In many home first aid kits you can find old and time-tested medicines. One of them is heparin ointment. It has been used for many years to treat various ailments. This is an anticoagulant that directly affects the source of the disease. It has a dissolving effect. In addition, the drug eliminates pain of various etiologies, fights inflammation.
Heparin ointment effectively copes with bruises and bruises, signs of venous insufficiency. Can there be an allergy to heparin ointment? Yes, and such an adverse reaction develops on heparin - the active active substance, as well as on the auxiliary components of the drug. But how do you know what you're allergic to?

Establish an accurate diagnosis and identify the substance that provoked a negative reaction of the body, only a doctor can, after examining the patient and prescribing the necessary studies. When using this drug, it is important to remember that heparinointment is, first of all, a drug that should be used only as directed by a doctor. Before using the drug, you must carefully study the instructions.
Issue form
Heparin ointment (Unguentum Heparini) - a drug for external use. Produced in aluminum tubes of 10 and 25 grams, which are packed in cardboard boxes.
Heparin ointment: composition
White homogeneous mass, sometimes with a yellow tint. The active substance of the ointment is an anticoagulant - heparin. The drug, absorbed through the skin, dissolves hematomas, eliminates swelling and reduces inflammation in soft tissues, prevents the risk of blood clots in varicose veins of the lower extremities.
The basis of the ointment is petroleum jelly, which makes the dosage form easy to apply and elastic. Contains other excipients heparin ointment. The composition includes the following substances:
- Pain-relieving benzocaine.
- Glycerin, ensures the stability of the composition.
- Benzylnicotinate. Due to the dilatation of the capillary network, it accelerates the penetration of heparin through the skin.
- The drug also includes nipagin, which acts as a preservative and provides a long shelf life of the drug with unchanged medicinal properties.
- Peach oil for added anti-inflammatory benefits.
Indications for the use of the ointment
There are indications and contraindications for the use of any drugs. Heparin ointment is no exception. To avoidside and negative effects, you must read the instructions and strictly follow the conditions of use. Indications for the use of the ointment are:
- varicose disease, including trophic ulcers;
- thrombophlebitis and phlebitis, including post-injection;
- chronic hemorrhoids;
- lymphatic insufficiency (lymphangitis of any etiology, elephantiasis);
- injuries complicated by hematomas, edema and infiltrates;
- superficial mastitis.

Ointment is also used in cosmetology:
- to stimulate skin regeneration;
- get rid of swelling and bags under the eyes;
- acceleration of delivery of nutrients to the deep layers of the skin, activation of metabolism;
- acne treatment;
- eliminate the symptoms of cellulite in the first two stages.
Bags under the eyes
Cosmetologists do not consider heparin ointment to be a panacea for wrinkles and bags under the eyes. Reviews indicate that it helps some women better, others consider the effect of treatment insignificant. However, with proper use of the drug, it can improve the appearance, get rid of excessive puffiness.
This is due to the pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the ointment helps to thin the blood. Its application to the area of the lower eyelids contributes to the normalization of blood flow, the restoration of tissue microcirculation. It is important to use the composition correctly, after consulting with a specialist. Check out the mostcommon ways to apply ointment:
- Mix equal proportions of ointment and eye cream. For additional skin hydration, add 2 ml of almond oil to the mixture. The prepared mass is applied to the lower eyelids with light massaging movements in the morning and evening. Treatment lasts no more than 20 days.
- Cut a cotton pad in half. Apply no more than 0.5 g of heparin ointment to each part of it and evenly distribute it over the surface. Apply them to the lower eyelids for 20 minutes. Applications are made daily in the evenings during the week.
Contraindications for use
In accordance with the instructions for using the ointment, contraindications to its use include:
- any, even minor violations of the integrity of the skin (cracks, scratches, abrasions, wounds, including those accompanied by purulent inflammation);
- low blood clotting (history - bleeding, hereditary thrombophilia);
- arterial hypertension stage II and III;
- duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer (history - ulcers during the period of exacerbation);
- liver disease (tumor processes, liver cirrhosis).
Heparin ointment should be used with caution during menstruation, with gynecological diseases that are accompanied by large blood loss.

