How to lower blood cholesterol in women: folk remedies and drugs. Cleansing the body of toxins and toxins

How to lower blood cholesterol in women: folk remedies and drugs. Cleansing the body of toxins and toxins
How to lower blood cholesterol in women: folk remedies and drugs. Cleansing the body of toxins and toxins

One of the problems that concern humanity today is the increase in cholesterol levels in the blood. The fact is that a significant level of this substance leads to atherosclerosis of blood vessels and is the cause of strokes and heart attacks that take the lives of many people. Why is this happening? How to lower blood cholesterol in women who have already been affected by this problem? And what to do in such cases?

Biochemical disorders

What is cholesterol? It is an organic substance, which is a natural fat-soluble alcohol. Cholesterol is one of the elements of the body of all living beings, being part of the structure of the cell wall. It also takes part in the transport of various components in and out of the cell.

cholesterol plaques
cholesterol plaques

Howcholesterol enters the body This happens along with food containing a variety of fats. In the digestive tract, they go through a complex multi-stage process, breaking down and being processed by certain enzymes. Light fats become chylomicrons. This is a special transport form that allows cholesterol to move around the body along with the flow of lymph and blood. But to penetrate the organs, it needs the help of complexes consisting of protein and lipids, which are called lipoproteins. It is they who provoke the pathological syndrome, which is called hypocholesterolemia.

Lipoproteins fall into two categories:

  1. LDL (low density). These lipoproteins transport cholesterol to organ tissues. They usually come with food. If these are in excess, the cells get a lot of "bad" cholesterol.
  2. HDL (high density). This type of lipoprotein "takes" excess cholesterol from cells and transports it to the liver.

If the biochemical process described above fails, hypercholesterolemia develops.

Danger of pathology

What are the consequences of high blood cholesterol in women? Hypocholesterolemia significantly increases the risk of atherosclerosis. Indeed, as a result of the ongoing biochemical failure, cholesterol plaques settle on the walls of blood vessels. They provoke a deterioration in blood flow, which, in turn, does not allow the organs of the human body to receive the nutrients it needs. Against this background, conditions sometimes arise,threatening to life. What is the danger of high blood cholesterol in women?

  1. Thrombosis. Cholesterol plaques settle on the walls of blood vessels. At the same time, they form a thrombus, which, having come off, closes the bloodstream. Blockage of blood vessels threatens the occurrence of a stroke or heart attack.
  2. Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery. This is one of the most dangerous complications. It is a blockage of the pulmonary artery by a piece of blood clot. If such a state lasts for a long time, then it can cause irreversible degenerative consequences for this respiratory organ.
  3. Ischemia. Atherosclerotic deposits that have arisen in the vessels lead to a deterioration in blood flow. This, in turn, provokes a violation of the functions of many organs and systems. This condition is especially dangerous for the brain and heart.
  4. Varicosis. This disease is a consequence of the presence in the body of atherosclerotic plaques. It is they who stretch the walls of the veins and cause congestion in them. In most cases, varicose veins are observed on the legs. However, it can manifest itself in any other part of the body, as well as in internal organs.
  5. Heart disease. If the vascular function is impaired, the risk of developing angina pectoris is high. In addition to this pathology, with a high cholesterol level, heart failure and other diseases are often observed.

The norm for women

What should be the level of cholesterol in the blood? The norm in women depends on a variety of factors. Among them are age and lifestyle, nutritious diet and hormonal state, emotional background, timeyear, etc.

Women in their thirties should be:

  1. 125-30 years old. LDL - 1, 84-4, 25. HDL - 0, 96-2, 15.
  2. 30-35 years old. LDL - 1.81-4.04. HDL - 0.93-1.99.

At this stage of life, the fair sex should already monitor the level of cholesterol in the blood. To do this, at least once every 3-5 years, an analysis should be taken. During this period, the process of natural removal of excess lipids somewhat slows down, and therefore cholesterol levels will be slightly higher than in young years.

blood test for cholesterol
blood test for cholesterol

Nevertheless, this is considered the norm. A moderate diet combined with a proper lifestyle will help activate the process of lipid excretion.

