An experienced doctor can tell you how to identify and stop intrauterine bleeding. In official medicine, this condition is called dysfunctional (a symptom of a disease of the reproductive system) or obstetric (during pregnancy and after childbirth) uterine bleeding. These terms suggest a pathological condition in which the uterus becomes a source of copious discharge with blood. Among other variants of hormonal disorders, it differs in the most pronounced symptoms. Most often this is due to problems in generating sex hormones necessary for the female body.
General information
So, what could be the causes and symptoms of intrauterine bleeding? It is known that pathology is not limited to age limits. All cases are usually divided into groups based on the age of the patient. Juvenile is fixed if bleeding accompanies puberty andfound in girls 12-18 years old. At the age of 18-45, a woman is in the reproductive period, which imposes its own characteristics on the situation. Finally, bleeding can develop at the age of 45-55 years, when the functioning of the ovaries worsens. That is, during menopause.
You need to see a doctor who can help, who knows how to choose the right treatment and how to stop intrauterine bleeding. There are several key signs to distinguish pathology from bleeding during menstruation.
It is important to determine the amount of allocation. During menstruation, a woman loses up to 80 ml of blood. In the case of pathology, its volume is greater. If sanitary napkins have to be changed often enough and the pause between changes is 1-2 hours, this is probably not a standard menstruation. In addition, the duration of the discharge increases. If the menstrual period of bleeding varies from three to seven days, then with uterine bleeding, there is a need to use hygiene products for a week or more. Blood can go after intimate contact. This bleeding occurs at various times in life, including menopause, when regular periods have ended.

Forms and types
In medicine, there are several types of intrauterine bleeding. Such a pathology can appear even in a baby. All these cases are classified as bleeding newborns. Discharge from the vaginal area at this age is insignificant in volume. Usually the condition is fixed in the first few days afterbirth. The cause of the phenomenon is considered a sudden strong change in hormonal levels. No specific treatment required.
Before puberty, girls around the age of 10 may experience bleeding. Such pathologies are recorded relatively rarely. The cause is most often an actively hormone-generating tumor localized in the ovaries and releasing a large amount of sex hormones into the circulatory system. In medicine, the condition has been labeled as false puberty.
Juvenile bleeding can be a concern at 12-18 years old. During the reproductive period, the development of dysfunctional bleeding of an organic form is possible. The appearance of pathology is likely during the period of bearing a child or during the birth of a child.
During menopause, blood discharge is due to hormonal correction. For some, bleeding is a signal of diseases of the reproductive system.
Breakout Type
Sometimes bleeding is breakthrough. So it is customary to designate a condition caused by the use of hormonal contraceptives. Possibly sparse bleeding. If a woman came precisely because of such disturbing symptoms, the doctor will assume that their cause is the body's adaptation to the drug.
Breakthrough bleeding should not be considered a minor pathological condition, even if the volumes are small. Having noticed a symptom, it is recommended to immediately contact a qualified doctor.
If the discharge of blood becomes stronger, they are sent for additional studies, suggesting diseases of the genital organs. Ifa woman uses an intrauterine device, bleeding may indicate damage to the walls of the organ with this device. If the coil is the cause, intrauterine bleeding will not stop until the coil is removed. You can not delay the procedure.

