What is the danger of profuse bleeding?

What is the danger of profuse bleeding?
What is the danger of profuse bleeding?

Uterine bleeding can start in women at any age. In adolescence, as well as in postmenopause, any spotting is pathological. When they appear, be sure to visit a doctor.

If a woman is of reproductive age, then the pathology may differ in functionality: it may be obstetric bleeding and menstruation.

Pathological manifestations are all other discharges of blood from the genital organs, the occurrence of which is possible both during the menstrual period and outside it.

profuse bleeding
profuse bleeding

Description of pathology

Profuse bleeding can open on the background of certain pathologies and conditions of a woman. Not in all cases, it is directly related to dangerous diseases, but it must be examined, a gynecological consultation is required. Sometimes such a deviation is also accompanied by acute pain, but it can also be painless. Those cases are very dangerous when bleeding begins simultaneously with menstruation, and a woman may, in principle, not notice anydeviations and not to see a gynecologist.

Profuse uterine bleeding is one of the types of female pathological conditions. It can open at any time and requires constant diagnosis. The development of this pathology in girls in adolescence and in adult women during menopause is of particular danger.

Some patients do not notice this condition because it can occur simultaneously with menstruation. You should always pay attention to the slightest deviations of the cycle and consult a doctor, since late detection of pathology can threaten not only he alth, but also life.

Causes of occurrence

Profuse bleeding can appear due to the influence of various reasons. Some of the most common factors are:

- hormonal changes, when bleeding can occur due to uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs, with thyroid diseases, due to a sharp drop in estrogen, with hyperplasia;

profuse uterine bleeding
profuse uterine bleeding

- in the postpartum period, when the pathology appears simultaneously with uterine hypotension, in the presence of placental remnants, the development of the inflammation process;

- ectopic pregnancy, in which bleeding opens due to a ruptured tube in the uterus; while there are symptoms such as malaise, nausea, acute pain when the fallopian tube ruptures, delayed menstruation;

- termination of pregnancy, when the pathology can be caused by defects in the uterine integrity, hormonal failure,development of the process of inflammation and infection;

- malignant and benign uterine pathology;

- liver disease;

- blood clotting defects: if the patient has low coagulation, then the blood does not stop flowing during the menstrual period; this condition is characterized by symptoms such as prolonged and heavy periods, nosebleeds, bruises in various parts of the body, of unclear origin;

- stresses that can have a negative impact on the female body; due to chronic stress, hormonal imbalances occur, always affecting he alth.

There is also profuse gastric bleeding. More on that below.

Bleeding from the uterus is a discharge of blood of a copious nature. This condition is especially dangerous in that serious conditions can develop due to severe blood loss. It must be said that profuse bleeding is not considered an independent pathology, but is one of the symptoms that signal some kind of malfunction in a woman's he alth. If it is stopped, it will not help to get rid of the real problem, and therefore an urgent diagnosis must be carried out, after which qualified therapy is needed.


Profuse bleeding often begins at the same time as the menstrual period. In this regard, a woman may not pay attention to pathological abnormalities and believes that menstruation is profuse due to physiological factors. However, there are symptomsthe appearance of which you need to immediately contact a specialist:

profuse gastric bleeding
profuse gastric bleeding

- too heavy or long periods: if a woman is fine, then menstruation should not last more than seven days, and the total blood volume lost should not exceed eighty milliliters;

- spotting spotting of varying intensity not during menstruation;

- unstable menstrual cycle;

- spotting or bleeding during menopause;

- spotting of various strengths after intercourse.

Associated Features

If bleeding occurs during menstruation, then there are accompanying symptoms, thanks to which a woman can understand that she has pathological processes in her body:

- apathy and fatigue;

- pale skin;

- frequent headaches;

- chronic low blood pressure;

- fainting and rapid pulse;

- sudden loss of consciousness and dizziness.

Based on these signs, chronic blood loss can be judged. During normal menstruation, they do not appear, because the woman's body easily replenishes blood loss up to eighty milliliters per month. In the presence of such symptoms, you need to look for the cause of your illness. Of course, you must immediately contact a gynecologist if bleeding begins during pregnancy, after abortion, childbirth, miscarriage.

profusegastrointestinal bleeding
profusegastrointestinal bleeding

What is the pathology dangerous?

The most common complication of profuse bleeding is the development of chronic anemia. This deviation is manifested in the reduction of red blood cells and hemoglobin to a critical level. Oxygen starvation of tissues and organs provokes the formation of dangerous pathologies that can lead to death.