At an older age, the norm of cholesterol has the following indicators:

  1. 35-40 years old. LDL - 1.94-4.45. HDL - 0.88-2.12.
  2. 40-45 years old. LDL - 1.92-4.51. HDL - 0.88-2.28.

After forty, a woman's reproductive function decreases with a simultaneous decrease in the amount of estrogen production. One of the tasks of these hormones is to prevent sharp jumps in cholesterol levels. 45 years of age for women is the beginning of the menopause period. At this time, an increased content of lipids is observed in the body, and therefore the cholesterol rate also changes.

  1. 45-50 years old. LDL - 2.05-4.82. HDL - 0.88-2.25.
  2. 50-55 years old. LDL - 2, 28-5, 21. HDL - 0, 96-2, 38.

For women in the age period from 50 to 60 years, in most cases, excessweight, various chronic diseases and emotional overload. All these factors lead to disorders in the balance of cholesterol in the blood. In this regard, it is necessary to take the necessary tests indicating the presence of the amount of lipid fractions at this age once a year.

After sixty, the rate of cholesterol in the blood changes again.

  1. 60-65 years old. LDL - 2, 59-5, 80. HDL - 0, 98-2, 38.
  2. 65-70 years old. LDL - 2, 38-5, 72. HDL - 0, 91-2, 48.

For women of retirement age is characterized by inactivity. But physical inactivity in combination with excess weight lead to an increase in cholesterol. A woman is strongly advised to follow a diet, take leisurely walks on the street and do simple physical exercises.


What are the signs of high blood cholesterol in women?

woman has a headache
woman has a headache

If the pathology has affected the vessels of the brain, then there are:

  • chronic insomnia;
  • frequent dizziness and headaches;
  • discoordination of movements;
  • memory deterioration.

The defeat of the venous system of the lower extremities is expressed in:

  • cramps and pain in the muscles that occur when walking;
  • numb toes;
  • feeling that feet are freezing when a woman is at rest;
  • change in skin color and occurrence of trophic ulcers;
  • excessively swollen veins.

External signs

Critical blood cholesterol levels in women whenthe disease is in its severe stage, expressed as follows:

  1. Xanthelasmas. These are nodules that have a dirty yellow color that form on the eyelids. As a rule, they can be found closer to the bridge of the nose. Over time, these neoplasms become more numerous, and they increase in volume.
  2. Lipoid corneal arch. A similar symptom, as a rule, occurs in women under 50 who are addicted to smoking.

What are the causes of high blood cholesterol in women? Consider the most common of them.


If one of the parents has high cholesterol, they can pass this problem on to their children. The probability of developing hypercholesterolemia in this case increases from 30% to 70%. This is explained by the dominant nature of the defective genes. Suspicious women should remember that nature still inherits more good than bad.


One of the causes of high blood cholesterol in women is liver pathology, as well as other ailments that result in obstruction of the bile ducts. Provokes hypercholesterolemia diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, chronic kidney disease and pancreatitis, myocardial ischemia, hypertension, etc.

The list of diseases that provoke an increase in cholesterol levels is quite large. That is why the doctor who diagnoses and prescribes the necessary tests should be involved in finding out the causes of the pathology.

Unhe althy diet

In girls between the ages of 25 and 30, the increase in cholesterol in most cases is caused by unhe althy diets that they follow to eliminate extra pounds. Women over 40 often suffer from hypercholesterolemia, eating junk food at their lunch break (hamburgers, fast food, pizza, etc.). In this case, you will need to stick to a well-thought-out menu and not flatly refuse food that contains fats.

Bad habits

Cholesterol levels are increased by smoking, even if it is passive.

woman smokes
woman smokes

Deviations from the norm also occur with alcohol abuse. There is an opinion that good expensive wine can be an excellent remedy for many diseases. Yes, to what extent it is. However, it has no effect on lowering blood cholesterol levels.


