, the deaf, and so on. It is easy to guess that wages here are low. Therefore, most people with disabilities have little desire to become employees of such institutions.
- Ordinary private and public enterprises - if desired, a person with disabilities can exercise their right to occupy a full-fledged workplace according to the quota. However, work in this case is most often not the most pleasant. After all, the leaders of organizations often do not want to spend time and money on creating special conditions for a disabled person in the workplace. Numerous companies prefer to violate quotas by paying financial pen alties to the state than to support citizens in need.
- Home work for women and men looks the most suitablesolution for the disabled. Since in this case a person is not forced to experience discomfort when getting to the place of employment. Working days pass in the usual conditions with the support of loved ones. The most common home-based work for women and men with disabilities is filling the content of Internet sites, journalism, design, programming. The obvious disadvantage of the option is that the length of service is not included in the work book.
Reason for assigning a person to the 2nd disability group

To classify a citizen as a person with disabilities of a particular category can only be a commission on disability. In this case, specialists rely on medical history data, and also take into account the violation of certain body functions. Among the main reasons for the appointment of the second group of disability, it is worth noting:
- Difficulties with a person performing elementary movements, difficulties in moving. This also includes the inability to maintain the balance of the body without outside help.
- Severe difficulty using public transport.
- Disturbed orientation in space, difficulty recognizing familiar surroundings.
- Problems that arise when interacting and communicating with other people. Difficulties when operating with inanimate objects on a par with others.
- Difficulties related to remembering or reproducing certain information. Misperceptiondata, choosing the wrong solutions for processing them.
Second disability group: diseases

What ailments are the reason for classifying a person as a presented category of citizens with disabilities? Among the diseases characteristic of people with the 2nd group of disability, it should be noted:
- Serious mental disorders.
- Acute lesions of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system.
- Problems with the reproduction of sounds that have formed against the background of structural lesions of the tissues of the organs of the speech apparatus, as well as as a result of stuttering.
- Disorders of sensory functions, in particular reduced level of vision, lack of tactile sensitivity.
- Physical deformities - violations of the proportions of the body, deformation of the limbs or head.
What is required to apply for a second disability group?
To confirm their special social status, a citizen must receive a referral from the attending physician for a medical examination. The document should include information about the state of he alth, the severity of certain dysfunctions of the body. The paper also indicates a set of completed measures aimed at rehabilitation. A citizen with disabilities, if desired, can obtain these papers by visiting the bureau that performs the examination. Local doctors will perform an examination and provide a conclusion confirming or refuting the presence of he alth problems, which correspond to the second group of disabilities.
What should I do if I receive a denial of disability?

An applicant who passed a special commission and submitted the necessary package of documents, but was not recognized as a disabled person of the second group, may appeal the decision of the experts. A citizen is given 1 month to complete the relevant procedures. In this case, a person with disabilities will have to draw up an application and send it to the organization that carried out the examination procedure.
Based on the above actions, a second examination is scheduled. Based on the results of the event, a final conclusion is made on the appropriateness of assigning a special social status. In the event of a refusal to re-examine, a citizen has the right to file a complaint with the Federal Bureau. Ultimately, any decisions can be appealed by a person who claims to be a disabled person in court.
What documents does a disabled person need for employment?
If you need to apply for a job, a person with disabilities will have to collect the following package of papers:
- Original and photocopy of the citizen's internal passport.
- Income statement.
- Outpatient card.
- Employment book.
- Characteristic filled in by a representative of the educational institution where the applicant was educated.
- An act that confirms the loss of he alth as a result of illness or injury.
- Characteristic from the previous employer (if the disabled person previously workedemployment).
Are there any contraindications to the employment of a disabled person?

Second disability group working or not? According to the norms of the legislation, which apply without exception to all citizens, people with disabilities are not prohibited from finding a job. However, there are still a number of contraindications. The latter are determined for each specific person by a special commission - VTEK (medical labor expert commission). Warnings are formed individually, based on existing diseases and functional defects.
Specific conditions for work can be created at the workplace for a disabled person. In this case, the commission (VTEC) is able to oblige the employer to pay for work that is not included in the list of contraindicated actions. If there is an appropriate conclusion, the head of the enterprise has no right to refuse employment to a disabled person.
Assumes the second group of disability benefits. They consist in a trip for a free vacation to sanatoriums, where a person with disabilities must be provided with a set of necessary medicines. The social package provided for the disabled also includes free movement on intercity and public transport. Some of these benefits, at the request of a citizen, can be replaced by material assistance.
People who have a second disability often require equipment to help them passsocialization in society and rehabilitation. First of all, we are talking about wheelchairs for independent movement, hearing aids, special clothing and footwear, and vision-correcting products. Naturally, the state is obliged to provide all this to a person in need free of charge.
Among other things, disabled people of the 2nd group can count on physical and moral assistance from social workers. For example, such people may demand from the state the appointment of a cleaner who will take care of housing. Such services are sometimes paid for independently by a person with disabilities if his official income exceeds the average subsistence level in all regions of the country.
With regard to free education, for the disabled of the second group, the opportunity opens up for admission to secondary specialized and higher educational institutions without competition. Citizens are not charged any fees. At the same time, he retains the right to receive a scholarship.
Finally, it is worth noting that a disabled person can use the above benefits only in case of proper payment of generally accepted taxes. In certain situations, people with disabilities are exempted from collecting state duties from them.
According to the current legislation, a social pension for the second disability group is paid monthly. What is the amount of such assistance from the state? At the beginning of last year, the amount of the payment was 4,769 rubles. The indicated amount is indexed periodically.
Also, disabled people of the 2nd group are supposed toadditional monthly payments. In order to receive such assistance, a citizen must apply with a corresponding request to the state pension authority at the place of residence. You need to have a package of documents on hand, which confirms the allocation of a social pension for the second group of disability. How much is paid according to the monthly additional assistance? The law establishes the amount, which is 2240 rubles and may change annually.
In closing
So we found out whether the second group of disability is working or not. The need to employ people with disabilities is one of the pressing problems of modern society. Disabled people have to experience considerable difficulties in finding a way to earn money. Often the cause of trouble is the unwillingness of employers to deal with representatives of such categories of the population. Thus, numerous citizens turn out to be unnecessary, who begin to suffer from problems with socialization and finding their own place in life.
In society, there are well-established stereotypes that a disabled person is not able to fully work and acts only as a burden for others. In fact, there are many people with disabilities who really want to know whether the second group of disability is working or not, counting on an early job and gaining financial independence. We hope that our article will help such citizens understand the issue and regain the status of full-fledged members of society.