If the bleeding is profuse, then the likelihood of death increases. If a woman is forced to change the pad every two hours or even more often, then you need to call an ambulance. If this is not done, then she will simply die from severe blood loss.

In addition, with chronic profuse bleeding, the risk of infection increases, since damaged areas in the uterus become extremely susceptible to infection. In this case, untimely assistance can also lead to death.


When faced with strange bleeding, every woman should see a doctor immediately. It is very important to describe all the symptoms that are present. If the bleeding is chronic, then it is necessary to find out when the pathological process began.

The main assistant in identifying deviations is the menstrual calendar, which every woman needs to keep.

To determine the causes of profuse bleeding of the uterus, a specialist may prescribe several diagnostic procedures, including:

- blood clotting test;

- examination on a gynecological chair;

- Ultrasound;

- scraping of the uterine mucosa;

profuse nosebleeds
profuse nosebleeds

- biopsy;

- blood test for hormones.


Profuse bleeding is treated with certain therapeutic measures, which are determined by the nature of the deviation. In some cases, surgery may be prescribed (if there are neoplasms in the uterus). The main treatment methods are:

- hormone therapy;

- increase in blood hemoglobin;

- treatment of uterine neoplasms;

- endometriosis therapy;

- stimulation of uterine contractions in the postpartum period;

- correction of contraceptive hormone therapy.

First Aid

If heavy bleeding began suddenly, you should immediately call an ambulance. If this is not possible, then immediately deliver the victim to the first-aid post. Is there a way to stop bleeding on your own? It is quite problematic to do this, since they can provide assistance in stationary conditions. But at home, you can help yourself a little in the following ways:

profuse bleeding of the uterus
profuse bleeding of the uterus

- woman needs to lie down;

- in order to avoid losing consciousness, it is necessary to raise the legs a little higher than the head;

- put cold on the lower abdomen;

- if possible, control the pulse and pressure;

- to replenish the fluid in the body, you need to drink plenty of water;

- when help is delayed, it is recommended to drink a pill of some hemostatic agent -"Dicinone", "Etamsilata", "Vikasola" - or tincture of water pepper, nettle, horsetail.

Other types of bleeding

Besides motherwort, there are also other varieties of it.

1) Profuse pulmonary bleeding. Its cause may be a rupture of an aortic aneurysm into the main left bronchus.

It poses a serious danger to the patient and can lead to death very quickly. Death occurs as a result of asphyxia or such subsequent complications as cardiopulmonary insufficiency, aspiration pneumonia, progressive tuberculosis. After such bleeding, in some cases it may be necessary to partially replenish the lost blood. This requires fresh frozen plasma and red blood cells.

2) Profuse bleeding from the organs of the digestive tract.

Perforation and bleeding are complicating factors of peptic ulcer that can accompany gastric and duodenal ulcers. Such bleeding poses a serious threat not only to the he alth of the patient, but also to his life. Blood loss can reach three to four liters, and therefore emergency assistance is needed. The following degrees of severity of profuse gastrointestinal bleeding are distinguished:

- the condition is relatively satisfactory, the patient is conscious, his pressure is normal or slightly lower, his pulse is slightly increased, as the blood begins to thicken, the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin is within normal limits;

- moderate condition, which is characterized by an accelerated rhythmheart, pallor, low blood pressure, cold sweat, hemoglobin within fifty percent of normal, blood clotting is reduced;

- a serious condition, accompanied by swelling on the face, lethargy, low blood pressure, rapid pulse and hemoglobin at twenty-five percent of the norm;

profuse pulmonary hemorrhage
profuse pulmonary hemorrhage

- coma, as well as the need for resuscitation.

3) Profuse nosebleeds are also life threatening. There are a number of factors provoking its development. The most common profuse nosebleeds are due to:

- Rendu-Osler-Weber disease;

- injuries of the cranial base, which are accompanied by defects in the internal carotid artery, and a false aneurysm is formed in the maxillary sinus;

- injuries of the facial skeleton;

- Tumors of the paranasal sinuses, skull base, oropharynx and nasopharynx;

- blood pathologies with impaired coagulability.

Nosebleeds are especially dangerous, which are caused by the first two reasons, since you can immediately lose blood in a volume of up to two or three liters. With such a pathology, urgent measures are needed, transportation of the patient to a specialized hospital, where there are doctors working in the field of endovascular neurosurgery.