Why does a man go bald? Baldness remedy. How to treat baldness?

Why does a man go bald? Baldness remedy. How to treat baldness?
Why does a man go bald? Baldness remedy. How to treat baldness?

Why does a man go bald? This question interests many representatives of the stronger sex who have such a problem. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to this topic.

Why do men go bald early?

The cause of such trouble can be many factors. However, it should be noted that the strong half of humanity tends to ignore this problem because of their ignorance. Moreover, most men believe that today there are no such remedies that can stop hair loss. But it's not.

Before you can find out which remedy for baldness is the most effective, you need to find out why you have such a problem.


baldness remedy
baldness remedy

In some cases, male pattern baldness is caused by androgens (testosterone). This is hereditary hair loss. It can begin in the strong half of humanity at any age, but only after reaching puberty.

Why does a man go bald? With androgenetic alopecia, the hairline in the temporal regions begins to shrink significantly. At the same time, it decreasesdensity and duration of the growth phase. Hair shafts during hereditary baldness decrease in length and diameter. In addition, they can acquire a lighter shade. Of particular note is that hair loss in men is inherited from the father or mother and only appears when the amount of androgens in the body increases.


If a person is subjected to prolonged and rather strong stress, then the vessels of the scalp begin to narrow. And literally in 2-3 months this can lead to insufficient nourishment of the hair roots, and then to baldness. If nervous or emotional overstrain occurs rarely, then such a nuisance is temporary.

Medication side effect

Why does a man go bald? The answer to this question may well be the intake of any strong medications. So, baldness (the photo is presented in this article) often occurs after the use of antidepressants, diuretics, aspirin, and so on. If you have such a side effect, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Autoimmune mechanism

With such baldness, the human body can perceive hair follicles as foreign bodies and try to get rid of them. The nature of this phenomenon is not yet fully understood. However, there is a version that autoimmune baldness can be inherited or manifest as a result of intoxication of the body.

Endocrine disorders

Typical baldness remedy will not help a person get their hair back ifthe reason lies in the disruption of the endocrine glands, including the thyroid. By the way, with such a deviation, the first bald patches usually appear in the area of the outer eyebrows, near the forehead and on the back of the head.

baldness photo
baldness photo

When the thyroid gland malfunctions, the hair becomes dull and dry, thin and sparse. If atrophy of the gland occurs, then a person can observe increased baldness, which is typical for old age. In addition, hair loss can be caused by an enlarged thyroid gland.


What makes men go bald? According to research from Taiwan University, such a bad habit as smoking can cause an increased risk of baldness in the stronger sex. Thus, scientists analyzed the he alth status of about 750 men, whose average age was 60 years. The results of these studies showed that if balding patients smoked about 20 cigarettes (or more) per day, then in the vast majority this led to moderate or significant hair loss. Scientists explained this pattern by the fact that during smoking, the hair follicle, where the root part of the hair is located, quickly collapses. In addition, this bad habit can disrupt the circulation of hormones, which increases the production of estrogen and, of course, leads to baldness.

how to treat baldness
how to treat baldness

Other reasons

Why does a man go bald? Among other things, the reasons for this deviation may be:

  • malnutrition oralcohol abuse;
  • Wrong choice of hair care products;
  • various diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, anemia, etc.);
  • direct sunlight;
  • frosty air;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • radioactive exposure, etc.

Only an experienced trichologist can determine the true cause of hair loss in men. It should be noted that the timely clarification of this fact will help prevent further baldness and quickly solve this problem.

How to treat hair loss?

hair loss in men
hair loss in men

You can prevent the loss of your own hair only after you establish the true cause of their loss. For example, genetic baldness is often slowed down with the help of drugs. To do this, use tools such as "Finpecia" or "Propecia".

If baldness in the stronger sex has arisen due to constant stress and nervous tension, then they are advised to avoid emotional shocks and take drugs that improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels.

One cannot ignore the fact that today there is an incredible number of folk methods with which hair loss can be stopped not only in men, but also in women. Consider the most effective recipes in more detail.

Onion peel mask

To prepare the restoring mass, take a half-liter jar and fill it with onion peel. After that, in the same dishes you need to adda few pieces of cloves and pour 400 ml of ordinary vodka. The resulting mixture is recommended to infuse for 11-15 days, and then strain and rub into the scalp, especially in areas of baldness. After the done actions, you need to put on a bathing cap, tie a scarf or wrap yourself in a terry towel. After half an hour, the mask must be washed off the head under warm water. It is advisable to carry out such a treatment procedure 2-4 times a week until the hairline is completely restored and bald patches are overgrown.

what makes men go bald
what makes men go bald

Pepper tincture mask

To make such a healing mask, you need to prepare only 2 pharmaceutical products: castor oil (one part) and pepper tincture (two parts). Both components should be mixed by placing in a glass dish. After that, the mixture must be rubbed into the balding areas and wrapped up in the same way as was presented in the previous version. After an hour, the head must be washed using baby shampoo or soap for this (castor oil cannot be removed otherwise). This procedure is recommended to be performed 2-4 times a week until recovery.

For those who do not know how to make pepper tincture, here is a detailed recipe for it. Four pods of a sharp plant should be put in a glass container, and then add 500 ml of vodka to them. In this composition, the ingredients must be insisted for three weeks. The resulting mixture can be used both as an independent remedy and as a basis for the preparation of other anti-baldness masks.

Herbal decoction

why do men go bald early
why do men go bald early

Completely different plants can be used to prepare such an anti-baldness remedy. But the most effective are the following: willow bark, burdock leaves and roots, wormwood, lungwort, sage, plantain, centaury, coltsfoot and nettle. It should be especially noted that in folk medicine, such plants are often used to treat alopecia. To prepare a healing decoction on your own, you should take a mixture of several of the aforementioned dried herbs, add a little linden honey to them (about 2 dessert spoons), pour boiling water and leave at room temperature until the liquid has completely cooled. After the water becomes warm or slightly cool, it must be filtered, and then rinsed thoroughly with hair. It is desirable to carry out this procedure after the usual shampooing.

Helpful tips for men and women

In addition to using masks, as well as taking medications, to prevent baldness, the stronger and weaker sex are advised to refrain from dyeing and perming their hair. In addition, it is advisable to avoid contact with irons, hair dryers, fixing gels, varnishes and other cosmetics.

To improve hair growth, men should only purchase medicated shampoos that are sold in pharmacy chains. When buying them, you need to make sure that the detergent contains hot capsicum, castor or burdock oil.
