Fungus in the mouth: causes and treatment

Fungus in the mouth: causes and treatment
Fungus in the mouth: causes and treatment

Most people have fungi of the genus Candida in their mouths, until a certain time they do not manifest themselves at all. But, if the protective properties of the body for some reason begin to decline, this leads to their development. Fungi affect not only the inner cavity of the mouth, but also the corners of the lips. Self-medication in this case is not worth doing, as this can lead to serious complications.

Causes of occurrence

A fungus of the oral cavity (thrush or candidiasis) appears when conditions favorable for them occur. These include:

  • decreased immunity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • general deterioration of the body;
  • microflora imbalance;
  • radiotherapy for cancer;
  • malocclusion or damage to the teeth causing trauma to the oral mucosa;
  • wearing dentures;
  • violation of hygiene rules.
fungus in the mouth
fungus in the mouth

Very oftenfungus in the mouth affects young children under one year old or older people. Women are much more susceptible to the occurrence of this disease. You can become infected with candidiasis through household contact or when using common items: dishes, toothbrushes, towels, etc. Newborn children become infected from their mothers, and smokers get this infection by smoking one cigarette.

Main symptoms

As soon as the fungi penetrate the cells of he althy tissues, they begin their active reproduction, while releasing enzymes and forming loosely bound cellular compounds - pseudomycelia. This leads to irritation of the mucous membrane and destruction of adjacent tissues.

oral fungus
oral fungus

Thus, if a fungus occurs in the mouth, its symptoms may appear as follows:

  • dry mouth;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • redness;
  • edema.

As the fungus begins to multiply, white rashes appear in the oral cavity. At first, they resemble curdled grains, after which a plaque appears in the form of a milk film. It covers separate areas, which, as they increase, begin to merge. Such areas covered with a white coating are called plaques. They can occur on the cheeks, gums, tonsils, palate. If this infection affects the lips, then their surface is covered with scales and white flakes.

At the very beginning of the development of the disease, plaque is removed quite easily. The surface rid of it begins to turn red and becomes coveredsmall sores. This happens due to the fact that fungi secrete special enzymes that destroy the cells of nearby tissues. After a while, the tissues begin to be affected deeper and deeper.

At this stage, the fungus in the mouth is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • itching and burning;
  • irritating action of spicy, spicy, hot food;
  • temperature increase;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • occurrence of mycotic jam;
  • impeded passage of food.


If a fungus appears in the mouth in adults, you should seek qualified help from a dentist or periodontist. If the fungal infection has spread beyond the oral mucosa, then you will need to consult an infectious disease specialist or mycologist.

First, the doctor examines the patient's oral cavity and asks him about the features of the course of the disease. To clarify the clinical picture of candidiasis, the following types of tests are performed:

  • scraping from the affected areas of the mouth;
  • complete blood count;
  • determination of blood sugar levels.
fungus in the mouth treatment
fungus in the mouth treatment

If such a need arises, the doctor may prescribe additional tests to clarify the individual characteristics of the organism and the nature of the course of this disease. Each patient has their own treatment plan.


If there is a fungus in the mouth, it is treated with the use of drugs of general and local action, which are prescribedonly a doctor should.

General treatment involves the use of oral medicines that restore the normal microflora of the body and eliminate excessive fungal activity. For this, antibiotics are used, as well as antimicrobial and antiparasitic drugs.

fungus in the mouth in adults
fungus in the mouth in adults


To successfully cure the fungus in the mouth, you must follow a diet and proper diet. The diet should not contain spicy, s alty, hard, sour and spicy foods and dishes that cause irritation of the oral mucosa. You should also avoid sugary foods that can activate the growth of fungi.

Eat small meals several times a day. Products must be warm, soft, contain a large amount of vitamins. The specific menu should be compiled by the attending physician.


To prevent the fungus in the mouth from manifesting itself in all its glory, preventive measures should be taken, including:

  • careful hygiene;
  • proper nutrition;
  • care for gums and teeth;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • timely treatment of chronic diseases;
  • systematicvisit to the dentist.
fungus in the mouth symptoms
fungus in the mouth symptoms

In addition, you need to use only your personal hygiene items, wash dishes thoroughly, disinfect towels from time to time, try not to come into contact with sick people.

Fungus in the mouth of a child

Thrush in newborns may appear even in the hospital if they are touched by medical staff who are carriers of candidiasis. On the skin of babies, fungi remain active for 2 hours. Also, parents can infect the baby through kissing.

After a year, infection occurs when the child begins to put toys in his mouth, especially strangers. Candidiasis that occurs in preschool age is due to weak immunity or prolonged use of antibiotics.

This disease is treated with antifungal drugs, as well as traditional medicine.


Thus, if a fungus occurs in the mouth in adults and children, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a competent treatment. In no case should you self-medicate, as this can cause various complications.