In Russia, the rights of people with disabilities are set out in the law "On the social protection of people with disabilities" under the number 181-FZ of 1995. This document states that the state takes measures to ensure the implementation of the legislative rights of persons with disabilities without discrimination.
The state, in its role as a legislator, did not limit itself to the measures of the existing document and provided additional guarantees to the disabled, in particular, an individual rehabilitation program was added. The relevant law comes into force from the new year 2016.
Changed the procedure for recognition of disability

According to Rosstat research, about 13 million people are recognized as disabled in Russia, of which there are about 605 thousand disabled children. The new law divides the concept of child disability into two categories:
- disabled;
- degree of disorder of human functions.
Persons subject tothe first category, lose partially or completely the ability to move independently in space, do not orient themselves, do not take care of themselves, do not move independently, are deprived of the ability to control their own behavior, are not allowed to work and study in primary and further educational institutions. The individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled child in the new legislation does not provide for the application of this criterion, the concept remains only for establishing the status of a disabled person and compiling lists of rehabilitation measures.
Today, the disabled group is determined by the degree of limitation of vital functions due to persistent disorders of the body. Since 2016, a group has been assigned depending on the degree of violation of the work of certain organs. The concept of a violation of the functionality of the body carries a subjective assessment, a general diagnosis does not reveal what kind of help a disabled person needs. An individual program for the social rehabilitation of disabled people allows you to objectively assess the degree of disorder of each individual organ, as well as specify an individual recovery program in this particular situation.
The Individual Rehabilitation Program for the Disabled helps the patient in choosing an approach to solving the problem. One child with cerebral palsy needs to organize a workplace or create conditions for special classes, some need to provide an assistant, others need to organize assistance in visiting the gym.

New positiondisability habilitation
The concept of habilitation includes a system of rehabilitation for disabled people, opportunities for social, business, social activities. Unlike the law of rehabilitation existing in the previous interpretation, the new provision includes a more complete and high-quality formation of social skills, compensation for the functions of limited life activity in order to achieve adaptation in society. An individual program for the rehabilitation and habilitation of a disabled person includes opportunities for restoring partial or complete financial independence and gradual entry into the social sphere of society.
The extended concept of habilitation includes the same areas as rehabilitation measures: prosthetics, treatment in sanatoriums and resorts, surgical intervention and other recreational activities. Previously, it was believed that a disabled person is a person who has lost vital functions, but today there are many people, for example, children with cerebral palsy, who have never had certain abilities. Therefore, the concept of habilitation, in contrast to rehabilitation, includes not only the restoration of a disturbed function, but also the training of a disabled person in what he could never do.
Individual rehabilitation and habilitation program
After the introduction of the habilitation program within the framework of the legislation, it becomes obvious to create an individual development path for each disabled person. Unlike general rehabilitation programs, habilitation takes into account the specific problem of the individual, which prevents him from fully existing in society. Rules for choosingindividual rehabilitation remain the same as before, which means that the habilitation of disabled people is carried out by the bureau of social medical expertise, as before.

For full adaptation in society, a disabled person or his representative, after the development of individual measures, is provided with complete information for reading and familiarization. Bureaus must send extracts from the program to state institutions that provide services to a particular disabled person, according to these documents, the performers report to state services. Socio-medical bureaus exchange information with employment services to facilitate the provision of jobs for able-bodied disabled people. The development of individual rehabilitation programs includes psychological and pedagogical correction and adaptation in society.
Creation of a unified state register of disabled people
Experts in the field have long been talking about the need for a common system for registering people with disabilities. The federal register was put into effect in 2015. The system contains information about each disabled member of society, namely his disability group, the reasons for the restriction of vital functions, disruption of the body, the degree of loss of professional skills. Effective measures and recommendations for eliminating violations of life are indicated, the amounts of monetary compensation and payments are given, and other measures of social protection of the citizen are given.
Information in the register comes from the Federal Social Service,state and district executive bodies, from state social and medical bureaus. So far, the state has not established which services have access to the registry data and the procedure for its use has not been determined. An individual program for the rehabilitation and habilitation of a disabled person assumes that the registry operator provides free access to the list data on a public website. Every month, the operator checks and clarifies information about the credentials of each disabled person. Discussion on Registry Operator responsibilities continues.

The main function of the registry is to painstakingly take into account the individual needs of people with disabilities, starting from a young age, the ability to provide data for the best way to get education and work. In addition, assistance is being redistributed in the form of targeted funds and cash support for those individuals who do not receive it systematically.
Identification of individual rehabilitation contractor
A sample of an individual rehabilitation program contains information about the service provider, which is determined for each rehabilitation measure and is written in the appropriate column. The conditions of the previous methods of work provided that the executor was appointed by the social bureau. New methods of conducting rehabilitation allow you to choose a contractor depending on the quality of the measures provided. According to the form of ownership, the organization is selected private or public.
Socio-Medical Bureau indicates only partperformers who are determined by the technical support, for example, the social insurance fund. After the implementation of the proposed rehabilitation measures, a mark is made in the individual rehabilitation map. The services of state organizations are provided free of charge. If the restoration of the life of a disabled person requires the participation of special institutions, for example, closed schools, then a request is sent.
Sometimes these institutions refuse because they are unable to implement the proposed program. In this case, a written waiver is required. After that, the disabled person or his representative has the right to choose another organization capable of performing rehabilitation in full. The implementation of an individual rehabilitation program means that the refusal of a disabled person from the executor proposed by the social service for a certain type of assistance does not mean the refusal of a mandatory item.
The main criterion for choosing an executor of assistance within the framework of an individual approach is the full restoration of the function with his participation. Based on this provision, an institution or organization of state or private ownership becomes the executor. Medical and social experts do not always agree with the arguments of the disabled person or his entourage on the issue of appointing an executor. Regardless of their opinion, a disabled person has every right to undergo rehabilitation in the order and with the assistant who will most fully cope with the tasks.