Reasons for the development of allergic reactions to the drug
Recently, doctors have noted that more and more patients are allergic to heparin ointment. Previously, it was believed that this drug could not cause such a pathology, but in practice everything is different. Benzyl nicotinate is part of the heparin ointment. It causes a decrease in the tone of the walls of small vessels, thereby increasing their permeability. Due to this effect, heparin is actively absorbed through the skin into the blood. There is a production of bradykinins - active substances that stimulate mast cells. They release many inflammatory mediators. This starts the cascade process of allergy to heparin ointment.
To increased sensitivity of cells and tissues (sensitization) of the body leads to the application of ointment on damaged skin. Scratches, cracks, trophic ulcers contribute to a more pronounced and vivid picture of the pathology. Therefore, it is important to apply the drug to an intact (intact) surface.
Heparin allergy symptoms
The symptoms of this ointment are similar to other allergic reactions. They can be different, including anaphylactic shock. The most common symptoms of the disease are:
- skin redness;
- itch;
- flaking;
- edema;
- blisters.
As a rule, at the site of exposure to the drug, there is a clinical picture of urticaria, which often has a confluent, massive character. More severe forms of allergy to heparin ointment include rhinitis, conjunctivitis, angioedema and bronchospasm.

All manifestations of an adverse drug reaction require seeking qualifiedmedical assistance.
Allergy to heparin ointment: what to do?
When, after applying this remedy, characteristic signs appear - edema, hyperemia, peeling, itching, or a more severe reaction occurs, the site of application of the ointment must be urgently washed with plenty of water at room temperature. Sometimes this is enough to prevent further development of the reaction.
If washing does not lead to a decrease in symptoms, you should consult a doctor. The use of various alcohol-containing substances, soothing tinctures is strictly prohibited. Traditional medicine preparations are allowed to be used only after agreement with the doctor. They can become adjuvants in complex therapy.

Treatment of heparin reaction
After questioning and examining the patient, the doctor diagnoses - an allergy to heparin ointment. It is very important to tell the specialist how the reaction began, how it developed, what the patient experienced. Only after that the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment for the pathology.
To relieve symptoms, antihistamines are used in tablets (Suprastin, Zovirax, Tavegil), as well as local remedies (Lorinden C, Celestoderm B, Nezulin, Elokom, "Fenistil" and others). Traditional medicine preparations may be recommended. In more severe cases, doctors use desensitizing injectable forms and glucocorticoid drugs. Only a doctor can choose the method of treatment depending on the condition of the patient.

Allergies in pregnant women
The body of a woman carrying a child is in a state of pronounced natural suppression of the immune response (immunosuppression), which ensures the preservation of pregnancy. At a later date, symptoms of venous insufficiency often occur and hemorrhoids develop. Therefore, quite often pregnant women are prescribed heparin ointment. Allergies in women in this position develop very often.

Even if there was no predisposition to this disease, during pregnancy, a pathological reaction to the medicine may develop with a high degree of probability. Therefore, sensitivity tests to this agent should not be neglected. If there are no signs of allergy when applying a minimum amount of ointment to the inside of the forearm, then treatment can be continued. Otherwise, the use of the ointment should be discarded. The doctor will select an alternative method of treatment for the woman.
What can replace heparin ointment?
If the diagnosis of allergy to heparin ointment is established, do not use any preparations containing heparin.

Today, pharmacists can offer many tools that help improve venous outflow. The most effective and efficient should include:
- Venoruton.
- Troxevasin.
- Detralex.
- Aescusan.
- Flebodia and others
In addition, pharmacies are widely representedbiologically active additives. But it is necessary to remind again that the choice of means for treatment remains with the doctor. This will help avoid negative reactions.