Every young mother has met with a terrible, chillingly terrifying word "rickets". Doctors scare them, saying that vitamin D deficiency leads to a delay in the development of the child. The problem of rickets is the difficulty of getting rid of its consequences. Therefore, preventive actions aimed at replenishing the vitamins in the body of the crumbs must be carried out.

Pediatricians advise mothers to buy vitamin D for babies. Which one is better costs a little more - the truth of all pharmaceutical companies. The popular children's doctor Komarovsky has repeatedly said that it is better to buy a jar of the drug than to try to heal the baby later because of his own negligence.
Trust Komarovsky
For those mothers who choose vitamin D for babies, which one is better, Komarovsky will easily give an answer. But before prescribing a drug, you need to determine whether it is really necessary for your child. The fact is that an excess of a vitamin is just as dangerous as its deficiency.
Symptoms of the need for vitamin D supplementation
Choosing Vitamin Dfor babies, which one is better to look at based on the symptoms. So, it is necessary to introduce additional drugs if:
- Child has trouble sleeping. According to Komarovsky, this is the main sign of a shortage.
- Your baby is constantly restless and anxious (both day and night).
- Excessive sweating and, as a result, skin irritations.
- Tummy bloating.

If you notice at least one sign, consult a doctor who will prescribe vitamin D for babies. Which is better? Komarovsky claims that replenishment of the deficiency is available not only with the help of drugs, but also in a natural way.
Get Vitamins Naturally
Self-replenishment of vitamin D in the body of a little man should still take place under the supervision of a doctor. If the specialist notes that there are no clear manifestations of the deficit, then you can try to restore the balance by the following methods.
- Increase the time and frequency of walking. If it is a warm season outside the window, then, according to Komarovsky, it is impossible to keep the baby at home and hide him from the sun. Put your baby in the stroller and fold down the top. Naturally, everything should be in moderation. Watch carefully so that the delicate skin of the baby does not burn, and the child does not overheat. The sun is the best provocateur of vitamin D production. Doctors have long recognized this method as the most effective way to prevent rickets.
- During the winter months, the access of sunlight to the body is limited,therefore, if you have the opportunity, get a bright lamp that will imitate the sun.
- For breastfed babies, a different method will do. Mom needs to increase her intake of foods rich in vitamin D. For example, egg yolk, fish and fish oil, lean beef.
Any way will increase vitamin D (for babies). Which one is better to choose is difficult, so it is better to give preference to an integrated approach. Walking more and normalizing nutrition is not so difficult. Moreover, it is useful for both the baby and the mother.
Medicated vitamin intake
If there is very little vitamin D in the body, one has to resort to medicines. Komarovsky does not deny this method, on the contrary, he emphasizes its positive impact on the child. When asked which vitamin D preparation is best for babies, he names the three most popular drugs: Ostetriol, Aquadetrim, Alpha D3. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that the amount of digestible elements is equal to those that the body absorbs in sunlight.

Vitamin D price
You can buy a drug containing vitamin D3 at any pharmacy. The price will vary depending on the manufacturer. The most inexpensive are domestic funds, their price in the Moscow region is about 200 rubles, imported ones are more expensive, about 600 rubles.

There islittle trick. Ask your pediatrician about the possibility of getting a discounted drug. If it's available, they'll give you a prescription for free vitamin D.
Proper organization of replenishment of vitamin D deficiency
With all the ease of the process, you should know that the reception must be properly organized in order to achieve effective prevention. Requirements that must be observed without fail for newborns and infants:
- Use medicines only in the form of drops. Other dosage forms are not absorbed properly. In addition, problems with dosage calculation and swallowing may occur.
- Contact your pediatrician, he will help you calculate the amount in which you need to give vitamin D for babies, which one is better, he will also tell you. Depending on neglect and symptoms, the dosage may vary. The time of year can also affect this. So, babies born during the hot months get by with minimal doses.
- If the doctor has not named the exact amount to be given to the child, then use the standard scheme. The daily norm is 500 IU. Translated into everyday, familiar language - one drop. If the medication is therapeutic in nature, then the dosage may be increased by the doctor.
It is important to take into account the testimony of a specialist who is watching your child. Do not ignore his recommendations, as this can lead to sad consequences for which you will blame both yourself and the doctor.
Symptoms of an overdose or excess of vitamin D
The external lightness of drugs is deceptive. It would seem that vitamins can harm? It turns out that poisoning or an overabundance can provoke severe consequences. Therefore, the sooner you notice changes in your child's condition, the better.

The most common symptom is prolonged vomiting between feeds and consequent weight loss. It is impossible not to notice such a manifestation, but not everyone realizes that the matter lies in a harmless, at first glance, vitamin. Often, parents try to find another cause of the digestive tract disorder by continuing to give "Aquadetrim" or similar medications containing vitamin D. For babies, which drug is better, it does not matter, the main thing is dosage moderation. Otherwise, it can lead to severe intoxication, convulsions, arrhythmias, dehydration, and respiratory failure. In medicine, several cases of death have been recorded.
Thus, if you notice that the child has become restless, appetite has worsened, or other bad symptoms have appeared, consult a doctor, warn that your baby is taking vitamin D, and name the number of drops. This will help you and your doctor to better understand the problem.
Vitamin D reviews
Modern mothers are trying to choose the best vitamin D for babies, which one is better. Reviews on the Internet are teeming with details and personal experience. Each of the parents says that at first they rushed about before the choice,whether to give a vitamin complex or let it take its course and ignore the doctor's recommendations. Most still agree that vitamin D3 is necessary for babies. Which one is better is also chosen by the whole world. Someone is trying to advertise their drug, someone, on the contrary, questions their difference. However, almost all reviews indicate that the child's body perfectly absorbed the vitamin and no side effects were observed.

Not complete in reviews and without those who believe that the sun is the best prevention of rickets. And they are right, if you have the opportunity to be on the street for a long time, then this should be used. Unfortunately, the climatic conditions of our large country are different, so not everyone has such a chance.