Bleeding gums - what to do? Treating bleeding gums at home

Bleeding gums - what to do? Treating bleeding gums at home
Bleeding gums - what to do? Treating bleeding gums at home

Bleeding gums - what to do? This question is asked by almost every third patient of the dental office. 75% of expectant mothers experience bleeding. Children are much less likely to suffer from periodontitis or gingivitis - only 10% of young patients come to the doctor with similar complaints. At risk are people who are over 40 years old. Among them, approximately 35% complain that the gums bleed. How to treat this unpleasant symptom? What folk methods and means of official medicine can be used? We will consider in more detail later, but let's start with the causes of the pathology and symptoms.

Causes of bleeding

If you ignore the hygienic procedure for removing plaque through regular cleaning at home or professional dentistry, then over time it will become harder and turn into tartar. This leads to inflammation of the tissues surrounding the teeth and bleeding gums (what to do in this casesee below). In addition, the root cause of an unpleasant symptom may be gum disease or the presence of mouth ulcers.

bleeding gums what to do at home
bleeding gums what to do at home

What else can cause bleeding gums? Here are the main factors that dentists highlight:

  1. Poor hygiene: using the wrong brush, brushing irregularly or not thoroughly enough, brushing your teeth too hard, using toothpicks or flossing incorrectly.
  2. Tatar. This is what was discussed above. Without prevention, it will grow and begin to separate the gum from the teeth, which causes bleeding.
  3. Lack of vitamins. Vitamin deficiency in the autumn-winter period and spring vitamin deficiency affect all human organs, teeth and gums are no exception.
  4. Incorrectly placed dental implants or crowns.
  5. Various gum diseases: for example, periodontitis - inflammation of the supporting apparatus of the tooth, gingivitis - inflammation of the gums, periodontal disease - an inflammatory process that affects the tissues surrounding the tooth.
  6. Hormonal imbalances, pregnancy changes, blood thinners, bleeding disorders, leukemia, scurvy, etc.

There may be other root causes of bleeding gums. The causes and treatment will be determined by the dentist. Therapy for a severe form of the disease should be prescribed only by a specialist, but with a mild symptom or in the initial stages, you can strengthen the gums at home.

Signs of gum problems

Bleeding gumsmay appear after brushing your teeth or eating food, often the symptom is accompanied by other unpleasant problems. For example, many bleeding patients also have:

  • pain in the gums;
  • formation of "pockets" between teeth and gums;
  • swelling;
  • "omission" of the gums;
  • bad breath;
  • teeth start to loosen.
bleeding gums what to do
bleeding gums what to do

Danger and Consequences

Just the discomfort and pain associated with bleeding isn't everything. It must be remembered that such signs are symptoms, and not individual diseases. So, prolonged bleeding is a reason to check blood for clotting, refute or confirm leukemia and start appropriate treatment. It can also be a sign of serious dental problems.

Ignoring bleeding gums can cause bacteria that accumulate in the mouth to enter the bloodstream. It can cause diabetes, pancreatic cancer, various gastrointestinal disorders, and increase the risk of stroke or heart attack.

Treatment for bleeding gums

Bleeding gums - what to do, how to solve the problem? In the initial stages and in the absence of significant discomfort, treatment can be carried out at home. Widely used are various mouthwashes, which are sold in abundance in pharmacies, gels, as well as folk recipes. Next, consider how to treat bleeding gums.

Home rinses

After brushing your teeth or eating, does your gum bleed? What to do at home? It is necessary to carry out rinsing of the oral cavity using special decoctions and solutions. In general, rinsing is a hygienic procedure that should be part of daily care. For hygiene and prevention purposes, rinse your mouth with clean water at least twice a day. This should be done in the morning and in the evening, and it is even better to carry out such a procedure after each meal.

bleeding gums after childbirth
bleeding gums after childbirth

This procedure, using medicinal decoctions and pharmacy products, cleanses the remaining pieces of food, and also has a general strengthening effect on the gums, relieves pain, redness and eliminates irritation. All solutions for the treatment of bleeding, which are sold in pharmacies, are divided into antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. The former prevent the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and destroy them, which prevents the further development of the disease. These funds include:

  • Furacilin;
  • "Chlorhexidine";
  • Miramistin;
  • "Salvin";
  • "Iodinol" and others.

