The appearance of discomfort in the eye area in most cases is a dangerous symptom. Such soreness can provoke bouts of nausea. Pain that is localized inside the eye is considered a symptom of ailments and pathological processes of this organ of vision. In this article, we will take a closer look at what the eye can hurt from, as well as how to get rid of this unpleasant sensation. However, to begin with, it should be noted that soreness can be of several types. Consider them.

Types of soreness
Pain in the eye in people can be of the following nature:
- Stab.
- Cutting.
- Squeezing or pressing.
- Aching.
- Burning or itchy.
In addition, the types of pain should be separated. Tothese include the following:
- Constant soreness in the depths of the organ of vision.
- Muscle pain is felt when moving the eye.
- The appearance of pain when pressing on the eye or on the area next to it.
- Painful sensations that manifest themselves for no reason when a person is at rest.
Associated symptoms
Before answering the question of what can hurt the eye, you should also familiarize yourself with the accompanying symptoms. As a rule, these include the following:
- Itching. Similar symptoms are felt not only inside the eye, but also on the surface of the eyelid.
- Lachrymation. As a rule, in this case, the eyes are watery without the influence of any external factors.
- Dry eye syndrome. A similar symptom occurs frequently after wearing lenses, and also after using certain drops.
- Increased pressure in the eye area.
- Impaired visual perception. In this case, a person begins to observe blurry objects, in parallel with this, the sharpness of vision deteriorates.
- Nervous twitching of the visual organ.
- Education of puffiness around the eye or its mucous membrane.
- The appearance of redness.

What can cause eye pain?
The appearance of pain in the eye area is also accompanied by some of the above symptoms. Pain occurs with visual ailments, with diseases of other organs, and also due to exposure toexternal factors. If you do not know what can hurt the eye, then for this you should familiarize yourself with the diseases described below, accompanied by this symptom.
If a person has barley on the eye, then this indicates the development of an inflammatory process. As a rule, this process affects the extreme areas of the eyelids. In parallel with this, there are painful sensations localized inside the eye. After some time, puffiness appears, as well as swelling of the eyelid. So, if your left eye hurts, and at the same time you observe swelling in yourself, then these are probably symptoms of barley.

This disease provokes severe soreness, which is localized in the eye area. If your left eye or right eye hurts due to this ailment, then you should notice that while blinking this painful symptom should intensify. In parallel with this, a tubercle is formed on the eyelid area, which indicates the development of the inflammatory process.
So, we continue to consider what ailments the eye can hurt. In most cases, these symptoms occur with the development of conjunctivitis. This ailment appears due to infection on the mucous membrane. The pain is not particularly severe. In parallel with this, the protein begins to turn red, tear discharge appears.
This disease is accompanied by the appearance of soreness in the eyes. With its development, infectious inflammation of the eyelid area is observed. Along with pain sensationsa feeling of the presence of sand in the organs of vision. There is swelling of the eyelids, as well as their redness.

If the cornea of the eye is damaged, there will be severe soreness in the eye. As a rule, the pain is jerking. In parallel with this, abundant tear discharge appears, and the person has photophobia.
Painful sensations can occur with keratitis - an inflammatory process of the cornea of the eye. A painful syndrome inside the organ is accompanied by a sensation of the presence of a foreign body or sand.
If a person has severe soreness in the eye, and photophobia appears, this may indicate the development of iritis. This disease is characterized by the appearance of inflammation of the iris of the eye. Painful sensations are somewhat reminiscent of a toothache. However, it is worth noting that the symptom cannot be relieved with any pain medication.
Diseases of other organs
The appearance of pain in the eye area can be associated not only with ailments of the visual organ. Often a similar symptom indicates a complication of existing diseases. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that this ailment is associated with the organs of vision.
Hypertension, high blood pressure
Cardiovascular disease can affect the condition of the organs of vision. It should be noted that hypertension has a direct relationship with pressure in the eye vessels. But at what pressure do the eyes hurt? As a rule, such a symptom occurs inif the pressure indicators exceed the norm, that is, 120 to 80. It should be noted that the pressure norm for each person is individual. The pain may be oppressive in nature. In parallel with this, reddening of the white of the eye is observed, vision worsens, blurring appears.
Graves' disease
Autoimmune diseases can directly affect vision, and if they occur in a complicated form, then pain in the eye appears. With this disease, there is an excess of hormonal secretion of the thyroid gland. The body gradually begins to poison. Because of this, the function of some organs is impaired. Due to the close proximity of the pituitary gland to the organs of vision, visual function deteriorates. At the same time, a person begins to feel a strong pressing pain in the eye, which can lead to loss of vision.
Diabetic retinopathy
It is known that diabetes mellitus in case of complications can turn into retinopathy. The disease affects the vessels and retina of the eye. In parallel with pain, visual acuity worsens.
Dental disease or sinusitis
Painful sensations inside the eye with these ailments appear as a secondary symptom. This symptom is dangerous for the patient. The maxillary or paranasal sinuses become inflamed and filled with secretions. Some varieties of the disease are accompanied by purulent accumulations, due to which pressure is created, and soreness gives to the organs of vision.
When a patient's nerve becomes inflamed, pain begins to be felt, whichgives to the eye area. If your eyes hurt and your eyelids are swollen, this may indicate the development of this disease. The process of inflammation is localized in the nerves. However, it can affect the receptors in the eye.
So, we have examined why the eyes hurt. With colds and flu, this symptom can also appear in humans. As you know, colds are often accompanied by fever. If your eyes hurt at a temperature, then, first of all, it is necessary to cure the main ailment, after which the soreness will pass.