Teenagers and he alth issues
Relatively often, young girls accompanied by their mothers turn to gynecological clinics who are interested in getting acquainted with the causes and symptoms of intrauterine bleeding. Cases of juvenile pathologies are not uncommon. The period of puberty, which usually occurs between the ages of 12-18, is not easily tolerated by the human body, so there is a possibility of various failures. In a fairly large percentage of young girls, doctors detect ovarian dysfunction - it is she who provokes bleeding. Pathology is possible against the background of frequent colds, due to a chronic infectious focus, or even due to excessive physical activity. There are cases when ovarian dysfunction bothered due to psychological trauma or an improperly selected diet, diet.
There is a dependence on the time of year. Many blood discharges are fixed in the winter, in the spring. Such cases in their main percentage are not accompanied by ovulation. Much less often, a doctor who is well versed in the types and first signs of intrauterine bleeding suggests that the cause of this phenomenon in a teenager is a serious illness.
Selectionsblood are possible due to tumor processes localized in the uterine cavity, neck, and ovaries. There is a possibility of detecting blood clotting problems. The type of discharge in question may indicate tuberculosis that has affected the reproductive system. The main risk associated with bleeding during this period in case of prolonged, intense bleeding is the formation of anemia. Juvenile cases are recommended to be treated in a hospital setting.
Before, during and after menopause
The menopause is accompanied by a variety of changes in the body. To control them, you need to carefully monitor your he alth. Premenopause is relatively often accompanied by unpredictable bleeding from the reproductive organs. Among other gynecological abnormalities, these are the most common.
Possible discharge of blood due to diseases of various organs that form the reproductive system. Blood discharge is provoked by hormonal imbalance, taking medications. In the latter case, the discharge is called iatrogenic. Finally, with intrauterine bleeding, diagnosis can show diseases that affect organs outside the reproductive system. There are cases when the symptom indicated thyroid diseases or problems with blood clotting.
If a woman aged 40 or older sees a doctor because of spotting, the doctor will definitely prescribe certain research measures. At the same time, they take into account that the current level of development of medicine is not high enough, therefore, in premenopause it is quite difficultdiagnose bleeding correctly.
The hormonal restructuring that accompanies this stage leads to an unauthorized change in the nature of menstruation. Changes in duration, intensity, regularity. It is possible to stop menstrual flow for 1-2 months with subsequent resumption. Such phenomena are not considered pathological and do not require treatment.

Should I go to the doctor?
There are certain symptoms and signs of intrauterine bleeding, the appearance of which should be a reason for a woman to see a doctor. If the discharge of blood is very abundant, if blood clots appear between periods, or there is blood from the vagina, medical attention should be sought. He alth problems in premenopausal women are indicated by short cycles that do not reach 21 days, as well as prolonged bleeding. In comparison with the typical duration, they are three days longer, sometimes even longer. If a woman has not had three or more consecutive menstrual cycles, but bleeding has begun, it makes sense to assume a pathological cause of the phenomenon and come to the appointment.
After the doctor stops the intrauterine bleeding in a patient seeking help, he will explain what happened, offer to undergo an examination to determine the cause, and also give a description of the situation.
If menopause is diagnosed, any bleeding is pathological. This means that the appearance of traces of blood on linen is a good enough reason tovisit a doctor. Many mistakenly believe that during menopause, bleeding from the vagina is the norm. This is nothing more than a myth and delusion, and quite dangerous at that - a symptom indicates an unhe althy body, and only a doctor can assess how large it is.
What provokes
Doctors are well aware that often intrauterine bleeding is a symptom of a serious illness. Isolation of blood can signal cervicitis. Myoma manifests itself in a similar way. There is a possibility of atrophy. In rare cases, blood indicates cancer. The probability of such an explanation of the precipitates is not high, however, it cannot be ruled out. Oncology can affect the uterus, its neck, ovaries, affect the endometrium. It is rather problematic to independently determine which of these phenomena is present, and which diseases are definitely not present. It is known that many diseases have a long latent period. Early diagnosis is possible only if a woman pays attention to spotting and consults a doctor in order to determine the factors that provoked them.
Only after determining the causes of the discharge, it is possible to select measures of therapeutic assistance. Treatment of intrauterine bleeding often involves the use of hormonal drugs. They are resorted to if a violation of the concentration of active compounds in the circulatory system is established. It is possible to detect an organic pathology, due to which blood is released. The doctor will select a course based on a specific disease. To determine the optimal tactics, research activities will be prescribed,analyzes that allow to clarify in detail the patient's state of he alth.

