Starting from 2012, car parking in the center of Moscow is a paid service. But there are some categories of citizens who have the right to do it for free. These include the disabled. What are the parking rules in Moscow for the disabled - find out more.
Disabled parking spaces

After the introduction of paid parking lots in Moscow, according to the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation", their owners must allocate a certain number of free parking spaces. They are intended for owners of vehicles with a disability group. In addition, they can be used by drivers transporting persons with disabilities. The parking rules in Moscow for the disabled state that the owners of parking lots, including those located near trade enterprises, medical, sports and other institutions, must allocate at least 10% of parking spaces for vehicles of citizens withdisability. At the same time, they can use these places for free.
How these places are designated

As a rule, parking lots for the disabled have a clearly visible marking 1.24.3, which differs from the marking 1.1 used to indicate parking spaces. In addition, a sign (sign of additional information) informs that this parking space is for the disabled.
What you need to get a free parking space
Parking rules for the disabled in the center of Moscow state that citizens with disabilities have the right to use free parking in allocated places. These include disabled people I, II groups. The basis for this is an officially issued permit. At the same time, you can use the parking space around the clock. But the same parking rules in Moscow for the disabled say that, taking a place that is not intended for citizens of this category, that is, that does not have special markings, he must pay for it on a general basis.
When parking in a place intended for parking vehicles belonging to the disabled, the driver must have documents confirming this fact. This can be either standard help or an identity. A special sign pasted on glass is not proof of disability. On the other hand, its presence or absence is left to the discretion of the owner of the car. By law, the presence of this sign on the vehicle is optional.

Who Else Can Use Free Parking
There is another category of citizens who can take advantage of such benefits as parking for the disabled in Moscow. The rules allow the use of these places by those who transport persons belonging to this group. It does not matter whether this is done by a specialized, equipped for the transportation of persons with disabilities, or a simple car. Drivers who are not disabled, but regularly transport them or accompany disabled children, can install a sign on their car and occupy a parking space for vehicles belonging to citizens with disabilities. This is possible only for the period of transportation of a disabled person who has supporting documents with him. In all other cases, the parking rules in Moscow for the disabled consider the presence of a sign on a car illegal.
Who issues the parking permit

According to Appendix No. 4 of the Decree of the Government of Moscow, since 2013 a special register has been maintained, which takes into account parking permits for citizens with disabilities. Its formation is carried out by GKU "AMPP". The registry contains the following information:
- F. Acting Disabled;
- his contact details or the contact details of his representative;
- information about the place of residence;
- car data (make, registration number);
- term and datedisability;
- indication of preferential category;
- Validity period and parking permit registration number.
What vehicle can be licensed for
Disabled parking rules in paid parking also stipulate the requirements for a car for which a permit can be issued. To do this, it must meet several conditions.
- The vehicle is owned by a citizen with a disability.
- The car belongs to a person who is the legal guardian of a disabled child.
- The car was provided to a disabled person for medical reasons by the social authorities. protection.
- The vehicle is the property of the person transporting the person with a disability, unless a fee is charged.
Procedure for registration

To apply for a permit, a citizen with a disability group, or his representative, must contact the multifunctional center, where a corresponding application is drawn up and submitted. Within ten days, it and copies of the attached documents will be considered and a decision will be made.
In addition, it is possible to apply electronically. To do this, you need to go to the Moscow website of public services. If you are not registered on it, then register or log in. Then in the "transport" tab, select the "issue a parking permit" item. After that downloadscanned copies of the required documents and send a request. The result will also be known in ten days.
Required documents
The following documents must be attached to the parking permit application.
- Passport of a person with a disability.
- Passport of his legal representative.
- If the appeal comes from a representative of a disabled child who is not his parent - a document confirming his authority.
- Certificate of disability or an extract from the examination certificate.
Pay attention! If there is no information about the disabled person in the Department of Social. defense of Moscow, the case will be suspended.
Pen alties for car park owners

Despite the fact that they lose part of their profits, the owners of paid parking lots are obliged to allocate the number of parking spaces that provide for the parking rules for disabled people of the 2nd group in Moscow. However, disabled people of group I have the same rights. Compliance with this is monitored by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In case of non-compliance with these rules, article 5.43 comes into effect, which provides for pen alties for the lack of places in the parking lot intended for citizens with disabilities. For individuals, this can cost from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. Organizations will pay a fine in the amount of 30 to 50 thousand. Faced with such a choice, the owners prefer to allocate and equip the necessary places than to pay suchamounts.
Fine for illegal use of the parking lot
Despite the fact that the parking rules for disabled people of the 1st group in Moscow quite clearly describe the categories of citizens who can use free places, it sometimes happens that they are occupied by cars of those who are not included in the defined circle of people. Even if you do not consider the ethical side of this issue - you must admit, it is not very nice to take the place of those for whom overcoming extra meters often causes great difficulty - such an action can bring quite tangible troubles for the violator. The same Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Article 12.19) provides for a fine of 5 thousand rubles in the event of illegal occupation of a parking space, which is intended for a vehicle of a disabled person. By the way, this is the largest amount for illegal parking. Fans of occupying other people's places are also at risk because traffic police officers usually watch such parking lots very closely. After all, in order to issue a fine, you need so little: wait for an inattentive or impatient driver to stop at a place with markings showing that this parking space is intended for a disabled vehicle, take a picture of the violation? gjckt xtuj you can issue a receipt.

And finally, I would like to note^ gentlemen, drivers, let's remain human! Yes, it often happens that the only free space left is parking for the disabled in Moscow, the rules of which can either be violated, or you will have to park ona considerable distance from the purpose of your trip. But for a he althy person it is not very difficult to overcome the extra 100, 200, 300 meters. When occupying a parking space reserved for a car of a person with a disability, remember that it is much more difficult for him to overcome this distance.