Features of treatment
A person who has a similar problem must definitely seek help from a clinic. Even if your eyes hurt at a temperature, you should consult your doctor. Only he is able to conduct an accurate diagnosis, after which he will prescribe the appropriate treatment. If you have pain in the corner of your eye or other area, see an ophthalmologist.
Any discomfort needs immediate attention. Drugs should be used only those prescribed by a specialist. As a rule, for these cases, eye drops are prescribed for redness and inflammation. At the same time, the doctor recommends the use of not only those drugs that eliminate the symptoms, but also those that cure the underlying disease. Lotions, solutions for washing are prescribed as medicines. The type of remedy will depend on the cause of the symptom.
If the eye hurts, what to do at home? What kinddrugs to use? These should include:
- If the soreness inside the eye is caused by an injury, then Korneregel gel is used. The composition of this external remedy contains dexpanthenol, which has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. This tool is safe for the mucous membrane, and the effect can be felt after a few applications. The gel must be placed in the conjunctival sac.
- If the patient has muscle strain, then it is necessary to wash the organs of vision with solutions prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. As a rule, for this, experts recommend using chamomile, plantain, seaweed. Baths prepared on the basis of herbal infusions will be useful. To relieve irritation in the eyes, you can use a rose water rinse. To prepare the solution, five drops of rose water must be dissolved in 30 ml of boiled water. After that, the ingredients are mixed, and the resulting composition is used to wash the eyes.
- For irritation, you can use castor oil. It is applied before bed. In each eye, it is necessary to drip one drop of this remedy. In case of tearing, washing with plain water or strong tea helps. The agent must cool down, after which the washing procedure begins.
- If you suspect dry eye syndrome, then to identify it, you need to put a little pressure on your organ of vision. If the eye hurts when pressed, then it is necessary to use drops"Defislez", "Khilo-chest of drawers", "Oftolik".

Now consider which drops can be used for eye pain.
- "Vizin". The active ingredient is a vasoconstrictor called tetrizoline. Under the influence of the substance, vascular permeability gradually decreases, due to which hyperemia decreases.
- "Emoxipin". The analogue of "Vizin" is "Emoxipin". Drops reduce vascular permeability, resolve intraocular hemorrhages.
- "Systane". This gel rehydrates the cornea.
- "Natural tear". These are safe drops designed to eliminate dryness, redness.

- "Ophthalmoferon". The main component is interferon. The substance affects various viruses, in particular the group of herpesviruses.
- "Poludan". Relatively cheap drops with antiviral effects. Contains polyadenylic acid.
- "Uniflox". Good drops for irritation, redness caused by various bacteria.
- "Albucid". Antiseptic drops containing sodium sulfacyl. Used to treat bacterial infections accompanied by irritation.
Recipes of traditional medicine
At homeconditions, you can also successfully use traditional medicine recipes to eliminate an unpleasant symptom.
For example, with conjunctivitis, before instillation of drops prescribed by a specialist, you can apply decoctions of chamomile, cumin, aloe, rosehip, Kalanchoe, thyme, calendula. To prepare a healing solution from any plant, you need to take one tablespoon of raw materials, as well as one glass of boiling water. Dried plants are poured with water, infused for 1 hour. After that, the solution is used for washing.
For dry eye syndrome, you can use an infusion made from oak bark. To do this, the raw material must be filled with water. After that, the ingredients are put on the stove, boiled for 5 minutes. Then the infusion should stand for another 1 hour. To carry out the procedure, you will need cotton pads. They must be moistened and applied to closed eyes. Such treatment should be no more than 15 minutes.
With severe pain that is localized inside the eye, a remedy prepared on the basis of psyllium seeds is very effective. To do this, pour one teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Let the product brew for 1 hour, then wipe your eyelids with the finished solution, and also make lotions.
To eliminate the dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye, you can use a fresh cucumber. Prepare before treatment. To do this, mix half a glass of boiling water with the same amount of chopped fresh cucumber peel. The product should be infused, and when it cools down, one teaspoon is added to it.soda. All ingredients are mixed, after which the finished infusion is used to wash the eyes.