Discharge is not only dysfunctional
Assessing the symptoms of intrauterine bleeding, the doctor will determine whether it is a dysfunctional type or an obstetric pathology. The first, as mentioned above, is explained by diseases, pathologies, and a malfunction of the organs included in the reproductive system. Bleeding may be accompanied by ovulation.
The obstetric variety is a discharge that disturbs women bearing children. They can also be observed during the birth of a child. Sometimes bleeding is recorded in women who have already undergone childbirth. As a rule, they appear immediately after childbirth. The main danger is suddenness, accompanied by active blood loss. To alleviate the woman's condition, it is necessary to urgently deliver her to a maternity facility, where doctors will select the optimal program.
About diagnostics
It is necessary to go to the clinic, noticing the first signs of intrauterine bleeding. Diagnosis of the condition will begin with a survey of the patient, collecting an anamnesis. The woman is put in a gynecological chair, a local examination is carried out. If necessary, blood tests, urine tests, specialized tests such as cervical biopsy, colposcopy are prescribed. Sometimes diagnostic curettage is required. In some cases, an ultrasound of the pelvic region is necessary.
Nuances of help
At the first signs of intrauterine bleeding, you need to get an appointment withgynecologist. If the discharge of blood is plentiful, if a pregnant woman or a woman who has recently been relieved of a burden suffers, an ambulance should be called.
It is not recommended to treat bleeding on your own with the help of folk remedies. Sometimes at a consultation, the doctor talks about simple healer recipes that are effective in a particular case, but these will be measures to combat the root causes of the condition. It is absolutely not worth choosing options from the arsenal of traditional medicine on your own. If the pathology is dysfunctional, hormonal agents will help the woman. Most often, oral contraceptives are prescribed. Pharmaceutical products stabilize the hormonal background. However, improper use can worsen the condition and provoke a new wave of bleeding.
To quickly stop it, they may recommend curettage of the walls of the uterus. The procedure is done only in the reproductive period and postmenopausal women. The main goal of the event is to quickly and effectively stop the release of blood. During the event, they reveal what caused the bleeding. For adolescents, young women, especially those who have not yet given birth, uterine curettage is done only when the patient's life depends on it.

Therapy - what else matters?
Besides first aid, the treatment of intrauterine bleeding involves a symptomatic therapeutic course. If bleeding has caused a woman to lose a large volume of blood, invasive treatment is recommended to restore the body to work. Many are assignedmedicines for anemia. If anemia is very pronounced, they can prescribe medications for injectable use that are indicated to combat anemia. If the condition is relatively mild, oral consumption is sufficient.
Prescribe general strengthening treatment. The patient should take vitamins. Drugs that increase the level of the body's natural defenses are recommended. Useful antioxidants. It is known that bleeding is very often caused by stress and psycho-emotional upheavals. Against the background of such phenomena, the appointment of sedatives is justified. If a woman is faced with a pathology of the reproductive system due to an unhe althy lifestyle, the diet is adjusted, it is advised to give up bad habits.
What to do first
Few of our compatriots know what first aid should be. Intrauterine bleeding can be quite severe. In such a state, it is pointless to go to the clinic on your own, where a queue or appointment is possible.
The woman's task is to call an ambulance. This is especially important during pregnancy or if the patient's condition gradually becomes worse. There are cases when delay led to serious consequences, so you should not risk it again. The doctor who comes to the call will assess the condition and analyze which causes of the phenomenon are most likely. While waiting for the doctor, it is strictly forbidden to warm the lower abdomen with a heating pad or plunge into a hot or even warm bath. Douching is prohibited. Medicines must not be usedstimulating uterine contractions. In some cases they are shown, in others they can do much harm. Only a doctor can judge when these drugs are needed.
The first rule of conduct in case of signs of intrauterine bleeding is to provide yourself with bed rest. It is necessary to lie horizontally on your back with your legs slightly raised. For greater convenience, a roller or pillow is placed under the limbs. The greater the loss of blood, the less danger of losing consciousness in this position. The risk of severe complications is reduced. Blood rushes to vital organs, so that the patient can wait for the arrival of an ambulance with relatively low risks.
It is also important to drink as much as possible. Of course, the most successful option is to put a dropper with saline, but not everyone has one, especially at home. The replacement will be a plentiful drink - tea, water, rosehip broth. Due to this, the loss of fluid by the body due to bleeding is somewhat compensated. If you drink a sweetened liquid, glucose will nourish the tissues, which is especially important for the innervation of the brain. Rosehip decoction is enriched with ascorbic acid, therefore it strengthens the vascular walls, making the bleeding somewhat weaker.

