Vomiting in the morning: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment

Vomiting in the morning: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment
Vomiting in the morning: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment

Morning sickness ending in vomiting… Doctors meet with such a complaint from patients quite often. What causes vomiting in the morning? It will not be possible to answer this question right away. After all, judging by the reviews of experts, the origins of such a symptom are quite diverse. That is why it is possible to understand each individual case only after receiving the results of certain analyzes. Consider the causes of vomiting in the morning, their definition and elimination.

Mechanism of nausea

The human body is a rather complex system, the slightest disturbance in which is manifested by a variety of symptoms. Among them are nausea and vomiting in the morning. Regardless of the causes of the pathology, these symptoms cause discomfort to the patient and worsen his well-being.

woman holding her mouth and stomach
woman holding her mouth and stomach

Vomiting in the morning can indicate the development of various diseases. Moreover, the frequency of this reflex is directly dependent on the factors that cause it, the age and gender of the patient, as well as the individual characteristics of hisorganism.

Most often, vomiting in the morning is observed in children. Slightly less common in women. In men, this symptom is very rare.

However, vomiting is not a pathology at all. It is a complex defense mechanism that unconsciously works in a person at a reflex level. Outwardly, such a process is nothing more than an uncontrolled release of the contents of the stomach, in most cases through the oral cavity, and sometimes through the nasal passages. The formation of the gag reflex occurs due to the impact of peripheral or central stimuli on a special center, which is called the gag. It is located in the brain. It is from here that the muscle tissues of the organs receive impulse commands. Their performers are the diaphragm of the stomach and the abdominal press. The result is muscle contraction. This process contributes to the expansion of the esophagus and the opening of the entrance to the stomach. The contents of this organ are pushed out, which is why the vomiting occurs.


Before the onset of vomiting, certain factors affect the human body. Because of this, symptoms arise that directly or indirectly indicate approaching nausea. Among them:

  • saliva;
  • increased perspiration;
  • increased heart rate and respiration;
  • blackout eyes;
  • weakness;
  • skin blanching;
  • coldness of limbs.

Possible causes

Why does vomiting bother a person in the morning? Anyone who has experienced such a malaise only once should not worry. Serious symptomis only regular morning sickness and vomiting. Often such a reflex indicates the development of the disease. That is why you should not run to the pharmacy for nausea pills. Such a measure would be far from complete. It is possible to get rid of an unpleasant symptom by eliminating the very cause of the ailment. And only a doctor can advise how to do this.

There are several reasons why such a physiological state occurs. All of them are combined into groups that refer to:

  • physical changes;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • development (presence) of diseases.

Thus, vomiting spasms are often observed in pregnant women. Moreover, they can disturb the expectant mother not only during a certain period of gestation, but throughout all three trimesters.

Identification of causes based on characteristic features

Persistent malaise and vomiting in the morning need to be studied in detail. This will allow us to find out the reasons for this condition.

woman lies and holds her stomach
woman lies and holds her stomach

It is worth noting that nausea and vomiting are the main symptoms that are taken into account by specialists in the process of diagnosing pathology. The following factors create conditions for such a physiological state:

  1. Failures in the functioning of the central nervous system. The cause of this condition can be complications that have arisen after the patient has suffered some infectious diseases (encephalitis, meningitis) or injuries (burns, concussions). Many people are familiar with this state,like a migraine. This pathology, in which unbearable headaches occur, is usually accompanied by morning sickness. It does not go away even after vomiting. Sleep and pain medications will help the patient to cope with a similar problem. Another formidable disease included in this group is a stroke of the brain. It develops in the early morning and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In addition to these signs of such a formidable illness, the patient complains of dizziness and he can observe drops in blood pressure. In addition, there are a number of other specific symptoms that depend on the localization of ischemic lesions. So, a person has asymmetry of the face, the tongue deviates to the side, the strength in the arm decreases, or he cannot raise one of the legs. The emergence of a camping clinic requires urgent medical attention. Malfunctions in the functioning of the central nervous system also occur after craniocerebral injuries, which provoke the occurrence of microdamages in the structure of the substance of the brain. This causes changes in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, which is expressed in unsteady gait, as well as the occurrence of nausea and vomiting, which does not bring relief. Such changes begin in the morning hours the next day after the injury. The correct diagnosis is possible after examining the patient by a traumatologist and a neurosurgeon.
  2. Toxic effects. Nausea and vomiting in the morning occur due to existing kidney or liver failure, drug or food poisoning, aggressiveexposure to chemical poisons, as well as neoplasms of a benign or malignant type. The most common oncological diseases that are accompanied by such symptoms are stomach cancer (in this case, in addition to nausea, there is also an aversion to meat products, as well as a significant decrease in the patient's weight), liver and gallbladder cancer (with this pathology, dull pain occurs in the area right hypochondrium), pancreatic acenocarcinoma (characterized by the rapid development of exhaustion), dymphoma and leukemia. Vomiting in the morning often occurs in connection with intoxication of the body with products formed due to tumor growth. Very often, a similar symptom is a complication of chemotherapy. An oncologist is responsible for diagnosing and prescribing a course of treatment in the event of malignant tumors.
  3. Pathologies of the digestive tract. Vomiting in the morning on an empty stomach often occurs with gastritis or stomach ulcers. In this case, nausea is accompanied by hunger pain. Does not help to improve the condition and eating. After eating, nausea becomes even more aggravated, and there is a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Morning sickness is also manifested by pancreatitis. Simultaneously with this phenomenon, a person feels pain in the right side of the abdomen. Deterioration occurs after eating spicy, fried and fatty foods.

To diagnose the causes of morning sickness in a patient, specialists pay attention to the format of vomiting, whether it contains food fragments, blood or bile particles. The question of the presence of a smell in the mouth or taste is also being clarified.

Vomiting bile

A similar phenomenon in the morning is accompanied by the release of a mass of yellow-green color with a hint of bitterness present. Vomit, in which an admixture of bile is found, has a rather characteristic aftertaste. When it appears, we can talk about problems in the functioning of the pancreas, bile ducts, and also the liver. Vomiting with bitterness can also occur due to:

  • intestinal obstruction of various etiologies;
  • problems with the operation of the valve separating the stomach and intestines;
  • pathologies of the genitals, urinary tract and liver;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including pancreatitis, ulcers, gastritis, etc.;
  • failures in the work of the central nervous system (shock, injuries and diseases).

There is vomiting of bile and appendicitis. In addition to this symptom, the patient feels pain in the iliac region. How to check if appendicitis is the cause of morning sickness or not? It should be borne in mind that vomiting in this pathology is not the main symptom, on the basis of which the diagnosis of the disease is possible. In addition to this unpleasant phenomenon, in the presence of inflammatory processes, severe abdominal pain appears. They come on suddenly or increase gradually. As a rule, they are stabbing sensations, which are quite difficult to endure. That is why a person tends to lie down so that the adopted posture reduces suffering. It is very dangerous if the pain disappears on its own. This may indicate the beginning of the process of death of nerve endings.

man holding his right side
man holding his right side

How to checkappendicitis is the cause of malaise or not? The following signs can serve as confirmation of such a diagnosis:

  • loss of appetite;
  • fever and chills;
  • acceleration of the heart rate up to 90-100 beats per minute;
  • appearance of white plaque on the surface of the tongue.

Another sign of appendicitis is discomfort in the navel area that occurs when you try to cough, as well as an unbearable spasm that occurs when the abdomen is palpated in its lower right part. The occurrence of such symptoms indicates an acute pathology, which requires immediate medical attention for surgical care.

Toxic poisoning is also capable of provoking vomiting with bile. A similar phenomenon can also be observed in cases where previously activities were actively carried out to cleanse the organisms of toxins.