After 50-60 years, a woman ends her menopause. And this is one of the reasons for the increase in blood cholesterol levels, which also causes rapid weight gain. In addition, at this age, there are significant emotional burdens associated with worries about already grown children, about retirement, and so on. In addition to this, a woman begins to eat not what is he althy, but what is tasty, and is also little in motion.


Many women have sedentary jobs. And even while relaxing, most modern people prefer to be near the computer monitor, playing various games, accessing social networks, etc. This is the reason"Stagnation" in the blood, that is, the occurrence of lipoproteins related to "harmful". In this case, a woman can restrain the deviation of the cholesterol value from the norm by doing regular exercise and a sparing moderate diet.


In the second, as well as in the third trimester of gestation, women also often increase the content of cholesterol in the blood. Its values often rise immediately by 15%. However, this is not worth worrying about. In this case, such a failure does not threaten the development of serious diseases. During this period, the woman's body intensively produces "good" cholesterol for the needs of the baby.

Menstrual cycle

Based on some features of the synthesis of natural fatty alcohols, an increased level of estrogen can provoke a rise in cholesterol by 10%. This happens in the first half of the cycle. Such changes are considered normal and should not be a cause for concern for a woman.

Elimination of pathology

How to lower blood cholesterol in women? If signs of pathology are found, it is necessary to contact the local therapist. If the case is considered severe, the specialist will prescribe medication. However, first of all, it will be necessary to pass tests. They will help identify the cause of the problem. Without fail, the doctor will advise the woman to follow some fairly simple recommendations.

Eliminate extra pounds

How to lower blood cholesterol in women? First of all, you need to get rid of excess weight. Hypercholesterolemia has the samecauses that and completeness, as well as obesity. That is why the use of the same methods will allow getting rid of both of them.

It is recommended to reduce cholesterol and normalize weight gradually and smoothly. Only in this case, a woman will be able not to harm her body.

Physical activity

How to lower blood cholesterol in women? To do this, she will need to perform physical exercises. Such loads immediately eliminate two negative factors that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. They strengthen blood vessels and activate the processes of destruction and excretion of cholesterol due to an increase in the rate of metabolic processes and normalization of gallbladder peristalsis.

Professional sports in this case is not necessary. Get rid of "bad" cholesterol will allow moderate exercise. The main thing is that physical exercises are carried out in the fresh air, since the transformation and utilization of lipids is possible only in the presence of oxygen.

girl running
girl running

How to lower bad cholesterol? For this it is enough:

  • walk in place, over rough terrain, or on level ground;
  • run at a moderate, constant pace, or speed up and slow down periodically;
  • swim freestyle;
  • squat (alone or supported by a chair or wall).

No simple carbohydrates

How to lower bad cholesterol? To do this, it is necessary to abandon glucose, which is contained in sugar, muffins, instant cereals,bread, starchy fruits and vegetables. There is also pasta made from soft wheat varieties. In the event that such products enter the body in excessive quantities, insulin is not able to process the glucose contained in them, which is sent for the synthesis of cholesterol.

Stop snacking on the go

With high cholesterol in the blood, a woman should attach particular importance to eating out. Many are unwilling to take with them containers that will contain pre-cooked proper food. Of course, the easiest way to eat is fast food, which you can buy literally at every step. However, it is worth remembering that such products are literally saturated with trans fats. That is why they cannot be considered acceptable products for high cholesterol. Trans fats entering the body, like cholesterol, are built into the structure of the cytoplasmic membrane, but they cannot perform its functions. As a result, a cell defect occurs with the loss of its ability to work.

But snacks are simply necessary for a woman. They should be in her meal schedule after breakfast until lunch, and 2 or 3 hours before the evening meal. With high cholesterol, foods for such snacks are an apple, a glass of natural yogurt or kefir, a handful of dried fruits or nuts.