Development and implementation of the planindividual rehabilitation of a disabled child
The child's individual rehabilitation program provides for the availability of standard records containing comprehensive recommendations in the psychological and pedagogical fields. Measures are being prescribed in the field of medical, social and professional assistance.
Special columns are reserved for setting the deadline for all sections of the program, during which the recommended action is performed, the selected executor in the form of an organization or institution is placed opposite the recommended action. After completing the item, a mark is made on the implementation or non-performance of the activity by the recommended executor and, regardless of the form of government, the head's signature is put, certified by a seal in the mark column.
The document is signed by the head of the federal department of medical and social expertise, the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund or the territorial social security agency that recommended the contractor, the signature is certified by a seal. A disabled child or his guardian puts his signature under the document after careful study, which determines the responsibility for the implementation of all points of the program.

Criteria for selecting institutions for rehabilitation and control over the implementation of the package of measures
An individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person, taking into account the choice of the contractor, is carried out taking into account the remoteness of rehabilitation organizations from the place of residence of the disabled person. Guarantees are given for the implementation of qualityrehabilitation services, taking into account a systematic approach to the implementation of activities, providing several measures in a complex.
Control over program implementation
To oversee how individual programs for the rehabilitation of minors are carried out, a special worker for the rehabilitation of each disabled person is appointed. It does the following:
- accepts a disabled person;
- controls the progress of implementation of rehabilitation measures by specialists of the proper level;
- After the implementation of the recovery program, organizes a meeting to discuss the effectiveness of the implemented activities and participates in the discussion of service adjustments.
Social state bodies act as a manager when an individual rehabilitation program is carried out, these same organizations become executors of measures to restore the patient's social and physical qualities. The bureau of social medical expertise is involved in controlling the situation, which approves a set of measures and services at the place of residence of the disabled person.

Rehabilitation of a family in a socially disadvantaged position
An individual family rehabilitation program is drawn up by social service workers if parents, drowning in an asocial situation, cease to properly fulfill parental responsibilities for raising the younger generation, in fact leaving children to their fate. Socially dangerous families do not leave anyone indifferent, moral values are lost here.traditions, family relations are changing, family society is being destroyed.
There are a number of prerequisites for defining a family as socially dangerous. This includes the unwillingness of parents to work and earn a living, addiction to alcohol and drugs. The degradation of the family comes with this way of life very soon, forced inactivity dooms children to a miserable existence. Adolescents are gradually leaving for the open spaces, thereby contributing to the replenishment of asocial groups of youth.
Line of Social Services
An individual program for the rehabilitation of families is drawn up by the decision of the social state service after a survey of housing and life at the place of residence of the family. The definition and diagnosis of family relations are made, the way of life is studied in accordance with events from the past. Work is underway to study the personality of parents and relatives living together. After receiving the information, an understanding of the problems of the family is carried out, the attitude to the upbringing of children, the position of the child in the family circle is clarified, the goals and aspirations of the members of the kindred team are studied.
Criteria for classifying a family as disadvantaged
These are the signs:
- abuse of a baby, child, minor;
- constant avoidance of maintenance, upbringing, education of the child;
- behavior that adversely affects the psyche of the baby (drinking alcohol, drugs, quarrels, obscene language, humiliation);
- attempt to involve a minor in a crimeor misconduct.

Organization of social assistance work
Individual programs for the social rehabilitation of disadvantaged families are based on:
- psychological support and rehabilitation;
- accompanying and psychological assistance in various crisis and stressful situations;
- consulting activities with teachers, doctors, psychologists;
- creating a kind and he althy climate in the family through the promotion of a he althy lifestyle;
- education of parents by the lecture method for mastering pedagogical knowledge, conducting theoretical and practical classes to reveal the complexities of family education and labor education of the child;
- providing assistance in job search and employment;
- making payments as financial assistance.
Result of the rehabilitation program
When the individual rehabilitation program is completed, specialists move on to organizational and methodological activities and convene a council to determine the results of rehabilitation habilitation activities. The main objectives of the meeting are to consider the consequences of the restoration of the vital functions of a disabled person and his position in society. Doctors sum up the results of measures for correctional and developmental programs, social rehabilitation, medical and recreational activities. A conclusion is being prepared on how the program of social rehabilitation of disabled people operates inthe state of the patient's moral and physical he alth.
Introducing an individual approach to rehabilitation, the state pays attention to the unhindered access of unprotected persons with disabilities to all public facilities, namely the transport system, engineering facilities, information technology, communication services.