Nose drops with silver: a review of drugs, indications and contraindications, use, effectiveness, reviews

Nose drops with silver: a review of drugs, indications and contraindications, use, effectiveness, reviews
Nose drops with silver: a review of drugs, indications and contraindications, use, effectiveness, reviews

In this article, we will look at how to apply drops with silver in the nose for children and adults.

Pathology of the paranasal sinuses is a fairly common ailment. Runny nose, complete or partial nasal congestion, which accompany the inflammatory process, significantly worsen the quality of life, cause significant discomfort to the patient. The patient loses the ability to smell, as well as the ability to breathe normally. Sinusitis and rhinitis are diseases that children are most susceptible to due to the insufficient maturity of their immune system. For the treatment of such ailments, nasal drops with silver elements are often used. Nose drops with silver are recommended for use when the pathological process becomes chronic.

drops with silver in the nose for children
drops with silver in the nose for children

Benefits of medicines with silver

The advantage of such medications lies in the following positions:

  • obtaining the expected effect and long periodsremission;
  • quick action;
  • good antiseptic effect.

Varieties of nasal medicines with this item

The silver nose drops category includes:

  • "Protargol".
  • Collargol.
  • Sialor.

The basis of the therapeutic effect of the drug "Protargol" and its analogues is provided by the presence of silver ions in the preparation, which have a good antibacterial effect. Particles of this element suppress the development of fungal microflora and viral infections in any of their varieties. Nasal drops with silver ions prescribed by a specialist quickly precipitate proteins, forming a protective film on the inflamed mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Such a reaction prevents the occurrence of irritation of the mucous membrane and accelerates the regeneration of affected cells.

According to the mechanism of action

Drugs for nasal congestion and runny nose according to the mechanism of action are divided into the following categories:

nose drops with silver protargol
nose drops with silver protargol
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • moisturizing nasal mucosa;
  • antihistamines;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antiviral and antibacterial drugs;
  • drugs with thinning properties;
  • hormonal;
  • herbal preparations with wound healing effect.

The dosage form of all the above medicines is drops and sprays. The latter are used to spray medication liquid in the nose, drops - forinstillation, which allows substances to penetrate into the inflamed sinuses.

Area of effect of these medications

Nose drops with colloidal silver have a wide therapeutic area of influence, which is different from more narrowly targeted drugs. The special environment that occurs as a result of the introduction of a medicinal solution creates negative conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes. Pathogenic microflora has a higher sensitivity to the influence of colloidal silver, when compared with he althy cells.

Nose drops with silver "Protargol"

This drug has the great advantage that this drug does not cause addiction, a variety of dysbiotic disorders. Such drops are used in the treatment of complicated rhinitis of various origins. This medication can also treat sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, purulent rhinitis. Despite the high efficiency, the active elements of this drug can provoke allergic reactions, as well as intoxication of the body. This pharmacological agent should be used with caution in the treatment of children and during pregnancy.

nose drops with silver sialor
nose drops with silver sialor

Colloid solution is used as follows:

  • 3% solution is used for the treatment of nasal diseases in adults, as well as children after 5 years;
  • 2% solution for children aged 3-5;
  • 1% for babies.

Before using these drops, you mustarrange for a nose wash. No more than 5 drops should be instilled into each nostril. The instillation procedure should be performed in the morning and evening. The effect can be observed after 2-4 days from the start of the wellness event. The duration of such procedures is determined only by a specialist.

Side effects of these medicines

The use of drops in the nose with silver "Protargol" can provoke some side effects, which are expressed by the appearance of itching or burning in the nose. Silver tends to accumulate in the body. After the penetration of ions into the intestine, they are quickly absorbed into the general circulation, after which they settle on organs and tissues. Such violations can cause:

  • disorders in the digestive tract;
  • neurological abnormalities;
  • kidney damage.

