I feel a heartbeat: pathology or norm? Should a person feel their heartbeat

I feel a heartbeat: pathology or norm? Should a person feel their heartbeat
I feel a heartbeat: pathology or norm? Should a person feel their heartbeat

Unfortunately, in recent years, not only elderly people, for whom changes in the work of the heart muscle are the norm, but also young people come to see a cardiologist. The main reason for visiting a doctor is the complaint that the patient hears the sound of his own heart. Every time after an intense workout or fast run, you feel how strongly your heart beats inside your chest. It's an adrenaline rush. The heart pumps blood more intensively to enrich all organ tissues with oxygen.

Causes of feeling palpitations

There are many reasons why the heart does not work properly. They are divided into psychological or psychosomatic causes, cardiac and non-cardiological diseases.

Psychological reasons

The main psychosomatic reasons include:

  • emotional stress;
  • depressive state;
  • panic attacks;
  • stress.

Indeed, in an alarming state, a person's heart starts to work faster, and therefore, symptoms such as sweating, tremor, shortness of breath appear, and, of course, the body gives a signal in the form of a palpableheartbeat.

Heart disease
Heart disease

If you feel your heart beating, and all possible diseases are excluded, there is another way to solve the problem - the exclusion of stress and conflict. If psychosomatics is the cause of your palpitations, then you should change your lifestyle. Give up hard work, change or expand your social circle, try to eliminate any stress.

Think about getting new he althy habits, such as walking outdoors, playing sports, visiting spa organizations. If possible, get out to the sea to breathe in the s alty air. Take a course of massage, electrophoresis. Give up bad habits: smoking, drinking coffee or tea, stimulating the nervous system of energy drinks, and, of course, overeating. If a medical condition such as a panic attack or depression is causing your heart palpitations, see a psychiatrist. These ailments are treated with medication.

Normal condition of the heart

Before analyzing the main medical reasons for which a person can feel his heartbeat, it is worth deciding how many heart beats per minute should be on average. The heart is the biological motor for the distillation of blood. In order to saturate the cells of organs with oxygen, the heart works continuously throughout life. It has three states: relaxation, atrial contraction and ventricular contraction. Normal heart rate is approximately 60-80 beats per minute.

Exitbeyond these indicators is a deviation. There are external reasons for which an increase or decrease in the number of heart beats can occur. The way the heart beats can be felt only by putting the ear to the chest, or with the help of a phonendoscope. You need to measure the pulse at rest. Before this, it is necessary to clarify the patient's well-being, his diagnosis. The pulse depends on the time of day, temperature and humidity, mood and mental state of a person, age.

Cardiogram of a he althy person
Cardiogram of a he althy person

As already mentioned, with an excited emotional state, the number of heartbeats per minute in a person increases. When the temperature rises, the heart rate also increases, and when the temperature drops, it slows down. In children, as a rule, the pulse is much faster than in adults. It can be up to 120 beats per minute, but with age it decreases and at 15 years old, during adolescence puberty, it returns to normal - 60 beats.

Cardiac heart disease

Should a person feel their heartbeat? Speaking of medical reasons, there are three main diagnoses. The most common are arrhythmia, tachycardia and bradycardia. Analyzing each type of deviation, we will highlight the main points:

  • symptoms;
  • reasons;
  • physiological manifestations;
  • consequences;
  • treatment.

Atrial fibrillation

The most common abnormality in cardiology is atrial fibrillation. It is defined as followssymptoms: the heart either stops, then abruptly begins to beat, as if they had just run a cross. The person hears the sound of a heartbeat. The main symptoms also include difficulty breathing, dizziness, chest pain. Often, the disease is asymptomatic, which is a more dangerous condition for a person, because an undiagnosed timely diagnosis can cost he alth or even life.

If we talk about the physiological features of this disease, then instead of a full contraction of the atria, there is a flicker, that is, an incomplete contraction, while the ventricles of the heart contract to 160 beats per minute. This is very dangerous for the heart, as it experiences incredible overload. The first symptoms may occur during times of stress. The consequences of the disease are manifested in the form of strokes, heart attacks and various heart diseases. If the sound of the heartbeat is noticeable even at rest, this is a serious signal from the body.

