Broca's pseudopelade (circular baldness): causes, symptoms and treatment

Broca's pseudopelade (circular baldness): causes, symptoms and treatment
Broca's pseudopelade (circular baldness): causes, symptoms and treatment

Broca's pseudopelade in trichology is alopecia of an atrophic nature. The disease is a rapid hair loss due to complete atrophy of the follicles. If this pathology is detected, therapy must be started immediately, since the baldness caused by it is an irreversible process.

Causes of disease

Scientists have not yet figured out the exact causes of Broca's pseudo-pelade. However, it has been proven that the pathology is often observed in patients with focal scleroderma. According to statistics, this type of baldness occurs mainly among women aged 35-40.

Clinical picture of pathology

At the initial stage of the disease, there are practically no symptoms. The patient may be disturbed only by the simultaneous growth of two hairs from one follicle. Often, the detection of the disease occurs when foci of baldness, mostly rounded, are already visible on the head. They appear most often on the back of the head, as well as in the crown area.

Features of treatment
Features of treatment

Initially the skin under the affected areassmooth to the touch, has a pinkish or waxy hue. In addition, foci with peeling form on the skin, crusts appear. There are no signs of an inflammatory process on the epidermis at all.

Next to the follicles that are involved in the pathological process, you can see a pink border. Then keratosis of the skin is revealed, which boils down to the fact that the affected hair is pulled out quite easily, and scars form in their place after a while. Dense fabric completely makes it impossible to restore the hairline.

The symptoms of alopecia areata are similar to the clinical picture seen in alopecia areata. For this reason, it is so important to get a differential diagnosis in a timely manner.

The disease can be independent or complicate some pathologies of the skin.

Symptoms and types

The disease affects mainly the scalp. At first, the lesions are predominantly small in size. Gradually, they begin to grow, reaching 3-5 mm, after a while - 10 mm, becoming more visible visually.

Most often, lesions take the form of a circle or oval. Such bald spots are immediately detected during an external examination of the patient, because a fairly clear boundary is visible between them and a he althy scalp. The skin there is completely smooth, only sometimes single thickened hairs can be seen on it. The epidermis becomes pink or white.

Mesotherapy of the scalp
Mesotherapy of the scalp

As a rule, individual foci are not large. They are located on the scalpsmall groups and then merge. Then a large bald spot appears.

According to research, there are several varieties of Broca's pseudopelade, the symptoms of which differ from each other:

  • pure spotted atrophy - hair is completely absent on the affected areas, the skin becomes white;
  • spotted atrophy with redness - in the area of lesions, the skin acquires a reddish tint;
  • patchy atrophy with hyperkeratosis - not only hair loss is observed in the area of lesions, but there is also a significant thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.


The biological material of the patient is examined under a microscope in the laboratory, characteristic pathological changes are revealed. It is quite easy to make a diagnosis for such a patient, if he excludes all other dermatological diseases in which scars appear on the lesions.


This type of atrophic alopecia is considered a chronic disease that lasts a lifetime and is difficult to treat therapeutically. In the initial stages of the disease, reddening of the skin appears in the area of the bald patches.

Pimafucort ointment
Pimafucort ointment

Over time, it completely disappears, and in its place a not very pronounced atrophy of the skin is formed. Hair on the affected area never grows again. Hopes for recovery (even with timely and correct treatment) are minimal.

Features of treatment

Current treatments insome cases still allow you to stop the development of pathology. Modern therapies help improve the condition of affected skin.

Typical treatment usually includes the following:

  • reception of vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • use of ointments and other products containing tar or sulfur for affected areas of the skin;
  • scalp massage;
  • paraffin applications;
  • taking a course of mesotherapy, which involves injecting essential vitamins and other beneficial substances into the scalp;
  • taking hormonal drugs (only as prescribed by an endocrinologist).

The biocomplex procedure also shows high efficiency. It consists in skin massage using a special steam capsule. To nourish the affected areas with valuable components, only natural oils are chosen. The treatment course lasts at least 5 days. The duration of the session is 30 minutes.

Types of alopecia
Types of alopecia

Used for the treatment of Broca's pseudopelade and laser therapy. The procedure is designed to start the recovery processes inside the skin. It improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism in cells and tissues in the affected areas. The laser is a powerful antiseptic.

Some patients practice traditional medicine and use natural remedies: walnut oil, burdock root infusion, medicinal chamomile decoction, psyllium leaves and sage flowers.

Pimafucort ointment for treatmentbaldness

Sometimes, for the treatment of Broca's pseudopelade, doctors prescribe Pimafucort ointment to their patients. According to the instructions for use, the drug is indicated for the short-term treatment of superficial dermatoses that are amenable to corticosteroid effects, complicated by secondary bacterial or fungal infections.

Symptoms of the disease
Symptoms of the disease

The composition of the drug includes hydrocortisone, antifungal agent natamycin, antibiotic neomycin. Polyethylene oleogel acts as an auxiliary component.

Features of application and dosage

Before using the product, you need to study the instructions for use, price, reviews. Pimafukort ointment is applied in a thin layer to the lesions two to four times a day. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor on an individual basis. It depends on the nature and severity of the disease. The course of treatment usually does not exceed two weeks.

The drug in the presented dosage form is the best option for the treatment of chronic skin diseases, in which lesions are observed, accompanied by excessive dryness of the epidermis, scarring and cracks.

Use the medication for children over the age of 1 year should be under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Diagnosis of the disease
Diagnosis of the disease

According to reviews and instructions for use, Pimafucort ointment (the price of which is quite affordable) is often prescribed to patients with alopecia areata. True, only complex therapy will help to completely get rid of the disease. Oneointment will not work.

Thus, Broca's pseudopelade is a serious disease of the scalp that requires immediate medical attention. The effectiveness of treatment increases many times with timely seeking help from a doctor. Therefore, it is so important to periodically examine the skin and monitor its condition.