Such funds must be applied in separate courses, lasting from ten days to one month. It is also not worth exceeding the permissible dosage, since the substances that make up such products destroy not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also useful ones that are part of the normal microflora.

Reduce inflammation, reduce swelling, relieve pain and redness such remedies,like:

  • "Elfix";
  • Forest Balsam;
  • Perio-Aid and others.

They can be used for permanent oral care.

Gels for gum treatment

Inflammatory or infectious diseases can cause gums to bleed. What to do in this case? Dentists recommend the use of special gels:

  • Metrogil Denta;
  • "Parodium";
  • "Dental";
  • Cholisal.
bleeding gums causes treatment
bleeding gums causes treatment

Apply them two or three times a day. For adults, a centimeter strip is enough, for children - 0.5 cm peas. The gel should be applied with massaging movements. Funds can be placed inside the "pockets" that form between the gums and teeth. Among the contraindications are only hypersensitivity to substances that are part of the drugs, and children's age (up to one year). Expectant mothers should consult a doctor before using the gels and follow the recommendations exactly.

Due to poor hygiene and/or using a toothbrush with the wrong hardness bleeding gums? What to do at home? You can use, for example, Forest Balsam, Silka or Lakalut.

Recipes of traditional medicine

If the gums bleed when brushing your teeth, folk methods will tell you what to do. They are almost as effective as solutions and gels from a pharmacy, but they are completely natural and absolutely safe. Folk recipes(the gums will stop bleeding in a couple of days) they suggest rinsing your mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Among the most common can be listed:

  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • oak bark;
  • sage.

Let's take a closer look at several folk methods that will help to cope with bleeding. So, what can help if the gum is swollen and bleeding?

Oak bark

This is a very popular remedy that effectively helps with bleeding gums, strengthens them, and is used in the treatment of other diseases of the oral cavity. To prepare a medicinal decoction, you need to pour one tablespoon of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water. The mixture should be kept on low heat for five to seven minutes, and then covered with a lid and left for two to three hours. The cooled broth should be filtered through a sieve or gauze. The decoction should be applied for at least one to two weeks, but longer. Rinse your mouth twice a day.

gums swollen and bleeding
gums swollen and bleeding

Decoctions of medicinal herbs

Medicinal decoctions for rinsing from the herbs listed above are prepared using the same technology. One tablespoon of raw materials should be poured with a glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and let it brew for 30 minutes. It is advisable to rinse the mouth with this remedy after each meal and at bedtime, at least twice a day. You can mix herbs or alternate their use. Such treatment, by the way, is allowed for pregnant and lactating mothers, so if the gum bleedsafter childbirth, it is worth rinsing your mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs for several days.


This plant is widely used in alternative medicine, it was also recognized by the official - various ointments and creams are made on the basis of plantain. If the gums are red and bleeding, they can be rinsed with a decoction of plantain or a healing infusion from a fresh plant. In summer, it is better to prepare a tincture, and in winter, you can prepare a decoction of dried leaves.

It is also allowed to chew a leaf of a medicinal plant for a few minutes. It must first be washed well, and after the procedure, spit it out. This serves both to prevent and to eliminate bleeding gums. After that, the unpleasant symptoms in most patients disappear after three days.

Baking soda

If your gums bleed, you can also rinse them with baking soda. This is an affordable remedy that is in every home, relieves inflammation well. For a glass of warm water, you need only one teaspoon of baking soda. Rinse your mouth at least two or three times a day. It is better to do this after a meal or at least thirty minutes before a meal, and preferably one to two hours. Also, do not forget to do the same procedure before going to bed.

Kefir rinse

For a visible effect, you need to use nine-day-old kefir. It must be diluted with warm water (two parts of kefir and one part of water), and then used to rinse the mouth as often as possible.