Morning vomiting with diarrhea

When a whole complex of symptoms is manifested, a more complex effect will be exerted on the body. This is also observed with vomiting, which occurs simultaneously with diarrhea. In relatively he althy people, this phenomenon occurs infrequently and can be explained quite simply. The fact is that some products are not absorbed by the body very well. Especially often this happens against the background of overeating, when combining food with alcohol, as well as when it is taken immediately before a night's rest.

girl holding toilet paper
girl holding toilet paper

A complex combination of symptoms is also observed in the development of somediseases. And it can be not only vomiting with diarrhea, but also abdominal pain. The most common causes of nausea with diarrhea are:

  1. Infectious diseases. Among them are bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, SARS. Morning sickness, vomiting, diarrhea and acute pain symptoms in the abdomen are caused by intestinal infections provoked by pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the gastrointestinal tract with stale food or dirty hands. Breeding bacteria in the course of their life activity release toxic substances. Pathologies of the urinary system can also cause morning sickness with diarrhea. So, with infectious diseases of the kidneys, intoxication develops, which causes an increase in body temperature. In addition to morning vomiting and diarrhea, diseases of the urinary system are also accompanied by swelling of the face, which can be observed after sleep. If you experience these symptoms, you will need to consult a therapist. With an accurate diagnosis, antibiotics and sorbents will help get rid of the disease.
  2. Failures in the digestive organs, namely the gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys and liver.
  3. Past chemical and food poisoning.
  4. CNS reactions to brain injury and stress.
  5. Side effects of medications taken by the patient.
  6. Toxic effects.

Identification by a doctor of a specific factor that provokes morning sickness and diarrhea will allow us to identify the cause that affects the body in a similar way.

Vomiting immediately after waking up

Nausea on an empty stomach may be the cause of one ofmany pathological changes in the body.

woman sitting on bed
woman sitting on bed

Among them:

  1. Hypertension. Vomiting under pressure is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, redness of the face, headaches, fatigue and swelling. In people over 40, hypertension is a common cause of morning sickness. This disease is complicated by a crisis. This is an attack during which the pressure rises to 200/110 millimeters of mercury. st.
  2. Hypotonia. Vomiting occurs in the morning and at low blood pressure that has reached its critical level (50 mm Hg or less). This condition is accompanied by dizziness, darkening of the eyes, fainting, sudden attacks of weakness and a feeling of lack of air. To eliminate vomiting, you will need to contact a therapist who will identify its causes. And the treatment of low pressure by a specialist will be prescribed based on the degree of development of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient's body.
  3. Myocardial infarction. We can talk about this disease when, during morning sickness, there are also pains in the left side of the chest, which are given to the left arm. The gastralgic form of a heart attack, in addition to nausea, is also accompanied by pain in the left and right hypochondrium, as well as diarrhea. The appearance of such symptoms requires an ambulance call. Specialists who arrived at the patient will undergo electrocardiography, with the help of which the state of the heart muscle is revealed.
  4. Pregnancy. This factor is among the main causes of nausea inin the morning in women bearing a child. Most of all, the nausea of expectant mothers in the first trimester worries, and often it is also accompanied by heartburn.
  5. Pathologies of the digestive tract. Such diseases are indicated by morning sickness, which occurs before eating or drinking. Along the way, this phenomenon is accompanied by pain in the abdomen.
  6. Alcohol, chemical or food poisoning.

vomiting mucus

There may be a certain irritant in the stomach or other organs of the digestive tract. He provokes vomiting in the morning, in which mucus is present. It is a substance that is part of the gastric juice and takes part in the processing of food entering the body. In the process of moving through the digestive tract, this liquid acquires some viscosity and settles on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, helping to reduce the friction of food fragments moved due to peristalsis. But sometimes in the body there is an overabundance of this substance. It is released simultaneously with vomit. Often this happens when a person consumes low-quality products in the evening. The toxic substances contained in such food provoke an instant spasmodic reaction, due to which mucus is excreted from the gastrointestinal tract with vomit. This situation can also arise when drinking a large amount of alcohol and coffee for dinner.