Rejection of smoked meats and sausages

How to lower blood cholesterol in women? To do this, limit the use of pork and lamb, chicken and beef, lard, butter, milk and eggs. But it is these products that are the main ingredients of sausages. In addition, they contain a lot of spices, preservatives, flavor enhancers that increase appetite.

There is no question of a complete rejection of meat with high cholesterol. Its use should only be limited, including in the menu no more than two, a maximum of three times during the week. It is best if it is turkey or chicken fillet, game or rabbit meat. To increase the benefits of dishes will allow their proper preparation in the form of baking, boiling, steaming and stewing.

Reduce s alt intake

How to lower blood cholesterol in women? To do this, you need to reduce your s alt intake. Dishes with it lead to an increase in the concentration of sodium chloride in the blood. A similar phenomenon causes fluid retention in the body, which is expressed by swelling and increased pressure. The resulting hypertension damages the inner lining of blood vessels, opening the way for cholesterol to thicker walls.

s alt pouring from the s alt shaker
s alt pouring from the s alt shaker

It is not necessary to completely do not s alt the dishes. It is enough to limit the use of this product to 5 g during the day.

Inclusion of vegetables in the diet

How to treat high blood cholesterol in women? To do this, it is necessary to include vegetables in the daily menu, which contain a lot of fiber. Additionally, with their help, the body will be cleansed of toxins and toxins, which will normalize the beneficial intestinal flora, which plays an important role in the absorption of nutrients by the body.

On the list of vegetables that help lower cholesterol levels,there are cabbage (of any kind) and zucchini, carrots, as well as eggplants, turnips and radishes. Dill and onion, parsley and sorrel, lettuce, spinach and celery expel bad cholesterol remarkably. The inclusion of these vegetables in the diet will increase the immune forces of the body, providing it with all the necessary vitamins.

Cucumbers, zucchini, zucchini, and tomatoes clean the body of toxins and toxins. These vegetables are sometimes called orderlies of vessels. Pumpkin is a very effective way to lower cholesterol and bring it back to normal. With its daily use in an amount of 100 g, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing cardiac ischemia.

Vegetables, which contain a large amount of fiber, help cleanse the digestive system, removing decaying foods and harmful substances from it.

Eating cereals

How to lower blood cholesterol in women? To do this, they need to consume more unprocessed cereals. Such foods will be slowly digested and provide a feeling of satiety for a long time. From cereals in the diet, it is desirable to include buckwheat, wild and unpolished rice, as well as oatmeal that requires cooking. Anyone who prefers to see pasta on their dining table should buy it from durum wheat or wholemeal flour.

Using flaxseed and olive oil

These plant products contain phytosterols, which are analogues of cholesterol and perform the same functions. In addition, the natural substances that make up the composition of linseed and olive oil,help reduce the absorption of "bad" fat, reducing the level of LDL in the blood. The phospholipids, antioxidants, vitamins and fatty acids found in these products remarkably strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thereby preventing the appearance of plaques on their surface. How to lower cholesterol with home remedies? For this, traditional medicine recommends using vegetable oil on an empty stomach in the morning, 1 dessert spoon.

Treatment with pills

Modern doctors often recommend their patients to use "grandmother's recipes". This also applies to the elimination of the problem of high cholesterol in the blood. At the same time, dietary nutrition is supplemented with such medicinal plants as dandelion and linden, garlic and golden mustache.

pills on the table
pills on the table

Applied to improve the body and bee products. However, it should be borne in mind that traditional medicine produces a positive effect only in cases where lipid metabolism only slightly deviates from the norm. In the case of deep violations, the path to recovery cannot be paved by changing diet and lifestyle. To eliminate the neglected imbalance, pills against cholesterol in the blood will help. These include statins, fibrates, and vitamins. On the advice of a physician, bile acid sequestrants, as well as inhibitors that promote cholesterol absorption, can be used. Such drugs can also be prescribed in combination, which will allow you to get a more stable and effective effect.

It is important to remember that if women have high blood cholesterol, treatment should be carried out under strictspecialist supervision.