Heart attack
Heart attack

The main causes of arrhythmia are hereditary or congenital heart disease, valve disease. Another cause is coronary heart disease. Also, improper functioning of the organs responsible for hormones affects the heart muscle.

Like any disease, arrhythmia is better to prevent than to cure. Heart he alth is affected by a person's lifestyle. Exercise, get rid of bad habits that have a detrimental effect on the heart, worry less and you will never know what it means to feel a heartbeat at rest.

Atrial fibrillation treatment

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the source of the violation, namely, with the interruption of which valve or ventricle it is associated with. It is necessary to fully examine the entire cardiovascular system. The course of treatment is lifelong observation by a cardiologist, drug treatment, and in some cases, surgical procedures. Most often, arrhythmia is classified as a chronic pathology, and surgical intervention is rarely required. It is necessary for people with congenital heart disease and is performed in children under 14 years of age when drug treatment is ineffective.

Tachycardia is the main cause of strong pounding in the chest

The second most common heart disease is tachycardia. Normally, at rest in an adult, the number of beats per minute should be up to 80 times. But if you find that the number of strokes is 100, then rather make an appointment with a cardiologist. Due to intense work, the heart beats harder and, as a result, is more noticeable for a person.

If the number of strokes exceeds this norm, this is one of the signs of tachycardia. Naturally, the disease negatively affects the work of the heart - the ventricles do not have time to fill with blood, therefore, there is a deterioration in the blood supply to organs and tissues, and as a result, there is a lack of oxygen.

stress at work
stress at work

As a rule, the cause of tachycardia and a constant feeling of palpitations are excessive physical exertion, sunstroke, diseases of the body, such asinfectious and viral. The treatment is very simple, if you turn to the doctor in time. With the necessary medical treatment, heart problems should not arise. After a certain period, tachycardia, if untreated, becomes chronic, which leads to a deterioration in the condition, a person feels more strongly how the heart beats, heart disease and inflammation of the myocardium appear.

Summarizing, we determine that tachycardia is the main cause of a strong heartbeat, as a result of which a person can hear his own beats. From this we conclude that normally a person should not hear his own heartbeat.

At the doctor
At the doctor

Bradycardia as a cause of abnormal heartbeat

Reverse in its properties of tachycardia is a disease of bradycardia. The main symptom of this heart disease is the deviation of the number of beats per minute down from the norm. So, with bradycardia, the average number of beats with which the heart beats is 50 per minute. As a result, weakness, cold sweat, pre-fainting state occur. Causes include pre-existing illnesses such as heart attack, stroke, hereditary diseases, and inflammation of the heart tissue.

Other reasons

Non-cardiac causes of chest palpitations also include:

  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • anemia;
  • neurosis;
  • menopause;
  • fever.
Pulse measurement
Pulse measurement

These diseases are accompanied bythe following symptoms: dizziness, shortness of breath, suffocation, fatigue, sweating, chest pain. Treatment of these diseases is carried out by a specialist.

How to get rid of the feeling of heartbeat

Besides special cases, there is a general treatment. First of all, contact your local clinic for a general practitioner who will refer you to a general blood and urine test. After conducting the survey data, he can identify pathology in other organ systems, after which he will refer you to a cardiologist. He will conduct the following tests:

  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • ECG;
  • Exercise ECG.

If abnormalities are detected, the doctor can send for the next analysis - monitoring of the heart for several days. The device will measure your heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate for 2-3 days, after which a diagnosis will be made based on the data.

Listen to the heart with a stethoscope
Listen to the heart with a stethoscope

It is also necessary to exclude complications of diseases, to determine and make an accurate diagnosis. It is important to follow therapy. If you feel worse, you should consult a doctor again. Most often, corticosteroids and cardio drugs are prescribed in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Speaking of the most popular pills that are used to treat cardiovascular diseases, one should name "Aspirin", "Captopril", "Nebilet", "Panangin". All medicines should be drunk only after the appointment of a doctor. With regard to non-pharmaceutical methods of treating the heart, exampleseffective herbal medicine are valerian herb decoction, mint tinctures and tea with chamomile flowers.


Summarizing, it should be said that normally a person should not feel his heartbeat. If this problem occurs, then you should immediately contact a specialist. Timely treatment can save he alth and save lives.