Medication "Sialor"

Nose drops with Sialor silver are recommended for prophylactic use and as an auxiliary medication in the development of various pathological processes. The drug acts as an astringent, as well as an antiseptic. The drug inhibits the reproduction of pathogens such as:

  • streptococci;
  • all kinds of fungi;
  • staphylococci.
  • colloidal silver nasal drops
    colloidal silver nasal drops

Drops containing silver "Sialor" differ from the drug "Protargol" in dosage, as well as in the concentration of the active ingredient, therefore:

  • under 5 years oldrecommended 1% solution;
  • Adolescents and adults are prescribed a 2% solution.

The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor, but, as a rule, the duration of the use of this medication is no more than 7 days. The recipe for preparing a 2% solution is as follows: a solvent is poured into an empty container, a tablet is added to it, after which the container must be shaken until the drug is dissolved. The medication should be administered in 1–3 drops, or one injection of the solution should be carried out 3 times a day.

Contraindications for such therapeutic measures are:

  • taking drugs containing alkaloid s alts;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • allergic reactions.
  • silver nose drops
    silver nose drops

Argolife nose drops

This is an antiseptic nasal preparation formulated with colloidal silver. Experts do not classify these nasal drops as medicines, since they are a hygienic product, which, like other analogues, has a disinfecting and antimicrobial effect. This product contains a small amount of silver ions, so these drops are a fairly safe product. Argolife is used in two pharmacological forms: an undiluted agent and a concentrated solution. A variant of the medicine for children is allowed to be instilled undiluted, 2 drops three times a day. For colds, this remedy is dilutedwater 1:1. The course of therapy should be continued until complete recovery. To enhance the effectiveness, you can use cotton swabs treated in a silver solution, which are inserted into the nasal passages. This procedure should take at least 20-30 minutes and be completed within 7 days.

The list of contraindications to the use of Argolife includes:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • expired.

Collargol drug

Nasal drops for the treatment of the nose with silver "Collargol" is a fairly popular analogue of the "Protargol" remedy. Sometimes such drugs are mistakenly classified as interchangeable medicines, although there is a significant difference between them, which concerns the medicinal components. Collargol is a drug specially designed for the treatment of ENT diseases. Its main element is colloidal silver. The use of the drug is justified in cases where the following pathological conditions are diagnosed:

silver nose drops
silver nose drops
  • adenoids;
  • rhinitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • chronic pharyngitis.

These silver-based nose drops have a minimum of contraindications. You can not use the remedy only with intolerance to the active substances of this drug. A side effect of treatment may be argyrosis, in which the mucous membranes or skin become gray-blue. This phenomenon provokes silver, which gradually accumulates in the body. A similar effect is observed if thethe recommended dosage or therapeutic course lasts more than 14 days. In some cases, the use of the remedy can provoke a burning sensation. However, discomfort usually does not warrant discontinuation of medication.

The instructions indicate that the use of the medicine is allowed from the first days of life, however, this medicine is prescribed to newborns with caution, only in emergency situations and with the permission of the pediatrician.

Often such drops are prescribed for the treatment of pathologies of the nasal cavity in adolescents, however, with the usual runny nose of a catarrhal nature, this is not advisable. When the inflammatory process is complicated by purulent secretions, then in this case Collargol will have a therapeutic effect.

Reviews about these medications

Today, silver nose drops are quite popular, especially among parents whose children often suffer from various sinus pathologies. The reviews describe their high effectiveness in the treatment of the common cold of any etiology. For example, Protargol has been manufactured in the prescription departments of pharmacies for several decades and its popularity has not decreased over the years. Most often, such drops are used for children, and parents note that a runny nose goes away in the first days of therapy. The only disadvantage of this drug, patients call it a short shelf life and special storage conditions.

silver ions nasal drops
silver ions nasal drops

The names of silver nose drops "Argolife" and "Sialor" are always well known. These drugs are very effective, practically do not cause side effects andquickly eliminate the common cold and its complications, which can be sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and sinusitis.
