Physiotherapeutic procedures, together with medications, are actively used by doctors nowadays, and this helps to achieve a positive effect in a short period of time. Phonophoresis, thanks to ultrasonic waves, affects the skin and affected areas, and also contributes to better absorption of hydrocortisone ointment. Phonophoresis with "Hydrocortisone" is an excellent solution for chronic and acute processes in the joints.
Physiotherapy procedures, which are based on the beneficial effects of physical forces (vibration, heat, light), are one of the ways of rehabilitation therapy. Effective and safe sound therapy is gaining more and more popularity. These methods include phonophoresis with Hydrocortisone.
Characteristics of the procedure
Phonophoresis is a physiotherapy method based on ultrasonic energy. Through high-frequency exposure to sound waves, medicinal components enter the deep skin layers and quickly affect the pathologicalhearth.

The procedure is carried out simultaneously with the appointment of local painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. At the same time, not only the medication has a therapeutic effect, but also the ultrasound itself, increasing skin permeability and improving blood supply to the pathological area.
Hydrocortisone, an anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, antiallergic hormonal drug, is often used during phonophoresis.
In addition to this remedy, painkillers (Ketonal, Analgin), antibacterial drugs, Heparin, vitamins, bee venom, etc. can be used during the procedure
Only "Novocaine" and enzymes that are destroyed under the influence of ultrasound are excluded.
Indications for phonophoresis with "Hydrocortisone"
Indications for this procedure are:
- Autoimmune and inflammatory articular pathologies (arthritis, including juvenile youth, rheumatoid, deforming), arthrosis.
- Diseases of ENT organs (allergic rhinitis, which is poorly treated, sinusitis at the stage of resolution, sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis).
- Wound, burn, postoperative scars.
- Children's enuresis.
- Sjögren's disease is a progressive chronic autoimmune connective tissue disorder that mainly affects the salivary and lacrimal glands.
- Atrophic chronic gastritis.
- Trophic ulcers.
- Dermatological diseases (neurodermatitis, eczema).
- Heel spurs.
- Tubular fractureslong bones in the fusion stage.
- Muscular atrophy and wasting.
- Uncomplicated form of mastitis.
- Chronic prostatitis.
- Chronic adnexitis is the process of inflammation of the uterine tubes.
- Hypogalactia (decreased milk production in women).
- The formation of adhesions in the female pelvis, provoked by a chronic infection.
For hydrocortisone phonophoresis, a probe similar to that used in ultrasound diagnostics is used.
The difference is that the ultrasound is guided by a hydrocortisone ointment rather than an inert gel (25ml lanolin or vaseline + 5ml hydrocortisone).
Stages of manipulation:
- The skin is treated with a disinfectant solution.
- Hydrocortisone ointment is applied to the painful area, spread evenly with a spatula.

Then, ultrasound is delivered with different oscillation frequencies (16-500 kHz), providing a high-frequency cellular "massage" and hitting the ointment to a depth of four to six centimeters. In the treatment, two modes are used: continuous intensive and gentle, in which ultrasound acts as a pulse, at a frequency of approximately 60 per minute
One session of the phonophoresis procedure with "Hydrocortisone" lasts from ten minutes to half an hour. When the procedure ends, it is undesirable to remove hydrocortisone ointment from the skin for some more time, since the increased permeability of the skin pores remains forfor two to three hours. To achieve a positive effect, you need to conduct a course that includes 10-14 daily (or every other day) manipulations. A second course of phonophoresis is allowed at least after 3-5 months.
Dignity of procedure
Specialists note that when a physiotherapeutic procedure such as phonophoresis is included in the patient's treatment plan, recovery occurs sooner.
This is due to the fact that:
- thanks to ultrasound, the medicinal substance penetrates deep into the tissues of the body and aims to the pathological focus;
- eliminates the need to take the drug inside, it is almost not absorbed into the systemic circulation, that is, there is no negative effect on internal organs;
- no discomfort: the procedure is completely painless for the patient;
- affordable cost (one session costs from 150 to 300 rubles on average).
You need to know that phonophoresis with "Hydrocortisone" does not guarantee instant results. Each treatment session allows the drug substance to accumulate in the skin thickness, and only after 5-7 days is the therapeutic significance achieved.

Features of use
The technique of phonophoresis may have some differences depending on the specifics of the disease. Listed below are the most common pathologies that the procedure can successfully deal with.
Phonophoresis with "Hydrocortisone" is often prescribed forknee joint.
Arthrosis and arthritis (of the knee joint and others)
Phonophoresis is an effective complementary measure in the treatment of destructive and inflammatory joint diseases. The procedure eliminates the pain syndrome, reduces inflammatory activity and slows down the destruction of cartilage tissue. After the ultrasound course, the number of active movements in the affected joint is significantly expanded.
For arthrosis and arthritis, phonophoresis of the joint with "Hydrocortisone" is carried out externally with the application of ointment to the surface of the diseased joint and exposure of the skin sensor to the inflammatory focus.
Scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the spine
The contact method of drug delivery is also used for articular pathologies of the spinal column. With a pronounced pain syndrome, in addition to Hydrocortisone, Ketonal, Analgin and other painkillers are used in phonophoresis.