Aloe Vera

This plant is at home even for those who are not fond of gardening. Aloe juice has healing properties andcan cure many diseases. To eliminate inflammation of the gums, you need to pick one sheet and clean it of thorns, and then cut it in half and apply it to places where the gums bleed. It takes only five to seven treatments to alleviate the symptom. You can also use Kalanchoe.

bleeding gums and smell
bleeding gums and smell

Infusion of golden mustache

This remedy is used for advanced bleeding and even the appearance of sores in the oral cavity. Pour boiling water over the leaf, add sea s alt to it and insist for several hours. When the solution is ready, you can rinse your mouth. Do it in the morning and in the evening.

Onion seeds

A teaspoon of seeds is poured into 0.5 liters of boiled water. It is necessary to insist such a remedy for at least eight hours, after which it should be passed through a sieve and used for rinsing. The optimal number of rinses: two to three times during the day.

Sea s alt

At home, rinsing with a solution of sea s alt will help. One tablespoon of s alt (you can take with the addition of iodine or other useful substances) should be diluted in a glass of slightly warm water. It is enough to rinse the mouth several times a day, best after meals.

Vodka with cinnamon

Relieve pain, reduce redness and swelling will help rinse with vodka and cinnamon. To prepare the tincture, a couple of tablespoons of cinnamon is added to a glass of vodka and the mixture is infused for a week. After you need to strain the infusion and rinse your mouth with it.

Potato applications

Raw potatoes rubbed onfine grater. It does not need to be cleaned, but it should be washed well under running water. The mass should be applied to the affected areas three times a day for fifteen minutes.

Indian Toothpaste

If your gums bleed and the smell from your mouth does not disappear even after brushing your teeth, an unusual remedy made from sea s alt and banana skins will help. S alt (you can take regular s alt, but the best effect will be from sea s alt) should be ground in a coffee grinder. Banana skins are dried in the sun, ground into powder. Two teaspoons of powder should be mixed with the same amount of s alt, add olive oil and stir. The consistency should resemble sour cream.

gums are red and bleeding
gums are red and bleeding

This product is recommended to be rubbed into the gums. Saliva, which is secreted in this case, does not need to be spit out. Hold it in your mouth for about ten minutes, then spit it out and rinse with clean water. The procedure must be repeated twice a day.

Raw beets

Is my gum bleeding after brushing my teeth? What to do at home? Beetroot will help eliminate bleeding. The vegetable should be grated (it is better to choose a fine one), add olive or sunflower oil to it. Mix well. Such a therapeutic mixture must be applied to the gums twice a day for twenty minutes. After the mouth is recommended to rinse well with a decoction prepared from medicinal chamomile.


A peeled clove of fresh garlic should be rubbed on the gums daily for 14 days. This tonic can be reapplied (two-week course) afterweek break.


Many people have bleeding gums. How to treat this problem? For example, a mummy will help. To obtain a solution, three grams of mummy are dissolved in half a glass of hot water. Use this solution for rinsing should be within three weeks. It is enough to rinse your mouth after hygienic cleaning, that is, in the morning and in the evening.

Choice of hygiene products

The most common cause of bleeding is poor oral care and hygiene. That is why you need to pay special attention to the means for brushing your teeth. With bleeding, it is better to purchase special pastes at the pharmacy that have a positive effect, including strengthening the gums. They also have a calming and healing effect.

It is important that with such a symptom, pastes with a whitening effect are contraindicated. This will only increase the annoyance. Avoid hard-bristled toothbrushes as well. But it is also undesirable to use too soft ones, since they cannot effectively clean the gaps between the teeth. It is better to purchase a brush of medium hardness, as it will prevent microtrauma of soft tissues and will cope well with plaque.

It is also advisable to purchase an herbal rinse. Such a remedy will have an additional calming, healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Recommended diet

If the gums bleed, the following vitamins should be consumed: C, PP, K, E, B. They are found in fish, dietary meat, cereals, nuts, vegetables andfruits. Eating fresh vegetables not only saturates the body with useful vitamins and minerals, but also additionally stimulates the gums.

bleeding gums vitamins
bleeding gums vitamins

Problem Prevention

You must visit the dentist at least once every six months. The doctor will conduct an examination and professionally remove the accumulated plaque. At home, follow your dentist's advice on caring for your teeth and gums. Also, hygiene should not be ignored. Teeth should be brushed twice a day. It is recommended to eat a balanced diet, stop using tobacco, reduce the amount of sugar.
