Emotional incontinence - this is how short temper can be called. Multiple studies by scientists show that a short-tempered character manifests itself not only as acquired as a result of something, it can manifest itself from birth, as it is laid down at the gene level. Therefore, if parents in childhood, perhaps, did not notice, missed or were too lazy to help their child suppress this quality, then at an older age it will be harder for a person to cope on his own.
According to the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S. Ozhegov, irascibility is a tendency to vehemence and irritability. There is an opinion that the degree of temper depends on the level of human passion, on his temperament.
The following scientists studied the manifestation of temper: A. V. Semenovich, N. M. Pylaeva, T. V. Akhutina, Ya. L. Obukhov, N. Ya. Semago, A. L. Sirotyuk and others.
Characteristic of a hot-tempered person
How is a quick-tempered person so different from a calm one? A quick-tempered person, faced with some kind of problem, will lose his temper, that is, show his irritability, aggression, resentment, and so on. Hehe will try to solve it by practical methods under the influence of negative emotions, and every time he fails, he will be even more angry and blame his unsuccessful attempts, first of all, not himself, but circumstances, other people, will break down on loved ones. While a balanced and calm person, when making a decision to eliminate a problem, will first consider all the ways of solving it, weigh the pros and cons, and only when he is sure of it will he begin to act. In this case, of course, there are more chances to solve the problem when there is a clear tactic and plan. "Measure seven times, cut once" is the main way to solve the problem, but, unfortunately, it is emotional incontinence that prevents quick-tempered people from understanding this truth.

Male and female irascibility
Most often, a quick temper can be observed in men. In most cases, it manifests itself in the form of irritability and aggression. In addition, increased temper, which is characterized by anger, is quite common.
Anger is a negative and strong feeling that occurs when a person is extremely unhappy with something.
Here you can make a certain chain, which can lead to short temper: irritability - anger - aggression. When a person is irritated, he can simply grumble something with displeasure, squint his eyes in the direction of the irritant. In the next stage of anger, he may already increase his tone, shout and gesticulate nervously. At the third stage, when he is in the stageaggression, actions occur that begin with a scream, and can reach assault, including possible damage to furniture or objects around that are nearby at that moment.
As for female irascibility, everything is much more interesting here. Basically it consists of resentment and hysteria. Often women deliberately take advantage of resentment, as this is the most common way to manipulate other people. Sometimes women deny their offense, not seeing that with all their actions they show exactly the opposite. As for hysteria, aggression may well be present here, actions are no different from men's, except that women are more prone to physical self-control. Also a very important factor in female irascibility is that sometimes they are not quite able to control it, and it happens during certain phases of the menstrual cycle.
Genetic predisposition
Have you ever wondered why the bad character of people is often called bad heredity? A group of German scientists from the University of Bonn, led by Martin Reuter, conducted a study on this issue. They discovered a certain gene, which today has the name "rs907094". The carriers of this gene are most often precisely those people who are most subjected to irascibility.
The same scientists found, as a result of studying the human brain, that in people who were surveyed and were prone to irascibility, the left amygdala in the temporal lobe of the brain was enlarged, and it is this part that is responsible fordisplay of emotions.

Loneliness is a consequence of temper
Irritability and aggressiveness are those traits of a person that others try to avoid when choosing an interlocutor, comrade, friend or partner. After all, who likes it when they constantly break down on you? Hot temper is a quality that not many are willing to put up with, and, as a rule, the family suffers the most from it. By the way, in ordinary situations, people with such a character trait are no different from balanced people. But as soon as they get into some kind of stressful situation, their true self immediately appears.
Irritability and irritability are qualities that calm people don't want to face. A hot-tempered person is hard to be friends with, but even harder to be in a relationship and build a family. In the end, a calmer person will have to give in and let the other person “steer” the situation so that he is less annoyed. Especially quick-tempered people take very seriously when someone does not share their point of view, if it is important to them. As a result, people with a more balanced emotional state have to sacrifice their interests and principles. As the famous saying goes: “Love is evil, you will fall in love and…”.

Intermittent short temper disorder
This disorder is most often found in the strong half of humanity. Signs are aggression, verbal abuse, uncontrollable anger, assault. Unfortunately, thisthe phenomenon is a mental he alth disorder and requires immediate treatment, otherwise the consequences can be very different. Outbursts of anger and aggression most often affect people who are nearby - colleagues, friends, relatives. Because of this disorder, other mental disorders may also appear - alcoholism and drug addiction, which can worsen a person's situation even more.

Causes of occurrence
As described above, irascibility can be laid both at the gene level and acquired. Let's consider the second option. A temper can be empty and justified.
Spitfire empty
If a person breaks out of the blue, this temper is empty. It is often equated with a bad habit. And it arises due to the increased attention of parents, grandparents to the child. Such children most often achieve what they want by crying and tantrums. Accordingly, this habit remains with growing up. A mature person begins to think that if he yells at someone, all his problems will be solved immediately. Thus, not only a gene, but also upbringing can be the cause.

Short temper justified
And how can one explain another - justified temper? This is a conscious temper that occurs as a result of the fact that, for example, object A did not fulfill what object B instructed him to do. Example: an employee systematically does not comply with the requirements that were established. In this situationthe boss has the right to flare up, because the employee does not respond to comments. Also, if you are asked to do something, and you ignore it several times, be prepared for the fact that the next time you will no longer be asked, but most likely will raise your tone. Of course, losing your temper is not right, but sometimes it happens that a person simply does not respond to normal treatment, in which case a reasonable short temper is a completely normal reaction.

Spitfire: how to fight?
How to deal with short temper? There are a number of ways, and below we will look at the most basic ones:
- You need to remember that irascibility is a negative quality in a person, so you can overcome it by switching to something positive. For example, during a stressful situation, close your eyes for a minute or two, take a deep breath and relax. Thus, the imagination will move into the present, and you will no longer be so annoyed by the situation, because you no longer feel tense.
- Chat and play with children. With their neighbors, nephews, etc. Because children are such small people who are not yet preoccupied with adult problems, and often it is their outlook on life that helps to see that "the devil is not as scary as he is painted."
- Shopping is a great stress reliever for women. Instead of a head, your legs will hurt, but why not treat yourself?
- Sport. Especially if you have frequent outbursts of anger. Boxing and martial arts will help you point them in the right direction.
- Easyget some sleep.

There are actually a lot of ways, and everyone can choose the one that suits him. The main thing is to remember that there are no unsolvable problems in our life.