The perception of the colors of the world around us is different for all people. However, this fact is not an obstacle to the adoption of insane legislative decisions equating the entire social society to a single standard of vision indicators.
Excellent eyesight is the main condition for certain positions. In particular, we are talking about people working in the transport sector. If even before 2012, drivers of all vehicles had to have a certain percentage of the quality of vision, then since 2013 this has not been enough to obtain the necessary permits to perform professional duties. An additional innovation was a positive test result according to Rabkin's tables.

Whoever has encountered this problem understands that, having many years of experience behind them, you cannot forget how to drive a vehicle without some kind of Rabkin table. But, according to unfavorable statistics regarding the performance of people driving motor vehiclesmeans, a decision has been made at the legislative level regarding the strict testing of drivers for color blindness.
Who needs it? First of all, those who have a desire to work and earn a driving experience.
What are Rabkin tables?
The so-called Rabkin tables are images that hide certain objects, numbers or characters. The color design of the pictures is not visually clear and allows you to find out how much a person distinguishes colors and shades of colors.
Several pictures, and according to the standard there are 13 of them in the test, decide the fate of a person in relation to professional affiliation. Not only a driver - a beginner or with many years of experience, but also any other person can check his vision with this test.
For the sake of interest, you can check your color perception of the world. The results may surprise or disappoint you. After all, the test is not easy.

Many drivers are skeptical about this innovation, focusing their attention on only three shades used in traffic rules - red, green and yellow.
But no matter how skeptical others may be, if you need a job and like to drive, then it is quite possible that you are interested in the question of how to learn the Rabkin table and get a driver's license and permission to drive cars.
Where are Rabkin's tables used and why?
The Rabkin table is used both in checking the vision of drivers and in the indicator of the vigilance of other people. ATIn particular, this visual color perception test for children is helpful. Rabkin's tables for the study of the he alth of children's eyes make it possible to identify deviations from the norm at an early age.
Colorblindness is now a common problem. People with a certain indicator of color blindness are not allowed to work in certain areas of life. Although many, knowing their own characteristics, can adapt. It all depends on the percentage of color perception error.
Test on Rabkin's tables: possible results
For drivers, the Rabkin table is one of the main obstacles to obtaining a driver's license. What can this test show, what can be the score after passing it?
In practice, many ophthalmologists agree with the answers of Rabkin's table. Therefore, this system of revealing the distinctive color perception of the world has become widely used.
Test results can be as follows:
- trichromate - a person distinguishes all colors and their shades without any deviations from the norm;
- dichromate (protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanopia) - this verdict can be awarded to someone who does not distinguish one from a set of three colors;
- monochromat - non-perception of red, yellow or green;
- achromat - perception of the world in only two shades - black and white.
Protanopia - problems with the perception of green and blue shades. Deuteranopia is a lack of perception of one of the shades, often green. Tritanopia - the inability to perceive red-violet,yellow-blue colors and their shades.
This ranking of the results allows us to discard all skeptical grounds in relation to the introduced Rabkin test, as one of the stages of checking people's eyesight before obtaining a driver's license.
So draw your own conclusions - if you want to have the desired document, then the question of how to learn the Rabkin table should bother you in the first place.
Testing Rules
You can pass Rabkin's tables without errors only if the following rules are met:
- You can't beat the color blindness tables with tired eyes. The day before the task, try to get enough sleep and not use touchscreen gadgets and PCs.
- You need to look at each proposed picture from a distance of at least one meter.
- There is no point in guessing images in pictures, the test definitely indicates what can be drawn, your task is to find and confirm the visibility of a particular figure. Numbers are more difficult - they still need to be seen without prompts.
- No more than ten seconds of time is given for each tablet, so you need to approach the test with concentration.
- If it is impossible to distinguish anything in the picture with or without a hint - do not panic, maybe this is one of the tricks for you to confuse.

If you follow these tips, you will not subsequently look for an answer to the question, but how to learn the Rabkin table and not make a mistake in any of the possible answers.
Helpful tips
ManyExperts recommend that you use trial assignments immediately before passing the test. They certainly know how to learn the Rabkin table completely. Online sources can share some of the flashcards from the test. All of them are diverse and it is not a fact that you will come across exactly the same images on the exam.
- During the test, do not strain your eyes. No need to worry. The test is not a math test. Especially if you know that you perceive colors as standard, without any deviations from the norm.
- To get a better idea of Rabkin's tables, take several sources as a study. This is the main hint on how to learn the Rabkin table easily and quickly. Images can be associated with color hues that only you can see.
Example cards
Here are some samples from the complete list of Rabkin's tablets.

The numbers are clearly visible on the first one. It can be either one-digit, two-digit or three-digit numbers.

Triangles and a circle can be easily distinguished on the second plate. There are options with squares, ovals and other shapes.

On the third sample, you can clearly see several variants of numbers. The answer in this case may be debatable.
But on this plate the image can not be seen. Even if you strain your eyes, something is difficultassociate without prompting.

The test hides a lot of tricks, which are unlikely to be bypassed by someone who really has vision problems. We hope you are not one of those, if you want to confirm your right to drive a vehicle.
By the way, there is an opinion that women can learn the Rabkin table and cope with the test twice as well as men. It can be safely refuted. Performance depends on a positive attitude.
How to learn?
No matter how many recommendations are offered to those who wish to learn Rabkin's tables, everyone has their own methodology. It is almost impossible to put several test options in your head. Many recommendations that you can memorize all the pictures and more than get a positive result are not confirmed in practice. And is it necessary to do so?
What is the risk of a negative test result?
A negative test result just pushes back the deadline for obtaining a driver's license. But there is always a chance to try again! Do not puzzle over how to learn the Rabkin table. Just before testing, give your eyes a rest, and they will delight you doubly!