What else will help
With signs of intrauterine bleeding, cooling of the lower abdomen is useful. You can attach an ice pack. Previously, the object is wrapped in textiles, otherwise you can freeze the organs. Alternative option -fill the bottle, heating pad with cold water and use it for local cooling of the diseased area. If ice is selected, the duration of application is no more than a quarter of an hour, after which a five-minute pause is required. In total, you can cool the body with ice for no more than two hours. Due to the cold, the vessels narrow somewhat, so the blood does not flow so actively, it is easier to wait for the doctor to arrive.
As soon as the doctor arrives, he will give the patient drugs that will improve her condition. Doctors have a fairly large selection of hemostatic agents at their disposal. It is strictly forbidden to take such independently. Self-medication is resorted to only in an extreme, emergency situation, when there is absolutely no way to seek qualified help.
About funds
Already at the stage of identifying the causes of intrauterine bleeding, it may be recommended to take calcium gluconate. The drug should be used up to four times a day, one tablet. An alternative is to receive a quarter gram of Dicinon four times a day. Your doctor may strongly advise you to take one gram of vitamin C daily. They can appoint Vikasol three times a day. A single dose is 0.015 g. Aminocaproic acid is also used for treatment. The agent is prescribed up to five times a day, 30 ml at a time.
For various causes of intrauterine bleeding, water pepper, nettle tincture are useful. The drugs are used three times daily. Such pharmaceutical products tone the uterine muscles, improve their performance.
All hemostatic drugs can only be used according todoctor's appointment. Pregnant women should be especially careful. There is a possibility of side effects. These are determined by the selected drug, dosing regimen, individual characteristics and tolerability of the drug.

Hormonal treatment
If dysfunctional intrauterine bleeding is diagnosed and the patient is taken to a hospital, hormonal pharmaceutical products that stop bleeding can be prescribed for treatment. More often, multi-phase contraceptives with a combined composition are used.
Among the most famous, it is worth mentioning "Regulon", "Janine". On the first day, the patient should take three to six capsules in order to achieve relief of bleeding. Each next day, the dose is reduced by one tablet relative to the previous one. If at first a woman was prescribed five capsules, on the second day she was given four, and so on. Having reached one capsule, the dosage is fixed. The duration of the course is 21 days.
Hormonal therapy for intrauterine bleeding is practiced by gestagens. Assign "Linestrenol" (10 mg), "Dydrogesterone" (10 mg). Means have proven themselves well, each tablet of which contains 5 mg of norethisterone. The method is applicable if the spotting is relatively inactive and there is no anemia. With severe anemia, this approach is irrelevant. The drugs on the first day are prescribed in an amount of three to five capsules, keep this dose until the discharge stops. Then, with a pause of two or three days, adjust the dose, start taking 1pill.
When shown?
The use of hormonal pharmaceutical products is recommended only if dysfunctional intrauterine bleeding is established. Such drugs should not be prescribed if a woman may have a tumor process in the uterus. Hormone therapy is allowed for young girls and women who have not previously given birth. The funds can also be used if a woman has undergone diagnostic uterine curettage in the last three months and doctors have not identified any pathological processes.
Treatment in hospital
In addition to hormonal pharmaceutical products, a woman admitted to the hospital due to intrauterine bleeding is shown drugs that stop uncontrolled bleeding. Aminocaproic acid is prescribed up to five times a day. For injection, a five percent solution is indicated. Dose - 100 ml. Inside the drug is used up to five times a day, the dose is 30 ml.
Intramuscularly the patient is administered sodium etamsylate. In pharmacies, it is sold under the name Dicinon. Single dose - 2 ml. The frequency of administration is from one to four injections per day. The duration of the course is one week. An alternative is four times a day by mouth in the form of tablets. The dose is a quarter of a gram.
In case of profuse bleeding, "Tranexam" is indicated. The duration of application varies from three to four days, the remedy is used up to four times a day. The dose is from a gram to one and a half.
Uterine bleeding can have many different causes. For proper treatment, you need to undergo an examination and install one of them.