In the military card you can find the entry "7B", which causes a lot of controversy. Back in 1995, this diagnosis meant that a person was suffering from moderate psychopathy. Also, many thought that this record indicates the presence of a person with schizophrenia. But this is false information. In our time, everything has changed - now this article indicates the presence of an infectious fungal disease in a conscript.
Description of diagnosis
Many have the misconception that a diagnosis of "7B" and schizophrenia are one and the same. But in fact, everything is different. It used to be a term for psychopathy, which is now classified as a personality disorder.
Psychopathy is characterized by a large number of abnormal emotional reactions. This also applies to behavioral signs that are found only in people with this diagnosis. These include:
- prone to manipulation and deceit;
- complete lack of guilt, empathy and remorse;
- impulsivity;
- cruelty;
- self-centeredness.
People who suffer from psychopathy are mostly very irresponsible. They do not follow the rules of society, and do not recognize any laws.
The pathological changes that occur to their character prevent them from building normal relationships with people. Often they are withdrawn, insecure and weak-willed. However, this all depends on the type of psychopathy.

Disease occurs for various reasons. Among them, the most frequently distinguished are:
- intoxication;
- hereditary factors;
- fetal injury during fetal development;
- bad social influence.
Designation on military ID
A lot of controversy arises around the decoding of article "7B". Someone claims that it means that a person has a mental he alth problem. Others say that there is nothing wrong with this record. Disagreements arise due to the fact that changes were often made to the Schedule of Diseases. Until 1995, this article did testify to the presence of a mental disorder. If the letter “B” was assigned near the number, then it indicated that the conscript was a moderate psychopath. Because of this, the young man was subject to conscription only in case of war.

Young people at that time sought to fall under this article in order to “slope” from the army in this way. But this method also has its own nuances. Due to the presence of such an entry in a military ID, it was difficult for a person to get a driver's license.rights, get a prestigious job, and also take a leadership position. After all, it imposes a number of restrictions. And getting rid of it was very difficult. Now everything has changed.
Meaning in our times
In psychiatry, a 7B diagnosis meant psychopathy. But now, according to the new Schedule of Diseases, the entry means the presence of dermatophytosis. This suggests that the patient has a fungus that is localized on all organs, which contain keratin:
- nails;
- hair;
- stratum corneum of the epidermis.
If a young man is diagnosed with 7B, then he is suspended from service until he gets rid of an infectious disease.

Times go by and things change. Thus, the diagnosis "7B" is no longer a designation for psychopathy. But its new meaning also speaks of he alth problems.