Pathologies of ENT organs (nose area, tonsils, etc.)
Phonophoresis with "Hydrocortisone" on the nose has become widespread in diseases of the nose, throat and ear. It is prescribed for prolonged frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. at the resolution stage. The use can be both external (in the sinuses or camera projection through the skin), and endonasal. The latter refers to the introduction of gauze turundas into the nasal cavity, abundantly moistened with "Hydrocortisone", as well as special applicators - ultrasonic conductors.
With hypertrophy of the tonsils andchronic tonsillitis is also prescribed physiotherapy - the procedure is carried out on the submandibular zone according to the standard scheme.
In the treatment of colpitis, metritis and adnexitis, a special vaginal probe is used, on which a condom is put on, well lubricated with Hydrocortisone ointment. After that, the sensor is inserted into the vagina for 10-15 minutes. During critical days, treatment is stopped.
Procedure in cosmetology
Phonophoresis with "Hydrocortisone" has also become widespread in the cosmetology field: ultrasonic radiation allows oxygenation of tissues, stimulates the production of collagen, that is, a structural protein of the human body, provides blood supply and lymphatic drainage. In turn, "Hydrocortisone" tightens and moisturizes the skin, as well as smoothes small wrinkles.
Phonophoresis is done on the whole face, while the area around the eyes is excluded. Ten manipulations are enough to achieve a noticeable cosmetic effect.
Where to do phonophoresis with "Hydrocortisone"? The procedure can be carried out in any medical institution where this service is provided.

Home procedure
Physiotherapy treatments can also be done at home. For this purpose, it is necessary to buy a special generator of ultrasonic waves in order to carry out phonophoresis. Home installations, as a rule, do not have such strong power and are quite affordable: the cost of simple models starts from three to five thousand rubles.
It is worth noting that the procedure with "Hydrocortisone" can only be carried out by appointment of a specialist, based on indications and contraindications. Self-medication is unacceptable, as it can lead to significant complications in the body.
How to do phonophoresis with "Hydrocortisone" at home?
Features of home use of the device
It is necessary to thoroughly clean the area of influence with a swab previously moistened with an antiseptic solution ("Furacilin", "Chlorhexidine").
Apply hydrocortisone ointment to the affected area, spread it with a special brush or spatula that comes with the device.
Then set the intensity and mode recommended for a particular disease. All this information should be displayed in the instructions for use of the device.
The electrode is brought to the skin, the movements should be smooth and slow. During massage, the intensity of ultrasound is allowed to change, due to which the drug will penetrate into different skin layers and produce a stronger therapeutic effect. It is better to limit yourself to 5-10 minutes for the first time, then the massage time can be increased to half an hour.

Hydrocortisone ointment is left on the skin for another 20-30 minutes, covered with polyethylene or wrapped in a warm cloth.
Repeat home procedures with ultrasound every other day (10-12 manipulations in total).
Are there any contraindications for phonophoresis with "Hydrocortisone"?
In what situations should the procedure not be performed? Phonophoresis prohibited:
- with blood pathologies provoked by clotting disorders (hemorrhagic vasculitis, thrombocytopenic purpura, hemophilia);
- severe diabetes at the stage of decompensation;
- chronic kidney failure;
- 2-3 degree hypertension that is poorly controlled by medication;
- atherosclerosis of large vessels;
- active forms of pulmonary tuberculosis;
- ischemic heart disease, unstable angina, exertional angina;
- malignant neoplasms;
- acute stage of bacterial and viral infections (pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, SARS);
- pustular rashes on the skin;
- bronchial asthma;
- neuritis and neuralgia of an acute nature;
- hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis;
- individual sensitivity to "Hydrocortisone";
- immunodeficiency states;
- in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Reviews about phonophoresis with "Hydrocortisone"
Patients who have used the phonophoresis procedure leave feedback of various nature. Most of them talk about significant improvements in the state of the body, alleviating the pain syndrome. However, about 30% of respondents note a short-term exacerbation of the disease during the course. It usually includesten procedures. In the treatment of joints after the 2nd-3rd session, there may be paroxysmal pain, which is associated with increased blood circulation in the affected areas. Improvements are noted in the second half of the treatment course. It is better to read reviews about phonophoresis with "Hydrocortisone" in advance.
When the pain syndrome increases and is accompanied by skin manifestations, swelling, you need to tell your doctor about it, because in this way an individual reaction to the procedure or to Hydrocortisone can occur.
In gynecology, the drug responds positively. Thanks to him, the cycle normalizes, menstruation becomes painless.
In the field of cosmetology, the procedure helps out patients. It doesn't fix all defects, but it does make a big difference.