Morning sickness with foam

Causes of this type of morning vomiting are usually caused by a neurological disease or infection. Yes, provokea similar symptom at any time can be Escherichia coli. Vomiting with foam in the morning occurs due to the almost complete absence of food in the stomach. In addition to this symptom, the patient is tormented by fever, weakness, and profuse sweating. Such signs indicate a negative impact on the patient's body of cholera bacteria, salmonellosis, as well as the presence of worms. Over time, the patient begins to complain of an increase in body temperature and severe headaches.

In a child, morning vomiting with foam is often a sign of helminthiasis. The presence of worms in the baby's body can also be determined by their rapid weight loss.

Vomiting with fever

The presence of these symptoms indicates an increase in the amount of toxins in the patient's body. The most common causes of this condition are:

  • poisoning;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract.

How to determine the true cause of vomiting accompanied by fever? If a similar phenomenon occurs after a heavy dinner, we can talk about food poisoning. If the patient has chronic gastrointestinal ailments, then inflammation in the digestive tract, accompanied by fever and vomiting, could provoke spicy dishes. If only high-quality products are taken, such symptoms are likely to appear against the background of infectious diseases.

In newborns

Burping and regurgitation in infants is considered quite normal. It is observed most often after eating. However, if the child vomits immediatelyafter his awakening and for no apparent reason, then she may indicate:

  • head injuries;
  • faults in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • consequences of poor delivery;
  • cold;
  • violation of hygiene standards when feeding;
  • poisoning;
  • changing food;
  • teething;
  • inflammatory processes developing in the digestive tract and appendicitis;
  • intestinal infections.

In older children

Causes of vomiting in the morning in a child can be very different.

baby crying
baby crying

Among them:

  • teething;
  • offering a child foods that are too difficult for his stomach to digest;
  • overeating;
  • vaccinations;
  • contacts with chemicals (household chemicals, cosmetics);
  • rotavirus infections;
  • malfunctions of the central nervous system;
  • presence of parasites in the body;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and hereditary pathologies.


Sick in the morning and not pregnant. Let's figure it out. What, besides the "interesting situation", are the causes of vomiting in the morning in women? There may be several:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • postoperative period;
  • chemical and food poisoning;
  • liver ailments;
  • failures in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • presence of foci of inflammation in the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • gallbladder ailments;
  • failures in the functioning of the cardiovascularsystem.

Among the causes of nausea in the morning in women is the onset of the menstruation cycle.

For men

The body of the representatives of the stronger sex is considered more hardy and strong, compared to the female. However, it is not uncommon for men to vomit in the morning. The reasons for its occurrence are:

  • pathologies of internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract;
  • failures in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • oncology;
  • frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, including beer.

To conduct a diagnosis that identifies the root cause of the ailment, you will need to contact a specialist who will recommend measures to eliminate it.

Cure morning sickness

Any therapy can only help if a doctor correctly diagnoses and prescribes an appropriate course of treatment that takes into account the underlying ailment and its severity.

drug "Dimedrol"
drug "Dimedrol"

In this case, the following groups of medications can be prescribed:

  • neuroleptics, including diphenhydramine and diazolin;
  • blockers of dopamine-type receptors (cerucal);
  • means that are antiemetics (motilium);
  • sorbents (enterosgel, polysorb, activated carbon);
  • means that restore water balance (regidron).

Do not self-medicate. The need for the use of a particular drug should be indicated to the patient by a specialist. For example, identifying among the causes of lowpressure, treatment sometimes begins not at all with the use of pharmacological agents. Indeed, sometimes the problem can be eliminated by changing the patient's lifestyle. And only in the absence of the desired effect, pharmaceutical preparations are recommended.
